“I made my films with a kind of sleepÂwalkÂing secuÂriÂty,” says Fritz Lang. “I did things which I thought were right. PeriÂod.” Thus begins this fasÂciÂnatÂing interÂview with the great AusÂtriÂan-born direcÂtor.
The interÂview was conÂductÂed by William FriedÂkin, direcÂtor of The French ConÂnecÂtion and The ExorÂcist, in FebÂruÂary of 1975, a litÂtle more than a year before Lang’s death. Lang talks about his earÂly life as a runÂaway. (“Any decent human being should run away from home.”), his entry into theÂatre and film as a young man, his GerÂman masÂterÂpieces MetropÂoÂlis and M, and a chillÂing encounter in 1933 with the Nazi MinÂisÂter of ProÂpaÂganÂda Joseph Goebbels that proÂvoked him to flee GerÂmany the same day.
The stoÂry of Lang’s escape has all the eleÂments of a cinÂeÂmatÂic thriller, but biogÂraÂphers have cast doubt on its veracÂiÂty, citÂing passÂport records which indiÂcate that Lang left GerÂmany some time after the meetÂing with Goebbels, and that he returned on brief trips sevÂerÂal times that year. But the anecÂdote, along with Lang’s reflecÂtions on his life and on the nature of fate, proÂvide a fasÂciÂnatÂing look into the great filmÂmakÂer’s charÂacÂter.
The conÂverÂsaÂtion above, which runs 50 minÂutes, was editÂed down from a much longer set of interÂviews. AccordÂing to the ToriÂno Film FesÂtiÂval webÂsite, FriedÂkin origÂiÂnalÂly intendÂed to use the Lang mateÂrÂiÂal for a docÂuÂmenÂtary on horÂror cinÂeÂma, to be called A Safe DarkÂness, but there is no disÂcusÂsion of the horÂror genre in this verÂsion.
As an extra bonus from our colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online, we present the film Lang most wantÂed to be rememÂbered for, M. (See below.) The film was made in 1931, and was the first by Lang to incorÂpoÂrate sound. Peter Lorre makes his screen debut as a man guilty of unspeakÂable crimes. In its introÂducÂtion to the film, the CriÂteÂriÂon ColÂlecÂtion writes: “In his harÂrowÂing masÂterÂwork M, Fritz Lang merges trenÂchant social comÂmenÂtary with chillÂing susÂpense, creÂatÂing a panoraÂma of priÂvate madÂness and pubÂlic hysÂteÂria that to this day remains the blueÂprint for the psyÂchoÂlogÂiÂcal thriller.”
M, by Fritz Lang:
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