The Muppets Strike Back at Fox!

In Fox’s world, noth­ing good is ter­ri­bly safe. Even the lov­able Mup­pets fall under with­er­ing attack.

Last month, Fox Busi­ness spent sev­en min­utes (below) unrav­el­ing the left wing con­spir­a­cy in the lat­est Mup­pet movie. Then the Mup­pets, not tak­ing things lying down, struck back. Appear­ing at a press con­fer­ence in Lon­don last week, Ker­mit the Frog and Miss Pig­gy rebutted Fox’s charges in one com­ic minute. It’s a pret­ty fun­ny clip. But the best part is watch­ing a major news out­let argue with pup­pets.

If you need some­thing to make you feel bet­ter about the world, don’t miss Jim Hen­son’s 1969 primer on how to make your own pup­pets, using noth­ing oth­er than house­hold items. H/T SF Gate

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  • Tiffany says:

    Okay, you know it’s bad when pup­pets are smarter than all the Fox News peo­ple.

  • Melissa says:

    Is Fox News real­ly so des­per­ate for sto­ries that they have to come up with brain-wash­ing mup­pets? There’s so many things in the coun­try that are news wor­thy, not this. FAIL Fox News, FAIL.

  • JB says:

    Melis­sa, remem­ber who Fox News’ tar­get audi­ence is — con­ser­v­a­tive vot­ers who believe that many things in the enter­tain­ment and media world are left-wing con­spir­a­cies. Also remem­ber that such sto­ries get oth­ers to tune in just to see the next crazy thing Fox News said. Their rat­ings go up and Mur­doch & Co. laugh all the way to the bank despite the com­plaints.

    Say what you want about Fox News, but it kills the oth­er cable news net­works in rat­ings. And that’s all that mat­ters in the TV busi­ness.

  • Steve says:

    Fox is right on the mon­ey — This is a clear case of lib­er­al brain­wash­ing. Our kids should be taught ratio­nal con­ser­v­a­tive ways of think­ing — cre­ation­ism for exam­ple…

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