There’s probÂaÂbly not a standup comeÂdiÂan bigÂger than Louis CK right now. His FX teleÂviÂsion show, Louie, earned him two Emmy Award nomÂiÂnaÂtions in 2011, and his recent comÂeÂdy speÂcial, Live at the BeaÂcon TheÂater, made hisÂtoÂry when CK disÂtribÂuted the show via the web (not HBO) and netÂted $1,000,000 in sales in a matÂter of days.
Louis CK is ridÂing a good wave. But times weren’t always so easy. Back in 2010, CK spoke at a tribÂute to George CarÂlin (hostÂed at the venÂerÂaÂble New York PubÂlic Library) and revisÂitÂed his earÂly days in the proÂfesÂsion. For years — actuÂalÂly 15 long years — CK perÂformed the same old act and spun his wheels. Then he looked to CarÂlin and turned his career around. As you might expect, the stoÂry is laced with some proÂfanÂiÂty. (Come on, it’s Louis CK talkÂing about George CarÂlin!) But, when you strip the lanÂguage away, you get a good life lesÂson. PerÂseÂverÂance counts. But so does perÂspecÂtive, getÂting the right perÂspecÂtive.
Louis CK’s talk appears above. You can find the full CarÂlin tribÂute here. And don’t miss a very relatÂed video where CarÂlin describes the turnÂing point in his own life — the moment when he learned “not to give a shit” and his comÂic genius came into full bloom.
Why the fuck do you have to “strip the lanÂguage away” to get a good life lesÂson???