“The Periodic Table Table” — All The Elements in Hand-Carved Wood

In 2011, Theo Gray (co-founder of Wol­fram ResearchPop­u­lar Sci­ence colum­nist, and ele­ment col­lec­tor) won the ACS Grady Stack Award for Inter­pret­ing Chem­istry for the Pub­lic. And here you can see why. In this clip, Gray intro­duces you to his DIY mas­ter­piece — the world’s first “peri­od­ic table table.” Yes, we’re talk­ing about a hand-carved wood­en table that brings to life the Peri­od­ic Table, and lets you play with the ele­ments. The project began back in 2002, and now, a decade lat­er, Gray puts it on dis­play in a video pro­duced by the Amer­i­can Chem­i­cal Soci­ety.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Chem­istry on YouTube: “Peri­od­ic Table of Videos” Wins SPORE Prize

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  • periodic says:

    Wel­come to MyPe­r­i­o­d­icTable!
    You can get from here — Peri­od­ic table, sci­en­tif­ic con­stants, sci­en­tif­ic cal­cu­la­tor, Finan­cial cal­cu­la­tor, Bar­codes, UPc, EAN, QR, Maxi­code, PDF 417,6 Sig­ma, Six Sig­ma, Kan­ban, 5S, A3, A3 Sto­ry­board, Kaizan, Con­tin­u­ous Improve­ment, Dem­ming, Duran, Cros­by, sta­tis­ti­cal think­ing.

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