Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Live at the Apollo

Last night, Bruce Spring­steen and the E Street Band played the Apol­lo The­ater in Harlem. The “pow­er­house two-and-a-half hour per­for­mance,” as The New York Times called it, aired on the closed air­waves of Sir­iusXM, the satel­lite radio net­work that spon­sored the con­cert. And the show was attend­ed by com­pa­ny VIPs. Mer­ci­ful­ly, Colum­bia Records was kind enough to give us mor­tals a lit­tle sniff, post­ing online Spring­steen’s per­for­mance of “Death To My Home­town,” a new track that rails against bankers and cor­po­rate lead­ers and the dam­age they’ve done to Amer­i­can com­mu­ni­ties. The Boss’ new album, Wreck­ing Ball, is on sale now. H/T @webacion

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  • Fas­ci­nat­ing to see the boss chos­ing Celtic music to com­plain about Amer­i­can bank­ing prac­tices. Is he tap­ping into his roots or say­ing some­thing about who real­ly con­trols the mon­ey?

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.