David Lynch’s New ‘Crazy Clown Time’ Video: Intense Psychotic Backyard Craziness (NSFW)

What could be more whole­some and all-Amer­i­can than a back­yard bar­be­cue? Unless, of course, the back­yard in ques­tion belongs to David Lynch.

Lynch has long-since estab­lished him­self as a sort of anti-Nor­man Rock­well. This week, with the release of a new video to go with his debut music album, Crazy Clown Time, Lynch stays true to form. As he explained to Enter­tain­ment Week­ly when the video was still in pro­duc­tion, “A ‘Crazy Clown Time’ should have an intense psy­chot­ic back­yard crazi­ness, fueled by beer.” Yes­ter­day Lynch offered fur­ther expla­na­tion when he sent a mes­sage on Twit­ter announc­ing the release: “Be the 1st on your block to see the Advance­ment of the Race which Con­way Twit­ty spoke so clear­ly.”

The video lasts sev­en min­utes and might be con­sid­ered NSFW, depend­ing on your office’s pol­i­cy on nudi­ty, demon­ic wail­ing and depic­tions of peo­ple pour­ing lighter flu­id on their spiked mohawk hair­do and set­ting it afire.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

David Lynch’s Sur­re­al Com­mer­cials

David Lynch’s Eraser­head Remade in Clay

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  • soothslayer says:

    Poor David Lynch does­n’t real­ize this stuff is a dime a dozen on the Inter­webs now. Maybe rel­e­vant before the Inter­net… maybe.

  • J.B says:

    Agreed. These aren’t the Droids you’re look­ing for… Move along.

  • trane3 says:

    What is so sala­cious about see­ing breasts in their entirety?nIf breasts are show­ing, why do you have to block out the nip­ple? Are breasts and nip­ples (that which babies suk­le) “dirty”? Why can prime­time TV show graph­ic vio­lence but not breasts? It seems to me that the ready avail­able and copi­ous amount of vio­lent acts and may­hem are porno­graph­ic, not the human breast!

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