If you’ve ever spent any time with old books, or stepped into the right used bookÂstore, you’ve encounÂtered that disÂtincÂtive smell. ProÂduced by Abe’s Books, and drawÂing on research from chemists at UniÂverÂsiÂty ColÂlege, LonÂdon, this video looks at the sciÂence behind the aroÂma of used books — at what hapÂpens when chemÂiÂcals and organÂic matÂter conÂfront heat, light, moisÂture and time.
When you’re done watchÂing the video, you might want to spend time with a secÂond clip that deals with anothÂer part of the lifeÂcyÂcle of the book — the birth of a book. Shot by Glen MilÂner at Smith-SetÂtle PrintÂers in Leeds, EngÂland, this short film lets you watch firstÂhand a book — Suzanne St Albans’ ManÂgo and Mimosa — being made with old school printÂing methÂods. Enjoy.
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