Crowdsourcing Free Educational Resources for Kids: We Want Your Help

Note: Since this post was writ­ten, we have cre­at­ed a big list of resources called 200 Free K‑12 Edu­ca­tion­al Resources: Video Lessons, Mobile Apps, Web Sites, Free Books & More. Please check it out.

Call­ing all teach­ers, par­ents, home school­ers, and beyond. We’re going to enter some new ter­ri­to­ry today and start cre­at­ing a big meta col­lec­tion of free edu­ca­tion­al resources for younger stu­dents — for any­one in the K‑12 range. Of course, we all know about the Khan Acad­e­my, and they’ll be includ­ed on the list. But what oth­er great resources would you like to see men­tioned here? For exam­ple, we recent­ly point­ed you to Lit2Go’s col­lec­tion of audio­books for young­sters. In times past, we’ve told you about CK-12 and their free text­books for high school stu­dents; the Roy­al Insti­tu­tion’s Christ­mas Lec­tures for Chil­dren; and these great ani­mat­ed ver­sions of Shake­speare’s plays. If it’s an open edu­ca­tion­al resource geared toward chil­dren, we want to know about it. And we’ll pull them all togeth­er in a nice­ly orga­nized list and share them with you and oth­ers. You can tell us your favorites in the com­ments sec­tion below. Or sim­ply email us your faves here. We thank you in advance for your con­tri­bu­tions!

Image pro­vid­ed cour­tesy of Big­Stock­Pho­to

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