On SepÂtemÂber 3, 1968, William F. BuckÂley invitÂed poet Allen GinsÂberg onto his TV proÂgram, “FirÂing Line.” It was an odd encounter. “We’re here to talk about the avant-garde,” BuckÂley says grandilÂoÂquentÂly. “I should like to begin by askÂing Mr. GinsÂberg whether he conÂsidÂers that the hipÂpies are an intiÂmaÂtion of the new order.”
“Ah,” says GinsÂberg, “why don’t I read a poem?”
BuckÂley smiles uncomÂfortÂably as GinsÂberg reachÂes into his bag and pulls out a poem called “Wales VisÂiÂtaÂtion,” writÂten under the influÂence of LSD durÂing a visÂit the preÂviÂous year to the ancient ruins of TinÂtern Abbey, on the RivÂer Wye in SouthÂeast Wales. It was the same place that inspired William Wordsworth to write his “Lines ComÂposed a Few Miles above TinÂtern Abbey” in 1798 and Alfred, Lord TenÂnyson to write “Tears, Idle Tears” in 1847. BuckÂley setÂtles back in his chair as GinsÂberg reads three of nine stanÂzas from “Wales VisÂiÂtaÂtion,” beginÂning with the first:
White fog liftÂing & falling on mounÂtain-brow
Trees movÂing in rivers of wind
The clouds arise
as on a wave, giganÂtic eddy liftÂing mist
above teemÂing ferns exquisÂiteÂly swayed
along a green crag
glimpsed thru mulÂlioned glass in valÂley raine–
To folÂlow along with the othÂer two stanÂzas recitÂed by GinsÂberg and to read the rest of the poem, you can open this page in a new winÂdow. Also don’t miss GinsÂberg readÂing his sigÂnaÂture Beat poem, “Howl”. It’s a rolÂlickÂing 26 minute affair, and you can always find it in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Audio Books.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Ken Kesey’s First LSD Trip AniÂmatÂed
William F. BuckÂley Flogged HimÂself to Get Through Atlas Shrugged
William F. BuckÂley was one of the greatÂest minds of the 20th cenÂtuÂry.
GinsÂberg was a comÂmuÂnist, NAMBLA supÂportÂing pedophile.
InterÂestÂing to to see who’s side you are on.
TerÂry O, It’s even more interÂestÂing if you watch and lisÂten to the conÂverÂsaÂtion and hear what they actuÂalÂly talked about, rather than reducÂing the two men to twitÂter-sized carÂiÂcaÂtures and worÂryÂing about “sides”.
Frickin’ hipÂpies
These peoÂple who knock the Beats . Methinks that they lack courage.
labelÂing everyÂone as a this and a that.