Professor Ronald Mallett Wants to Build a Time Machine in this Century … and He’s Not Kidding

Time trav­el. Since Ein­stein for­mu­lat­ed his spe­cial the­o­ry of rel­a­tiv­i­ty, we have known that it is the­o­ret­i­cal­ly pos­si­ble, even if pop­u­lar notions of time trav­el have dete­ri­o­rat­ed slight­ly from the august H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine to… well, Hot Tub Time Machine. Which is to say that few people—lay or professional—take the con­cept very seri­ous­ly any­more. But Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­necti­cut Pro­fes­sor Dr. Ronald Mal­lett still believes, and he has sought to real­ize his dream of mak­ing time trav­el pos­si­ble in this cen­tu­ry by infil­trat­ing the sci­en­tif­ic pro­fes­sion, becom­ing a respect­ed the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist, then brav­ing the ridicule and oppro­bri­um, or at least dis­agree­ment, of his col­leagues to begin work on a time machine.

In the video above, Dr. Mal­lett describes his expe­ri­ence of “risk­ing pro­fes­sion­al sui­cide,” and phys­i­cal pain, to work out his ideas. Since com­ing out, so to speak, as a pro­po­nent of time trav­el, Mal­lett pub­lished a mem­oir in 2006, Time Trav­el­er: A Scientist’s Per­son­al Mis­sion to Make Time Trav­el a Real­i­ty. It’s both a descrip­tion of his fifty years of sci­en­tif­ic work toward his project Space-time Twist­ing by Light (STL) and a mov­ing per­son­al nar­ra­tive of grow­ing up under seg­re­ga­tion, los­ing his father at a young age, and becom­ing one of the first African Amer­i­can the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cists.

Spike Lee has acquired the film rights to his mem­oir (though the project seems to be stalled), and Mal­lett has told his sto­ry on This Amer­i­can Life, CNN, and in speak­ing tours around the coun­try. Whether Mallett’s enthu­si­asm will trans­late into real­i­ty remains to be seen, but his pas­sion for Einstein’s pre­dic­tions is infec­tious and illu­mi­nat­ing.

The video comes from a new series from THNKR called EPIPHANY, a “dai­ly series invit­ing impas­sioned thought lead­ers across all dis­ci­plines to reveal the inno­v­a­tive, the improb­a­ble, and the unex­pect­ed of their worlds.” Each week is devot­ed to a new “thought leader.” Vis­it the EPIPHANY chan­nel to view the rest of Dr. Mallett’s “rev­e­la­tions.”

Anoth­er online source for infor­ma­tion, the Cas­siopeia Project, claims to “make sci­ence sim­ple.” In the video below, learn the basics of time trav­el and spe­cial rel­a­tiv­i­ty.

via Boing­Bo­ing

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  • bidbox says:

    I love this guy.

  • David Gap says:

    Ronald Mal­lett now needs $300,000 and 10 more years to get his machine built to even test the idea. Mar­shall Barnes is now in first place with his Ver­drehung Fan™ and is demon­strat­ing it in schools and on the lec­ture cir­cuit. Watch for announce­ments about this. It’s already warp­ing space the way Mal­lett wants to, it just has to get enough pow­er to warp time as well. Check out the web site for the ongo­ing sto­ry .

  • Mohamed says:

    I want to donate please

  • Matthew mallett says:

    Send a mes­sage in a Satal­ite ‚rush it through space at light speed & pro­grame it to come back to earth in 5years time ‚and the Satal­ites future time on Arrival back to earth will be 500 years from now!, Mes­sages from our past might change our future in order to change our short future we have now!?.

  • Matthew mallett says:

    Any­thing on earth with the grav­i­ty we have and our pres­sures wont change any­thing ‚but space time in space using satelites and remote pro­gram­ming will allow a mes­sage to trav­el at light speed !, ‚and to return.

  • stefan says:

    Alien exist they talk to me every day only if you in con­tact througt there radars you can time trav­el

  • Corbin says:

    Look at all the impor­tant things invent­ed, most peo­ple thought they were crazy ideas and would nev­er work for exam­ple the light bulb. We’re only ear­ly in tech­nol­o­gy by using elec­tric­i­ty there is so much more to come from it!

  • Arindam Dasgupta says:

    Sir, iwant to be a volin­tier for your research project. My moth­er died due to doc­tor’s wrong deci­sion; on 16-june-2013.
    I shall do what ever you say all i need is to go back to the year 2006; Loca­tion: INDIA to save my moth­er

  • Tabish says:

    Best of Luck for Real Work­ing Time Machine. GPS Sys­tem is one of the major inven­tion of humans and I hope time machine will be major break­throuh inven­tion for humans.

  • premiunhack says:

    What about para­dox inter­space thingy if you realy built this time machine you beter trav­el to year 2099

  • premiunhack says:

    is it posib­ble to talk to our self from the past? I mean time machine might have been a Gov­er­ment secret project

  • MA says:

    I would like to par­tic­i­pate. i would like to go back to 198? Maybe i can change my view of life, be more pos­i­tive, hap­pi­er. Get away from cer­tain fam­i­ly mem­bers that are neg­a­tive. Change a few events that gave me depression,insomnia, anorex­ia, self hate, and anx­i­ety. Break the cycle. Hope­ful­ly its not genet­ic. I’m good for the MOST part Now but things linger or trig­gers. I should be hap­pi­er and i am suc­cess­ful. I think its genet­ic but it would be a good test.Comes from both sides of the fam­i­ly, so maybe remov­ing me from the envi­ron­ment i would change some points of views of cur­rent my life.

  • Kwamla says:

    This is impres­sive, cre­ative and orig­i­nal. We all know it can’t be easy as a Black Physics Pro­fes­sor to come up with and pro­pose such the­o­ries for accep­tance in an all pre­dom­i­nate­ly white male dom­i­nat­ed sci­ence are­na…

  • Dennis Arjona says:

    To Mr. Malett,n Sir,im the one who believe in the time machine. Even the bible men­tioned in the old tes­ta­ment was stop. The bible and the study of sci­ence are not against each other,if the sci­ence turn into a fact.n n ‑im the one observ­er and think­ing the time can manip­u­late. I watch the video regard­ing to the study of the time machine. One of my fucos of atten­tion is regard­ing the BLACK HOLE..its not true that the black is the same,mean it is turn­ing in a very high speed of light.n ‑Here is my the­o­ry rea­gard­ing of black hole if its turn in a speed light,its form it like a cone or tri­an­gu­lar form.n ‑Just we think for a while, that the pyramid,is also in a quad­ran­gu­lar form and if we look at it in a one side,it is tri­an­gu­lar form,and the pyra­mid pre­serve arti­facts mil­lions years ago and up to the future. And i think because of the rota­tion of the earth,and its pro­duced a cos­mic ener­gy to pre­serve. n ‑im think­ing that if you try to build a rotat­ing pyra­mid and the speed is almost the speed light,theres a posi­bil­i­ties that the pyramid,produce a lot of cos­mic ener­gy going to the past or going to the future and it is turn­ing clock­wise or counterclockwise.n ‑Some peo­ple believe in a myth about the tri­an­gu­lar medal­lion with one eye..n ‑My conlusion,there is pos­si­bil­i­ties for my obser­va­tion and analy­sis and the­o­ry­t­i­cal study regard­ing to the time machine,that man can go back to the past,and they can go to the future by manip­u­lat­ing the time space. n ‑Thank you Sir,and more pow­er.

  • Dennis C. Arjona says:

    Im con­fi­dent to say that the pos­si­bil­i­ties are in beyond. And i believe also that my the­o­ry turn into the fact. Sometimes,im think­ing that if theres a air­plane machine and put pyra­mid built in,and i think its repro­duce many cos­mic enery. And i think its works. But unfortunately,i have no bud­get to do my idea regard­ing on that. And you have capa­bil­i­ties to do that,im shar­ing my the­o­ry­t­i­cal analy­sis. n ‑Hop­ing that my analy­sis and obser­va­tion, one day is the focus of your study, and hop­ing that inform me for the results. nnIm would like to look for­ward and for the future. nnMr. Den­nis C. Arjo­nan­Philip­pines

  • Time machine is my dream and I am also work­ing on time machine exper­i­ment for exam­ple veloc­i­ty increasin the time slow but so many the­o­ries r telling the time machine tru

  • The sci­ence can do every­thing and man can do every­thing

  • Deepak says:

    I want to par­tic­i­pate in time machine devel­op­ment. I want to be part in this devel­op­ment. Please con­tact me on the email address.

  • David Gap says:

    Any­one sup­port­ing Mal­lett had bet­ter read this first —

    First of all, he needs at least 6.5 mil­lion dol­lars to build his machine. He’s got­ten $11,000 over the last 7 years or so. Sec­ond, many experts have found prob­lems with his design, includ­ing one of his for­mer sup­port­ers, Mar­shall Barnes. Third, Mar­shall Barnes already has built a work­ing machine that’s open­ing micro worm­holes. It took him two years to do it and there’s a doc­u­men­tary in the works about it.

    Ronald Mal­lett has been a well mean­ing sci­en­tist but he does­n’t have the abil­i­ty to deliv­er on the hype.

  • Brad says:

    Cre­at­ing com­put­er pro­gram with pos­si­bil­i­ty to test all the­o­ries with infor­ma­tion about all phys­i­cal laws and good IQ will increase chance that time machine machine will be cre­at­ed.

  • Leon Henderson Jr says:

    I need some­one to build and bring me the time machine with days, months and years on it so I can fix my life and fix mis­take I made so I can con­tin­ue on Cel­e­bra­tion with my hand­some face and my skin­ny body. I need Help. Please. If you do, Call my con­tact on my cell­phone num­ber on 313–723-8768 or just 723‑8768. I need some help, ok? lat­er.

  • Leon Henderson Jr says:

    Think about it.

  • Leon Henderson Jr says:

    Tell Dr, Ronald L Mal­lett I need help by tell him to call my
    cell­phone num­ber on 313–723-8768 or just 723‑8768, ok? See ya.

  • Enigma says:

    My case is not much dif­fer­ent from Leon Hen­der­son Jr but I would like to safe some­body’s life with­out any prof­it for me.
    My moth­er’s col­league has died in only 34 by liv­er can­cer. She left there fam­i­ly and hus­band (no infor­ma­tion about him since funer­al). She could have chil­dren. Very depress­ing. Is pos­si­ble to fix this bro­ken time line at least by send­ing right mes­sage back in time? I would like to make hun­dreds peo­ple hap­pi­er. I would not have any prof­it from this oper­a­tion. Should I con­tact Prof. Mal­lett direct­ly?

  • Beatrix Szokola says:

    I would like to go back in time to when this arti­cle was pub­lished: on July 20th, 2012. Maybe a lit­tle ear­li­er: 2011 april 2nd. I have con­tact­ed Dr Mal­lett already; he has not com­plet­ed the project yet. But bet­ter yet, we need to go back to 1994 jun 16th when I came to the US. But even bet­ter: I want to go back in time to 1970 May 7th and tell my Mom the lot­tery num­bers: 1970 19th week: 8,47,65,77,88. Then she moves to her grand­par­ents and then she goes to art school. She does not have a broth­er because he was painful to lose. Her par­ents stay togeth­er. She choos­es a dif­fer­ent hus­band and this way I have a dif­fer­ent father. I unwrap the umbil­i­cal cord off my neck so I am born the nat­ur­al way. So she does not get hep C infec­tion. She has my broth­er and two more kids. We live in a beau­ti­ful house. In 1982 we save my grand­fa­ther by tak­ing him to the states for carotid artery surgery. Then we save her sis­ter by tak­ing her to the states. I start dance, paint­ing, piano, vio­lin, play­ing ten­nis, clay­work. My Mom and I are hap­py with our nice fam­i­ly. So we have to go back to 5–7‑1970. That is the opti­mal time.

  • Joseph Gibson says:

    When will Dr. Mal­let ever receive the mon­ey to build the time machine? One more thing, every­one needs to stop call­ing this man mr. He earned his props, so call the man Dr. Or Pro­fes­sor because he has worked to hard to be called mis­ter. Show the man some respect.

  • Joseph Gibson says:

    Mar­shall did as you say, he prob­a­bly stole it from Pro­fes­sor Mal­let. He did work with Pro­fes­sor Mal­let did­n’t he?

  • David Gap says:

    Here’s the lat­est about Ronald Mal­lett — the FTC has shut down his part­ners at World Patent Mar­ket­ing (see ) and his fund rais­ing scheme Time Trav­el X. The whole thing was a fraud —

  • Jashpal Dabhi says:


  • Jaden Julius Mascarenhas says:

    Pro­fes­sor Mil­let i would like to help you in any means pos­si­ble in your project i would like to go back in time not to bring back some­one from the death or etc.i would only like to relive at a point in my past again at a you would be help­ing more then you realise 😢

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