Stephen Hawking Loses $100 on the Higgs Boson Discovery

With the Hig­gs Boson dis­cov­ery this week, there were a lot of win­ners in the physics com­mu­ni­ty, and only one los­er — Stephen Hawk­ing’s bank account. It’s a loss the physi­cist (and author of best­selling books) can pre­sum­ably afford to take. A good week, all in all.

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  • William says:

    I can’t even pre­tend to be any­thing but elat­ed. And I am hap­py to see I am not alone.

    I always love to see over-blown, over-hyped & over­ly self-impor­tant gas­bags get tak­en down a notch.

    Yes, the mon­ey is a very small mat­ter for Dr. Hawk­ing, but the blow to his gigan­tic ego is price­less.

  • Yash Sharma says:

    Why are peo­ple do elat­ed abt this dis­vo­ery.. the wars r still on, peo­ple still dying of pover­ty, env is being destroyed at ever faster pace!!

    Solve the real pro­belms n i will only then wor­ship so called genius­es.

  • pinchecookie says:

    Yash Shar­ma: the prob­lems you pose can­not be the work­frame of phisycs, one can­not expect a doc­tor to fix a car or a mechan­ic to fix a patient. No one asks you to wor­ship any­body, con­tent is avail­able, if you are not inter­est­ed in physics you can choose to focus on oth­er sub­jects.

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