OvertÂly or covertÂly, interÂview proÂgrams all have traÂdiÂtions. James LipÂton, host of Inside the Actors StuÂdio for the past eighÂteen years, has chamÂpiÂoned perÂhaps the most overt interÂview-proÂgram traÂdiÂtion of all: the PivÂot QuesÂtionÂnaire. OrigÂiÂnalÂly wieldÂed by anothÂer host, Bernard PivÂot of the French litÂerÂary talk show AposÂtroÂphes, the renowned QuesÂtionÂnaire demands of the interÂvieÂwee ten simÂple pieces of inforÂmaÂtion: their favorite word, their turn-on, their turn-off, the sound they love, the sound they hate, their favorite curse word, the proÂfesÂsion othÂer than their own they would like to attempt, the proÂfesÂsion they wouldÂn’t like to attempt, and what they’d like to hear God say when they arrive at the pearly gates. You can watch comÂpiÂlaÂtions of LipÂton’s PivÂot QuesÂtionÂnaire segÂments on YouTube, includÂing the one above with Hugh LauÂrie, Ralph Feinnes, and RusÂsell Crowe. Their turn-ons, respecÂtiveÂly: eye conÂtact, ShakeÂspeare, a well-conÂstructÂed senÂtence. Their turn-offs: finanÂcial advice, enviÂronÂmenÂtal desÂeÂcraÂtion, false accuÂsaÂtion.
Or have a look at this one, which bears simÂiÂlarÂly pithy insights into the inner lives of Daniel RadÂcliffe, AngeliÂna Jolie, and Will Smith. RadÂcliffe would like to try his hand at jourÂnalÂism; Jolie, exploÂration; Smith, sciÂence. Though LipÂton credÂits the PivÂot QuesÂtionÂnaire to PivÂot on air every time, its oriÂgins lay furÂther back in time. PivÂot develÂoped his quesÂtionÂnaire in response to MarÂcel Proust’s, a list of prompts meant to reveal the recipÂiÂenÂt’s perÂsonÂalÂiÂty, includÂing “Your favorite qualÂiÂties in a woman,” “Your favorite qualÂiÂties in a man,” “Your idea of hapÂpiÂness,” and “Your idea of misÂery” — perÂsonÂalÂiÂty-revealÂing quesÂtionÂnaires being very much the rage in fin de sièÂcle Europe. While the traÂdiÂtion thrives to this day in LipÂton’s forÂmalÂly strict pracÂtice, part of me would enjoy the reacÂtions to see him re-introÂduce a ProusÂtÂian prompt like “The milÂiÂtary event I admire the most.”
Four Inside the Actors StuÂdio PivÂot QuesÂtionÂnaire comÂpiÂlaÂtions on YouTube: Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., JohnÂny Depp; Robin Williams and AnthoÂny HopÂkins; Hugh LauÂrie, Ralph Feinnes, RusÂsell Crowe; Daniel RadÂcliffe, AngeÂline Jolie, Will Smith
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
Claro y conÂciso. Muchas graÂcias. Besos!