The Famous Intro to 20th Century Fox Films … As It Ought to Be

The world be an infi­nite­ly more cheer­ful place if every 20th Cen­tu­ry Fox Film start­ed like this, would­n’t it?

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  • L.A. McCueskavitch says:

    Ralph Wig­gum’s ver­sion is a hap­pi­er way to start the day:

  • Mr. Thomas of Ohio, in America, but of a good nature; says:

    I’m going to put down my cup of joe now and go read the obit­u­ar­ies for my morn­ing dose of laugh­ter because this is so not what you want it to be.

  • Kishor Bhat says:

    I’m sor­ry, but no. I hope that sar­casm was intend­ed in this post’s head­ing.

  • Mr Picklefeather says:

    Well these com­ments are dis­ap­point­ing. I thought OC read­ers would have a sense of humor. This thing makes me laugh every time, and every­one I show it to laughs uncon­trol­lably. Why is it fun­ny? I don’t know why, it just is. (There could be a TED talk on that one.) Hope the obit­u­ar­ies bright­ened your day, Mr T of Ohio.

  • alissa clough says:

    It’s like expect­ing a lion, and hav­ing a kit­ten pop out. (No ref­er­ence to MGM intend­ed.)

  • Addison says:

    Don’t be dis­heart­ened. This is won­der­ful. It is actu­al­ly a lot fun­nier than the obit­u­ar­ies, which have start­ed to feel rather tedious, repet­i­tive, and con­trived to me.

  • ian fisher says:

    had a sim­i­lar expe­ri­ence when we first got bt infin­i­ty but we end­ed up hav­ing a mas­sive orgy instead of eat­ing biscuits…bt infin­i­ty rocks.…xx charles dar­win

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