Hunter S. Thompson Calls Tech Support, Unleashes a Tirade Full of Fear and Loathing (NSFW)

It has been said that “the true voice of [Hunter S.] Thomp­son is revealed to be that of Amer­i­can moral­ist … one who often makes him­self ugly to expose the ugli­ness he sees around him.” That ugli­ness served its lit­er­ary and jour­nal­is­tic pur­pose, no doubt. As for the pur­pose it served in his pri­vate life, in the realm of get­ting nit­ty-grit­ty, mun­dane things done, that’s a whole oth­er ques­tion. Not much is known about this clip oth­er than it fea­tures a NSFW voice­mail that the gonzo jour­nal­ist left for his local AV guy in Woody Creek, Col­orado. The poor man.…

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Hunter S. Thomp­son Remem­bers Jim­my Carter’s Cap­ti­vat­ing Bob Dylan Speech (1974)

Hunter S. Thomp­son Gets Con­front­ed by The Hell’s Angels

John­ny Depp Reads Let­ters from Hunter S. Thomp­son (NSFW)

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  • Paul Tatara says:

    I’m a gen­uine fan of Thomp­son’s best writ­ing — which is by no means ALL of his writ­ing — but I’m con­vinced that what he most need­ed was anoth­er good ass-kick­ing like the one he got from the Hel­l’s Angels. Hon­est­ly, giv­en the sto­ries of his mis­treat­ment of every­day peo­ple, I would have been quite hap­py to bitch-slap the good Doc­tor and snap that ridicu­lous cig­a­rette hold­er over my knee. Plus, after all he went through in his life, he took the cow­ard’s way out with that shot­gun. Lega­cy taint­ed.

  • John says:

    He takes a while to get into char­ac­ter, does­n’t he?

  • Milky Pirate says:

    What a douche.

  • Juan says:

    How reas­sur­ing to see he still piss­es some peo­ple! keep com­ment­ing crap like some­body gives a shit, please.

  • Jon says:

    He’s an old man by this time you fool! He’s talk­ing about a god damn DVD play­er!

    If you think that non­sense bull­shit will get you any­where then you’re in the wrong game.

    You may have some of the less­er peo­ple con­vinced — but not me Jack. I’ll see you in hell.

  • magnotta says:

    Did any­one ever say HT was well-bal­anced? Read Fear and Loathing for god’s sake!

  • Fred says:

    Sounds like the oceans of booze and drugs had tak­en their toll. High­er, empath­ic brain func­tions gone…leaving the angry, cun­ning lizard brain to spew and sput­ter.

  • Lynn says:

    In response to Paul Tatara — I hon­est­ly have nev­er under­stood the response “he took the coward’s way out.….”
    What does that even mean? It’s such a com­mon, cliched response to sui­cide and i don’t get the thought process. Please tell me what’s the very brave, hero­ic and prop­er ‘whay out’?

  • john says:

    I sec­ond the rec­om­men­da­tion that he needs a good ass kick­ing. Real­ly, in the great beyond I hope some techies dished out the karmic cor­rec­tion he deserves.

  • George Burgess says:

    He did, said and wrote what a lot of us were think­ing but most of us just sat around with our thumbs up out butts.

  • squabmeat says:

    Sigh. Not how I want­ed the good doc­tor to go out (again). I had the same rant­i­ng from my poor old dad when that new-fan­gled tech came in…I’ll try to be nicer when they put the USB plug into my head.

  • simone gad says:

    He was a very tal­ent­ed writer who had issues. Who does­n’t have issues. RIP-am sad he com­mit­ted sui­cide. And that he was in so much pain and agony to take his life the way he did. I had a friend who also com­mit­ted sui­cide that way, and oth­er friends who did that with pills.

  • simone gad says:


  • No Use for Stupid People says:

    Lynn, sui­cide IS the cow­ard’s way out It leaves oth­er peo­ple to clean up a cow­ard­s’s mess. What kind of man splat­ters his brains all over the kitchen ceil­ing with his son and his grand­child in the next room?

  • fuck those people says:

    Fuck those half-wits Jaun, they don’t know and don’t have the capac­i­ty to learn to see the world beyond their pre­de­ter­mined path in life, its always remark­able to me that peo­ple who will die, and their names nev­er spo­ken again, always seem to have advice for peo­ple risk­ing every­thing so that the rest of us might have some hope of not spend­ing our entire lives doing every­thing the same fuckin way, even though we deter­mined it was the wrong way 20 years

  • fuck those people says:

    Cow­ards way out? choos­ing the means by which we move into the after­life is Cow­ard­ly? To make the choice to enter an after­life which is com­plete and utter mys­tery.… some­one’s going to have to clean your ass up when you die and the clos­est you will have come to pulling the trig­ger will be the shit­stains in your Adult dia­pers.…

  • Belac says:

    Pret­ty sure it was­n’t a shot­gun. Sui­cide is not the cow­ard’s way out,think for your­self instead of using a mean­ing­less phras­es like “cow­ard’s way out”. He went out on HIS OWN terms. Soci­ety still after all these years does­n’t accept sui­cide for some­times what it actu­al­ly is vs what reli­gion and oth­er soci­etal expec­ta­tions thinks it is. He was old, self-aware,bitchy, and no longer want­ed to con­tin­ue if he was­n’t gonna enjoy it.I’m sor­ry but going out on your own terms if far less cow­ard­ly than that brain rot­ted phrase gives it cred­it for. Some peo­ple real­ize they are too sen­si­tive to live on this plan­et, can’t han­dle the cold­ness. Some real­ize they lost every­thing any­one, oth­ers get tired of the bull­shit peo­ple cause. (ding ding that last one is some­thing I relate to) Oth­ers are so depressed they hard­ly can bare anoth­er sec­ond on this large rock peo­ple try to pass off as a plan­et

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