If you still subÂscribe to old-fashÂioned print newsÂpaÂpers, chances are it’s because you like doing crossÂword puzÂzles and putting pen(cil) to paper. If you fall into this camp, we give you this: Will Shortz, the crossÂword puzÂzle ediÂtor for The New York Times (and the only known perÂson to hold a colÂlege degree in enigÂmaÂtolÂogy) preÂsentÂing a quick, behind-the-scenes look at how the NYT puzÂzle gets made. Off we go.
I’d hoped for a more techÂniÂcal peek into what comes first, word banks and the peoÂple who conÂtribute. Guess we’ll have to wait for the preÂquel.