First thing you need to know: Before doing anyÂthing else, you should simÂply click “play” and start watchÂing the video above. It doesÂn’t take long for Robert SapolÂsky, one of StanÂford’s finest teachÂers, to pull you right into his course. BetÂter to watch him than lisÂten to me.
SecÂond thing to know: SapolÂsky is a MacArthur FelÂlow, a world renowned neuÂroÂbiÂolÂoÂgist, and an adept sciÂence writer best known for his book, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers. Much of his research focusÂes on the interÂplay between the mind and body (how biolÂoÂgy affects the mind, and the mind, the body), and that relaÂtionÂship lies at the heart of this course called “Human BehavÂioral BiolÂoÂgy.”
Now the third: Human BehavÂioral BiolÂoÂgy is availÂable on YouTube and iTunes for free. The course, conÂsistÂing of 25 videos spanÂning 36 hours, is othÂerÂwise listÂed in the BiolÂoÂgy secÂtion of our big list of Free Online CoursÂes (now 575 coursÂes in total).
Ok, stop readÂing and just watch.…
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Robert SapolÂsky Breaks Down DepresÂsion
Dopamine JackÂpot! Robert SapolÂsky on the SciÂence of PleaÂsure
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