While the first VelÂvet UnderÂground album may only have sold 30,000 copies, everyÂone who bought one startÂed a band. You know, if you have even a faint acquainÂtance with rock hisÂtoÂry, that that well-worn obserÂvaÂtion comes from proÂducÂer, artisÂtic innoÂvaÂtor, and “non-musiÂcian” musiÂcian BriÂan Eno. And whether you could get into it or not, you’ve no doubt heard at least parts of that first album, The VelÂvet UnderÂground & Nico, the 1967 release that brought togethÂer such soon-to-be rock lumiÂnarÂies as Lou Reed, John Cale, and the titÂuÂlar GerÂman vocalist/Warhol SuperÂstar Nico. The whole album, in fact, appeared under Warhol’s aegis, and like most works assoÂciÂatÂed with him, it tends to push opinÂions far in one direcÂtion or the othÂer. The VelÂvet UnderÂgound & Nico may still move you to found a rock band — or to scrap your interÂest in rock altoÂgethÂer — 45 years after its first release.
I refer to the record’s “first release” because it’s recentÂly underÂgone a couÂple more, both of which origÂiÂnate in a verÂsion nevÂer even intendÂed for marÂket. “In 2002, a felÂlow paid 75 cents at a New York City flea marÂket for a curiÂous acetate recordÂing of the VelÂvet UnderÂground,” reports Boing Boing’s David Pescovitz. “Turns out, the acetate conÂtained earÂly recordÂed takes and mixÂes of songs in difÂferÂent form.” That man had stumÂbled upon the covÂetÂed Scepter StuÂdios acetate verÂsion of the album that launched 30,000 bands, bootÂleg files of which soon began cirÂcuÂlatÂing on the net. The acetate received a legitÂiÂmate release last year as part of The VelÂvet UnderÂground & Nico’s “45th AnniverÂsary Super Deluxe EdiÂtion,” and you can hear cuts from it, like “HeroÂin” at the top of this post and “All TomorÂrow’s ParÂties” just above. For VelÂvet UnderÂground purists, of course, only hearÂing the acetate disc itself will do. They’ll have a hard time doing so — it last changed hands for $25,200 — but luckÂiÂly they can now get at least one step closÂer with its brand new vinyl release.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Andy Warhol Quits PaintÂing, ManÂages The VelÂvet UnderÂground (1965)
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on litÂerÂaÂture, film, cities, Asia, and aesÂthetÂics. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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