The Ultimate Full Moon Shot

The quick back­sto­ry: “Dean Pot­ter walks a high­line at Cathe­dral Peak as the sun sets and the moon ris­es. Shot from over 1 mile away with a Canon 800mm and 2X by Mikey Schae­fer. This shot was part of a big­ger project for Nation­al Geo­graph­ic called The Man Who Can Fly. ”

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Comments (7)
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  • My daugh­ter object­ed to a loud high pitched buzzing in that video. My old ears don’t hear it at all. Does any­one else hear it?

  • Niko says:

    I’ve nev­er seen the moon rise that fast. I have watched moons rise up on the hori­zon and nev­er near­ly this fast. Illu­sion due to the wide angle shot?

  • Erik says:

    Yea, I can hear a high pitched buzz

  • Hawthorn says:

    Would­n’t the “Ulti­mate Full Moon Shot” have a full moon in it some­where? The one in the video is wax­ing gib­bous. I like the chap say­ing “do it again.”

  • John says:

    Dear friends,

    I want­ed to let you know about a new peti­tion I cre­at­ed on We the Peo­ple,
    a new fea­ture on, and ask for your sup­port. Will you add your
    name to mine? If this peti­tion gets 25,000 sig­na­tures by Feb­ru­ary 09, 2013,
    the White House will review it and respond!

    We the Peo­ple allows any­one to cre­ate and sign peti­tions ask­ing the Oba­ma
    Admin­is­tra­tion to take action on a range of issues. If a peti­tion gets
    enough sup­port, the Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion will issue an offi­cial response.

    You can view and sign the peti­tion here:

  • Barry says:

    The appar­ent speed of the moon’s rise is indeed increased because of the lens focal length, although it’s an extreme tele­pho­to, rather than wide angle view. Did­n’t hear any buzz at this end of things, by the way.

  • rjeff says:

    The Earth rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours or 15 degrees in one hour. This reduces to 1 degree every 4 min­utes. The diam­e­ter of the Moon is 1/2 degree. It there­fore takes 2 min­utes for the Moon to move through one full diam­e­ter. These are round num­bers and an approx­i­mate cal­cu­la­tion, but close enough to what we see here.

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