Here’s a flawed but fasÂciÂnatÂing litÂtle film about the life of Vladimir Nabokov, examÂined through the prism of his most famous book.
How Do You Solve a ProbÂlem Like LoliÂta? first aired on British teleÂviÂsion in 2009. The host is Stephen Smith, a culÂture corÂreÂsponÂdent for BBC NewsÂnight. We don’t know the rest of Smith’s resume, but in watchÂing the docÂuÂmenÂtary we get the feelÂing he may have picked up a litÂtle of his jourÂnalÂisÂtic senÂsiÂbilÂiÂty from the British tabloids.
The probÂlem referred to in the title is the sense–at least among Smith’s friends–that there is someÂthing “perÂvy” about Nabokov’s 1955 novÂel, LoliÂta, and that this raisÂes cerÂtain quesÂtions about the author’s own sexÂuÂal penÂchants. “Was it a moralÂiÂty play,” Smith asks at the outÂset, “or the fanÂtaÂsy of a dirty old man?”
It’s a conÂtemptible point of deparÂture. But How Do You Solve a ProbÂlem Like LoliÂta? manÂages to be worthÂwhile in spite of itself. It’s filled with interÂestÂing old footage of Nabokov talkÂing about himÂself and his work, as well as conÂtemÂpoÂrary footage of the writer’s old haunts in RusÂsia, AmerÂiÂca and SwitzerÂland. The film is a kind of travÂelÂogue. WatchÂing it is like takÂing a one-hour tour through a fasÂciÂnatÂing landÂscape with an amiÂable but slightÂly annoyÂing guide.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
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