Carnegie Hall MOOC Will Teach You How to Listen to Orchestras (Free)

In advance of its May 2013 con­cert series, Carnegie Hall has cre­at­ed a Mas­sive Open Online Course (MOOC) that will teach stu­dents how to lis­ten to orches­tras. The course, S4MU — short for Spring 4 Music Uni­ver­si­ty — is premised on the idea that “lis­ten­ing is an art itself,” and that you won’t over­come a tin ear by study­ing music the­o­ry alone. Start­ing on April 1, the four-week course will be taught by Bal­ti­more Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra con­duc­tor Marin Alsop; Art­sJour­nal edi­tor Dou­glas McLen­nan (seen above); com­pos­er Jen­nifer Hig­don; vocal­ist Storm Large; and con­duc­tor Leonard Slatkin. Like all oth­er MOOCs, the course is free. You can reserve your spot in the class right here.

Spring 4 Music Uni­ver­si­ty has been added to our com­plete list of MOOCs, where you will find 45 cours­es start­ing in April.

Thanks goes to Max­ine for the heads up on this new offer­ing.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Leonard Bernstein’s Mas­ter­ful Lec­tures on Music (11+ Hours of Video Record­ed in 1973)

85,000 Clas­si­cal Music Scores (and Free MP3s) on the Web

Bob­by McFer­rin Shows the Pow­er of the Pen­ta­ton­ic Scale

Yale’s Open Course “Lis­ten­ing to Music”

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  • Fred says:

    I went to some­thing sim­i­lar when Davis Hall was opened in SF. Did­n’t real­ly under­stand how lis­ten­ing to music could be so involved, but it was inter­est­ing.

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