In advance of its May 2013 conÂcert series, Carnegie Hall has creÂatÂed a MasÂsive Open Online Course (MOOC) that will teach stuÂdents how to lisÂten to orchesÂtras. The course, S4MU — short for Spring 4 Music UniÂverÂsiÂty — is premised on the idea that “lisÂtenÂing is an art itself,” and that you won’t overÂcome a tin ear by studyÂing music theÂoÂry alone. StartÂing on April 1, the four-week course will be taught by BalÂtiÂmore SymÂphoÂny OrchesÂtra conÂducÂtor Marin Alsop; ArtÂsJourÂnal ediÂtor DouÂglas McLenÂnan (seen above); comÂposÂer JenÂnifer HigÂdon; vocalÂist Storm Large; and conÂducÂtor Leonard Slatkin. Like all othÂer MOOCs, the course is free. You can reserve your spot in the class right here.
Spring 4 Music UniÂverÂsiÂty has been added to our comÂplete list of MOOCs, where you will find 45 coursÂes startÂing in April.
Thanks goes to MaxÂine for the heads up on this new offerÂing.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Leonard Bernstein’s MasÂterÂful LecÂtures on Music (11+ Hours of Video RecordÂed in 1973)
85,000 ClasÂsiÂcal Music Scores (and Free MP3s) on the Web
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Yale’s Open Course “LisÂtenÂing to Music”
I went to someÂthing simÂiÂlar when Davis Hall was opened in SF. DidÂn’t realÂly underÂstand how lisÂtenÂing to music could be so involved, but it was interÂestÂing.