Google Launches a New “Art Talks” Series: Tune in Tonight

google art project

Today at 8 p.m. EST Google Art Project will launch a new series, Art Talks. Like Google’s oth­er Hang­outs on Air, Art Talks will con­vene some of the most influ­en­tial peo­ple of our time.

Each month Art Talks will fea­ture a con­ver­sa­tion with cura­tors, muse­um direc­tors, his­to­ri­ans, or edu­ca­tors from world-renowned cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions, who “will reveal the hid­den sto­ries behind par­tic­u­lar works, exam­ine the cura­tion process and pro­vide insights into par­tic­u­lar mas­ter­pieces or artists.”

For today’s talk Deb­o­rah Howes, direc­tor of dig­i­tal learn­ing at the Muse­um of Mod­ern Art, will mod­er­ate a pan­el of artists and stu­dents for a dis­cus­sion about how to teach art online. To post a ques­tion for the group, vis­it the Google event page.

The talk will be broad­cast live at 8 p.m. EST. After­wards it’ll be avail­able on Google Art Project’s YouTube chan­nel.

Lat­er this month Car­o­line Camp­bell and Arni­ka Schmidt from the Nation­al Gallery will dis­cuss depic­tions of the female nude. In April, a pan­el will exam­ine the gigapex­il project based on Bruegel’s “Tow­er of Babel.”

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Google Art Project Expands, Bring­ing 30,000 Works of Art from 151 Muse­ums to the Web

Vis­it the Pra­do Art Col­lec­tion with Google Earth

Free: The Guggen­heim Puts 65 Mod­ern Art Books Online

Kate Rix writes about dig­i­tal media and edu­ca­tion. Read more of her work at .

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