Peter Gabriel and Genesis Live on Belgian TV in 1972: The Full Show

Here’s a rare treat for fans of ear­ly 70s pro­gres­sive rock: Peter Gabriel and Gen­e­sis togeth­er at the begin­ning of the band’s clas­sic peri­od, per­form­ing live on the Bel­gian TV show Pop Shop in March of 1972. The half-hour film cap­tures the group a lit­tle more than a year after Phil Collins and Steve Hack­ett joined, and before Gabriel start­ed dress­ing up in out­landish cos­tumes. The line­up includes Gabriel on flute, tam­bourine and lead vocals, Collins on drums and back­ing vocals, Hack­ett on lead gui­tar, Tony Banks on key­boards and rhythm gui­tar, and Michael Ruther­ford on bass and rhythm gui­tar. Here’s the setlist:

  1. “The Foun­tain of Salmacis”
  2. “Twi­light Ale­house”
  3. “The Musi­cal Box”
  4. “The Return of the Giant Hog­weed”

The songs are all from the 1971 album Nurs­ery Cryme, except “Twi­light Ale­house,” which the group had been per­form­ing live since 1970 but would­n’t release on an album until 1998, when the song was includ­ed in the boxed set Gen­e­sis Archive 1967–75. Gabriel co-found­ed Gen­e­sis in 1967 and left the band in 1975. Collins then took over on lead vocals.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Peter Gabriel and His Big Orches­tra Play Live at the Ed Sul­li­van The­ater

Kei­th Moon, Drum­mer of The Who, Pass­es Out at 1973 Con­cert; 19-Year-Old Fan Takes Over

Watch Pink Floyd Plays Live in the Ruins of Pom­peii (1972)

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Comments (9)
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  • Justin says:

    For me this is as good as it gets, real Gen­e­sis, superb. Got this on VHS somewhere.…must put it onto DVD!

  • tim deegan says:

    Wow, nurs­ery cryme was my first record, giv­en to me by my old­er sis­ter. Watch­ing this clip was real­ly, real­ly cool. Thanks to who­ev­er uploaded this.

  • Bob Johnson says:

    Twi­light Ale­house was actu­al­ly released as the ‘B’ side of the UK sin­gle ‘I know what I like (in your wardrobe)’, released 3rd August 1972 on Charis­ma Records.

  • Mike Springer says:

    You’re right, Bob, it was released ear­li­er as a B‑side. But oth­er sources give the year as 1973. Any­way I had orig­i­nal­ly meant to say “album,” and I’ve changed it to that. Thanks for point­ing out the mis­take.

  • Dave says:

    Check out “tom­my­gun video” for old-school Gen­e­sis (and oth­er) DVDs.

  • David says:

    I could be wrong, but I thought Twi­light Ale­house was also released on Atlantic Records’ sam­pler ‘ “The Age of Atlantic”. That same album fea­tured Yes’ ren­di­tion of Simon & Gar­funkel’s Amer­i­ca.

  • bradley says:

    cool the sound with hack­ett on gui­tar is hyp­not­ic love the old stuff think ill find some fox­trot vid thanx

  • Paul says:

    Love watch­ing the orig­i­nal Gen­e­sis line up

    Not sure if any­body noticed but dur­ing this per­for­mance of Music Box.
    Peter Gabriel has am uncan­ny resem­blance to a cer­tain Young One named Rick

  • raelx2013 says:

    Very nice to see this, very very very.……

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