The Physics Professor, the Glamour Model, and a Whole Suitcase Full of Trouble

framptondrawingFrom the annals of Why Smart Peo­ple Do Dumb Things: The New York Times has a long piece on Paul Framp­ton, a the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist at the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na-Chapel Hill, who meets a Czech mod­el online, then, rather gullibly, trav­els to South Amer­i­ca to get to know her in per­son. Instead of find­ing love in La Paz, Framp­ton winds up in a dilap­i­dat­ed Buenos Aires prison. It’s a bizarre tale, a sto­ry of hubris, naivete, lust, and decep­tion all rolled into one. Grab a cof­fee, set aside some time, and have a read.

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