The Personality of Parisian Neighborhoods Expressed Through Typography


Havas Worl­wide Paris, a glob­al design agency, reawak­ened fond mem­o­ries of my days liv­ing in Paris. They did it by cre­at­ing this artis­tic video that cap­tures the char­ac­ter of Parisian neighborhoods/metro stops through typog­ra­phy. The Marais, Latin Quar­ter, Mont­martre, Père Lachaise, Bastille — they all get a cre­ative nod.

The video was orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed as a New Years Greet­ing card, and it comes to us via Pret-a-Porter.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Le Fla­neur: Time Lapse Video of Paris With­out the Peo­ple

Names of Paris Métro Stops Act­ed Out: Pho­tos by Janol Apin

It’s 5:46 A.M. and Paris Is Under Water

David Lynch Talks About His 99 Favorite Pho­tographs at Paris Pho­to 2012

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  • Ulli Schoenknecht says:

    This is great! But I think they are refer­ring to Metro sta­tions, not neigh­bor­hoods! Barbes e.g. is a metro sta­tion, not a neigh­bor­hood!

  • Dan says:

    Then again, they refer to the Latin Quar­ter and that is not a metro stop — or nev­er was when I lived there.…

  • please vis­it our web­site my job is to cre­ate film fes­ti­vals in vil­lages where they need to offer a new chal­lenge for the age to stay alive and wel­com­ing for every­body who wants to live peace­ful­ly

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.