Willie NelÂson, AmerÂiÂca’s iconÂic counÂtry music singer, has logged lots of miles. And, today, he turns 80, with more than 60 stuÂdio albums, 10 live albums, and 27 colÂlabÂoÂraÂtions to his credÂit. RecentÂly, NelÂson showed that he has a litÂtle more tread on his tires when, while visÂitÂing Conan O’Brien’s show, he shot a short audiÂtion reel for Peter JackÂson, hopÂing to land the role of GanÂdalf in The HobÂbit sequel. It’s doubtÂful that, wherÂevÂer he is, Ian McKelÂlan is breakÂing a sweat.
For more Tolkien treaÂsures don’t miss:
LisÂten to J.R.R. Tolkien Read a Lengthy Excerpt from The HobÂbit (1952)
DownÂload Eight Free LecÂtures on The HobÂbit by “The Tolkien ProÂfesÂsor,” Corey Olsen
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