Japanese Animation Director Hayao Miyazaki Shows Us How to Make Instant Ramen

Writer-Direc­tor Hayao Miyaza­ki is renowned for the gor­geous­ness of his fea­ture length ani­ma­tions, and sto­ry­lines that com­bine indige­nous Japan­ese ele­ments with super­nat­ur­al whim­sy. In a world of Dis­ney princess­es, let us give thanks for fam­i­ly enter­tain­ment in which an eccen­tric cas­tle roams the coun­try­side on chick­en legs, a stink spir­it wreaks hav­oc in a bath­house, and a fur-lined cat bus trans­ports pas­sen­gers at top speed.

The first gen­er­a­tion of Amer­i­can chil­dren to have grown up on Miyaz­ki films — My Neigh­bor Totoro was released in the States in 1993 — has entered their col­lege years. A por­tion of them will have eager­ly sought out his lat­est offer­ing, a semi-auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal tale direct­ed by his son, Goro. Some will have felt them­selves too mature for such fare. Being col­lege stu­dents, both groups are like­ly to be hork­ing down a fair amount of cheap pack­aged ramen noo­dles.

As evi­denced above, Miyaza­ki has some pret­ty spe­cif­ic ideas on what to do with those. Prepar­ing a late night work­place din­ner for his Spir­it­ed Away team, the great direc­tor rivals Good Fel­las’ sliced gar­lic maven Paul Sorvi­no for culi­nary sang-froid. Stuff­ing ten blocks of the stuff into a sin­gle pot might get an ordi­nary mor­tal vot­ed off of Top Chef, but aside from that Miyaza­k­i’s staff meal is an excel­lent, instant tuto­r­i­al for those inter­est­ed in soup­ing up low bud­get, col­le­giate cui­sine.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Cook­pad, the Largest Recipe Site in Japan, Launch­es New Site in Eng­lish

Kafka’s Night­mare Tale, ‘A Coun­try Doc­tor,’ Told in Award-Win­ning Japan­ese Ani­ma­tion

Japan­ese Car­toons from the 1920s and 30s Reveal the Styl­is­tic Roots of Ani­me

The New York Times Makes 17,000 Tasty Recipes Avail­able Online: Japan­ese, Ital­ian, Thai & Much More

Watch Sher­lock Hound: Hayao Miyazaki’s Ani­mat­ed, Steam­punk Take on Sher­lock Holmes

French Stu­dent Sets Inter­net on Fire with Ani­ma­tion Inspired by Moe­bius, Syd Mead & Hayao Miyaza­ki

Ayun Hal­l­i­day’s favorite moment is when Totoro and the chil­dren make the cam­phor tree grow. Fol­low her @AyunHalliday

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  • Michelle says:

    Awe­some! Now I cant stop myself from men­tal­ly run­ning through each Miyuza­ki fim in my head and count­ing up each time a char­ac­ter in makes or eats ramen- seems like a lot! Aside from the spir­it­ed away pigs, I think the short ramen scene in Ponyo is my favorite!
    Miyuza­ki style Ramen is def­i­nite­ly going on the menu in my house this week!

  • We are big Miyaza­ki fans at my house and ramen fans as well. Thanks for this! :)

  • Jesse says:

    I can’t imag­ine Scors­ese mak­ing pas­ta for the crew. Miyaza­k­i’s some­times shock­ing and grotesque imagery will now always be soft­ened by his kind­ly ramen rou­tine, and his beau­ti­ful imag­in­ings will be that much more enjoy­able. I feel sor­ry for any­one that has missed the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see at least one of his mas­ter­pieces!

  • Porco Rosso says:

    “In a world of Dis­ney princess­es, let us give thanks…” Amen, sis­ter. There are no stu­pid side­kicks in HM’s movies either and the only girls he writes are strong and inde­pen­dent.

    I hap­pen to know that ramen clip because it is a DVD extra. My fam­i­ly does­n’t real­ly own that many movies. The excep­tion? Every Miyaza­ki in print.

  • sparks123 says:

    How love­ly! It was an extra treat to hear some of the music in the back­ground. I heard at least two from Miyaza­ki movies. It just warms my heart to see him do this for all his work­ers — from the movies I’ve always fig­ured he was a real men­sch, and it seems this is so. I’m so grate­ful to have raised my girl on his movies! You are so right Por­co Rosso (ha, by the way!)!

  • fufufu says:

    even in mak­ing ramen he needs assis­tants… ^^

    by the way, don’t for­get that man work­ing with Miyaza­ki and Taka­ha­ta who died from “karoshi” (“death from over­work”).

  • susumu saito says:

    as i expec­tect­ed, when the video voiced to add pow­der, instant­ly my sense detect­ed usu­al pen­ny pinch­er busi­ness of japan­ese busi­ness pol­i­cy. the noth­ing is free to offer to pub­lic which we appre­ci­ate to accept here we enjoy our dai­ly live. just look around how many of infor­ma­tive papers in our gta is pro­vid­ing to sev­er­al eth­nic mar­kets. we all live in prob­a­bly only the coun­try offer­ing us this valu­able infos for free.

  • susumu saito says:

    miss­ing the pow­der of ingriedents?

  • New York no Hikaru says:

    A red dia­per baby I met in col­lege told me that one of the first things he learned in life was from one of his father’s employ­ees. The employ­ee told him “Nev­er work for a Left­ist.” This video clip is a per­fect exam­ple. The guy is dri­ving his work­ers to exhaus­tion with­in an inch of their lives and what does he feed them? Ramen with eggs. Do you think the prof­it from his films went to his employ­ees or to his retire­ment fund?

  • alissa clough says:

    So, it looks like mush­rooms and gobo for the veg­gie part…Any oth­er ideas?

  • Tom Sito, Animator, Professor of Animation, USC says:

    ” Writer-Direc­tor Hayao Miyaza­ki is renowned for the gor­geous­ness of his fea­ture length ani­ma­tions” Nice arti­cle, but most peo­ple work­ing in ani­mat­ed film dis­like the term “ani­ma­tions” . Ani­ma­tions is not a real word. It is a term invent­ed by writ­ers with no under­stand­ing of what we do. Ani­ma­tors pre­fer ” Ani­ma­tion, Ani­mat­ed film, or Car­toons”

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