The School of Open is offerÂing its secÂond round of free, facilÂiÂtatÂed, online coursÂes. Through August 4, you can sign up for 7 coursÂes on open sciÂence, colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive workÂshop design, open eduÂcaÂtionÂal resources, copyÂright for eduÂcaÂtors, Wikipedia, CC licensÂes, and more. CoursÂes will start after the first week of August and run for 3 to 7 weeks, dependÂing on the course topÂic and orgaÂnizÂer. All coursÂes will offer badges for recogÂniÂtion of skills and/or course comÂpleÂtion as part of P2PU’s badges pilot. Here’s a list of the upcomÂing coursÂes, all of which have been added to our comÂpreÂhenÂsive list of MOOCs.
- Open SciÂence: An IntroÂducÂtion
- Why Open?
- CopyÂright 4 EduÂcaÂtors (AUS)
- CopyÂright 4 EduÂcaÂtors (US)
- CreÂative ComÂmons for K‑12 EduÂcaÂtors
- DesignÂing ColÂlabÂoÂraÂtive WorkÂshops
- WritÂing Wikipedia ArtiÂcles: The Basics and Beyond
If you are too busy to take a course this time around, you can sign up to be notiÂfied for the next round of facilÂiÂtatÂed coursÂes, or take a stand-alone course at your own pace, at any time. All coursÂes are free and open to take and re-use under the CreÂative ComÂmons AttriÂbuÂtion-ShareÂAlike license.
Dear sir/Madam,
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