You don’t need to underÂstand French to appreÂciÂate the project. In 1964, the Swiss pharÂmaÂceuÂtiÂcal comÂpaÂny SanÂdoz (now NovarÂtis) comÂmisÂsioned the BelÂgian writer, poet and painter HenÂri Michaux to proÂduce a film that demonÂstratÂed the effects of halÂluÂcinoÂgenic drugs. The comÂpaÂny saw the film as a way to help its sciÂenÂtists get closÂer to the halÂluÂcinoÂgenic expeÂriÂence — not surÂprisÂing, givÂen that SanÂdoz was the comÂpaÂny that first synÂtheÂsized LSD back in 1938.
HenÂri Michaux had already pubÂlished accounts where he used words, signs and drawÂings to recount his expeÂriÂences with trip-inducÂing drugs. (See his transÂlatÂed book, MisÂerÂable MirÂaÂcle.) And that conÂtinÂued with the new film, Images du monde visionÂnaire (Images of a VisionÂary World.) At the top, you can find the tripÂpy segÂment devotÂed to mescaÂline, and, below that, Michaux’s visuÂal treatÂment of hashish. Watch the comÂplete film, except for one unforÂtuÂnateÂly blemÂished minute, here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
This is What OlivÂer Sacks Learned on LSD and AmphetÂaÂmines
Aldous Huxley’s LSD Death Trip
Ken Kesey’s First LSD Trip AniÂmatÂed
How to OperÂate Your Brain: A User ManÂuÂal by TimÂoÂthy Leary (1993)
Beyond TimÂoÂthy Leary: 2002 Film RevisÂits HisÂtoÂry of LSD
WOW!Great music also but i have a question.In the film says that music is made by Gilbert Amy,but as i found out latÂer is a jam by the band or musiÂcian named Pir!But i can’t find any more details about Pir,can someÂone please help me ’cause the music is perÂfect!
HelÂlo Costas, we’re realÂly glad that you like our music to the Michaux film!nWe are a band from StockÂholm and the music conÂsists of parts from jams that we record in our rehersal space with a small portable recordÂing device. nThere are a couÂple of old jams uploaded on have also recordÂed on anaÂlog tape in a stuÂdio which we are pressÂing on vinyl right now. The sound qualÂiÂty is way betÂter and I would also like to think the same about the music :)nJust send a mail to if you are interÂestÂed in getÂting hold of a copy when they arrive from the pressÂing plant.nCheers, Pir