Hermann Rorschach’s Original Rorschach Test: What Do You See? (1921)

There is a well-known scene in Woody Allen’s Take The Mon­ey And Run (1969) when Vir­gil Stark­well (Allen) takes a psy­cho­log­i­cal test to join the Navy, but is thwart­ed by his las­civ­i­ous uncon­scious. The psy­cho­log­i­cal mea­sure that proves to be Starkwell’s undoing—rejected, he turns to a life of crime—is the Rorschach inkblot test, devised almost a cen­tu­ry ago by Carl Jung’s com­pa­tri­ot and fel­low psy­chol­o­gist, Her­mann Rorschach. Although Rorschach would die young, at 37, his name­sake remains embed­ded in our per­cep­tion of psy­chol­o­gy, along­side Freud’s couch and Pavlov’s dog.

Her­mann Rorschach’s father was an art teacher, and encour­aged his son to express him­self. Whether the young Rorschach had innate artis­tic lean­ings, or had begun to lis­ten to his father more close­ly after the death of his moth­er at age 12, is uncer­tain. What is known, how­ev­er, is that Her­mann became so fas­ci­nat­ed with mak­ing pic­tures out of inkblots—a Swiss game known under the delight­ful des­ig­na­tion of Kleck­sog­ra­phy—that his school­mates gave him the nick­name of Klecks.

Although he strug­gled to choose between art and sci­ence as a career, Rorschach, on the coun­sel of emi­nent Ger­man biol­o­gist and ardent Dar­win sup­port­er Ernst Haeck­el, chose med­i­cine, spe­cial­iz­ing in psy­chol­o­gy. Still, he nev­er aban­doned art.

Even before the young Rorschach began to study psy­chol­o­gy, the med­ical pro­fes­sion had flirt­ed with imagery asso­ci­a­tion. In 1857, a Ger­man doc­tor named Justi­nus Kern­er pub­lished a book of poet­ry, with each poem inspired by an accom­pa­ny­ing inkblot. Alfred Binet, the father of intel­li­gence test­ing, also tin­kered with inkblots at the out­set of the 20th cen­tu­ry, see­ing them as a poten­tial mea­sure of cre­ativ­i­ty. While stat­ing that Rorschach was famil­iar with these par­tic­u­lar ink blotch­es reach­es no fur­ther than edu­cat­ed con­jec­ture, we know that he was famil­iar with the work of Szy­man Hens, an ear­ly psy­chol­o­gist who explored his patients’ fan­tasies using inkblots, as well as Carl Jung’s prac­tice of hav­ing his patients engage in word-asso­ci­a­tion.

After notic­ing that schiz­o­phrenic patients asso­ci­at­ed vast­ly dif­fer­ent things with inkblots than oth­er patients, Rorschach, fol­low­ing  some exper­i­men­ta­tion, cre­at­ed the first ver­sion of the inkblot test as a mea­sure of schiz­o­phre­nia in 1921. The test, how­ev­er, only came to be used as a form of per­son­al­i­ty assess­ment when Samuel Beck and Bruno Klopfer expand­ed its orig­i­nal scope in the late 1930s. Since then, psy­chol­o­gists have fre­quent­ly used the var­i­ous aspects of peo­ple’s respons­es (e.g., inkblot focus area) to make judg­ment calls about broad per­son­al­i­ty traits. Iron­i­cal­ly, Rorschach him­self had been skep­ti­cal about the inkblots’ val­ue in assess­ing per­son­al­i­ty.

In hon­or of Rorschach’s birth­day (he was born on this day in 1884), we’ve high­light­ed his orig­i­nal images below, as well as some of the most pop­u­lar respons­es. If you see some­thing else in these images, feel free to let us know in the com­ments sec­tion below. The images, we should note, are in the pub­lic domain, and oth­er­wise read­i­ly view­able on Wikipedia. And, accord­ing to Wiki­me­dia Com­mons, the images are in the pub­lic domain.

Image 1: Bat, but­ter­fly, moth


Image 2: Two humans


Image 3: Two humans


Image 4: Ani­mal hide, skin, rug


Image 5: Bat, but­ter­fly, moth


Image 6: Ani­mal hide, skin, rug


Image 7: Human heads or faces


Image 8: Ani­mal; not cat or dog


Image 9: Human


Image 10: Crab, lob­ster, spi­der,


Hap­pen to see an ele­phant and a men’s glee club engaged in unmen­tion­able acts? Don’t fret—you’ve like­ly pro­ject­ed noth­ing intel­li­gi­ble. The test has long been out of date, and is deemed nei­ther reli­able nor valid in the vast major­i­ty of cas­es (although an updat­ed ver­sion exists, it suf­fers from sim­i­lar method­olog­i­cal flaws). Vir­gil Stark­well, it seems, would have made a fine Navy offi­cer.

Ilia Blin­d­er­man is a Mon­tre­al-based cul­ture writer. Fol­low him at@iliablinderman

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Comments (203)
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  • ambular says:

    Image 2 looks like Tin­ker­bell check­ing her butt out in the mir­rorn

  • ambular says:

    Correction…image 7

  • anon1234 says:

    1. Evil car­toon cat, 2. Paint­ed face, 3. Woman in black dress with bow tie, 4. Man on motor­cy­cle, 5. Bat, 6. Vol­cano, 7. White lamp, 8. Alien with pumas crawl­ing up him 9. 2 Green faced dudes in straw hats 10. Assault on the senses…What are my eyes look­ing at?!

  • dude says:

    2. Two bears high fiv­ing

  • Jack El-Hai says:

    Thanks for a fas­ci­nat­ing post. It’s briefly men­tioned here but worth repeat­ing that Rorschach inter­preters dur­ing the 1930s-’40s exam­ined not only the con­tent of sub­jects’ respons­es but also the lan­guage they used, trends in the imagery they described, how sub­jects approached the inkblots, and whether they focused on small parts of the images or the inkblots as a whole. The test is still used today to assess per­son­al­i­ty, although not near­ly as much as it used to be used, and the assess­ment is stan­dard­ized. There’s more about the con­tro­ver­sy over the most famous Rorschachs ever tak­en u2014 those of the top Nazi lead­ers indict­ed at Nurem­berg u2014 in my book The Nazi and the Psy­chi­a­trist.

  • Half Moon says:

    1. Two baby elephants.n2. Two bears touch­ing hands and blow­ing red smoke.n7. Show­girl look­ing in the mirror.n9…there are two things I see. 1. if I’m look­ing at the mid­dle, it looks like Volde­mort. 2. look­ing at either side a cou­ple of head­less can-can dancers.

  • Jeremy Bowman says:

    1.tTwo caped Nazi offi­cers pulling a head­less girl in two.nn2.tTwo Dis­ney dwarfs simul­ta­ne­ous­ly u201chigh-fivin­gu201d with their hands while u201­clow-fivin­gu201d with their feet and knees.nn3.tTwo sur­prised wait­ers about to serve some­thing in a witchu2019s cauldron.nn4.tBadger in a super-sized pair of dungarees.nn5.tRabbit fly­ing off in a caped bat suit.nn6.tSylvester rug.nn7.tTwo lady rab­bits rub­bing their bot­toms together.nn8.tGuinea pigs start­ing to climb a Christ­mas tree.nn9.tDragons rear­ing at each other.nn10.tCaterpillars vis­it Paris.

  • Waris says:

    a girl adress­ing

  • Sammi says:

    1. Mothn2. Uterusn3. 2 peo­ple with a bow tie in the middlen4. frogn5. butterflyn6. guitarn7. 2 thumbs upn8. bears climb­ing a mountainn9. Flamesn10. two beings car­ry­ing a gift to an alter

  • Leonard says:

    1. human vertebraen2. high five monksn3. racoon facen4. kas­sadin face from LoLn5. mothn6. sher­iff badge with hairy thing on topn7. neckelacen8. trophyn9. 3 flow­ers crownn10. Val­hal­la knights that fly by blue big bugs

  • aron says:

    10.caterrpillar, star ship troop­ers aliensn9. drag­on out of smaoke and firen8.cougar reflec­tion on a pondn7. peter pan fairyn6. tiger skinn5.butterflyn4. drag­on skinn3.she malen2. clownn1. alien space ship

  • Miss Haven says:

    1. Two piglets tear­ing apart a frog.n2. Two young ele­phants high-fiv­ing with their trunks.n3. But­ter­fly fly­ing over a pond.n4. Two vultures.n5. Moth-Bat hybrid. n6. Deformed cat.n7. Chromosome.n8. Two fer­ret-lizard hybridsn9. Angry chipmunk.n10. Two guns, two pools of blood, two crab claws, two islands, two peck­ing birds (one with­out an eye), two cat­ter­pil­lars, two birds singing opera (one being head­less) and two pee-pud­dles from the opera birds.

  • Monica Lopez Franco says:

    1‑Bat­man­n2-Uterus­n3-two kids ask­ing hal­loween­n4- F1 rac­ern5-Bat­man­n6- Cat sit­ting on a chairn7-Neck­lass­n8-Brain­n9-Two drag­on­sn10-Eif­fel Tow­er

  • Bugsy Stalin says:

    JFC! Fail. Next time put the “answers” below (all of) the images. HowTF am I to see some­thing on my own when my brain keeps get­ting pushed with sug­ges­tions?! Oh, I could make shit up but it is sup­posed to be spon­ta­neous, no?

  • john says:

    1) the dev­il on a fly­ing devicen2) two peo­ple prac­tis­ing ouja board sum­mon­ing demonsn3) slaves work­ing togethern4) giant about to stop on someonen5) the mothmann6) a space­ship from aboven7) two rabbitsn8) two ani­mals climb­ing up some­ones arms whos wear­ing a hatn9 evil demon­ic spir­it with giant hornsn10) war­rior going in to bat­tle with a warm ani­mal skin jack­et and armor

  • Debbie Little says:

    I’m so glad some­one else saw a chick­en as well!

  • Kunal Bhatia says:

    1.some four eyed mon­ster’s face that looks like a foxnn2.two red­head women dressed in japan­ese attire giv­ing hi-fives to each othernn3. Two wait­ers fac­ing each oth­er hold­ing some big heavy bowlnn4. trans­form­ers styled Big foot or yetinn5. aer­i­al view of a but­ter­fly dur­ing its flightnn6. skin rug of some extinct animalnn7. 2 bun­nies with their butts touch­ing each othernn8. 2 racoons climb­ing up on some mon­ster’s statuenn9. a design­er foun­tain at some palacenn10. col­or­ful Aliens march­ing towards eif­fel tow­er

  • JayBone says:

    #4 is clear­ly a fair­ly large Hells Angel on a Harley

  • 2centsplain says:

    Nobody else saw a Hal­loween mask in no. 1??

  • averagjo says:

    1. A bat look­ing for his headn2. A Gnome kneel­ing and prayingn3. A lit­tle girl with a bowtie bowingn4. A drag­on with a long neck (like a giraffe) drink­ing water.n5. A but­ter­fly with pinchersn6. A vul­va with grass grow­ing out of itn7. Two preg­nant women bump­ing belliesn8. Two pugs that have rac­coons crawl­ing up them­non­to a goats skull armor combon9. Evil car­toon rab­bit with fire for earsn10. A king on a throne being vis­it­ed by an angel­nwith a green robe With blue spi­ders wav­ing palm fronds at the king. Two torch­es­non either side of the kings car­pet. Two giant fall leaves on either side asnwell.

  • dyy says:

    1. two baby pigs kiss­ing each oth­er like mirrorn2. 2 lit­tle calfsn3. the front part of a drag­on flyn4. an old pair of bootsn5.a snail n6. a very cool vio­lin n7. 2 rabbitsn8.lungs, pelvis bonen9.2 stags walk­ing on the moonn10 . 2 wolfs and 2 red hood­ed girls

  • Alma Mujezinoviu0107 says:

    1.The angel of deathn2.A cou­ple of dwarves doing a russ­ian dance high- fiv­ing each othern3.A baby’s skull with a bow on top caressed by twon­aked women (i know.. wtf, but it’s what i see in it)n4.A ctul­hu look­ing mon­ster from an under perspectiven5.A but­ter­fly in flightn6.A…khm…flower xDn7.siamese twins cat­ter­pil­lar ladies with feath­ered hatsn8.a ver­ti­cal­ly placed lion walk­ing on water, and his reflectionn9.Colorfull fumes erupt­ing from a goats skulln10.Eifell tow­er, fire­works and twin hip­pocam­pus­es

  • Alma Mujezinoviu0107 says:

    1.The angel of deathn2.A cou­ple of dwarves doing a russ­ian dance high- fiv­ing each othern3.A baby’s skull with a bow on top caressed by twon­aked women (i know.. wtf, but it’s what i see in it)n4.A ctul­hu look­ing mon­ster from an under perspectiven5.A but­ter­fly in flightn6.A…khm…flower xDn7.siamese twins cat­ter­pil­lar ladies with feath­ered hatsn8.a ver­ti­cal­ly placed lion walk­ing on water, and his reflectionn9.Colorfull fumes erupt­ing from a goats skulln10.Eifell tow­er, fire­works and twin hip­pocam­pus­es

  • Alma Mujezinoviu0107 says:

    1.The angel of deathn2.A cou­ple of dwarves doing a russ­ian dance high- fiv­ing each othern3.A baby’s skull with a bow on top caressed by twon­aked women (i know.. wtf, but it’s what i see in it)n4.A ctul­hu look­ing mon­ster from an under perspectiven5.A but­ter­fly in flightn6.A…khm…flower xDn7.siamese twins cat­ter­pil­lar ladies with feath­ered hatsn8.a ver­ti­cal­ly placed lion walk­ing on water, and his reflectionn9.Colorfull fumes erupt­ing from a goats skulln10.Eifell tow­er, fire­works and twin hip­pocam­pus­es

  • worryed says:

    i see sculs or shatered bones in almoast all pic­tures

  • worryed says:

    i see sculs or shatered bones in almoast all pic­tures

  • worryed says:

    i see sculs or shatered bones in almoast all pic­tures

  • pooja salunke says:

    1.space shipnn2.two men giv­ing high fivenn3.two men touch­ing some pot bow in between nn4.monsternn5.batnn6.dead skin of some ani­mal like foxnn7.two ele­phants show­ing backs to each oth­er nn8.middle part like human body, some ani­mal both sidenn9.two drag­ons fac­ing each othernn10.blue are horse rid­ers like in wars, pink is fish whichn­looks like horse

  • pooja salunke says:

    1.space shipnn2.two men giv­ing high fivenn3.two men touch­ing some pot bow in between nn4.monsternn5.batnn6.dead skin of some ani­mal like foxnn7.two ele­phants show­ing backs to each oth­er nn8.middle part like human body, some ani­mal both sidenn9.two drag­ons fac­ing each othernn10.blue are horse rid­ers like in wars, pink is fish whichn­looks like horse

  • pooja salunke says:

    1.space shipnn2.two men giv­ing high fivenn3.two men touch­ing some pot bow in between nn4.monsternn5.batnn6.dead skin of some ani­mal like foxnn7.two ele­phants show­ing backs to each oth­er nn8.middle part like human body, some ani­mal both sidenn9.two drag­ons fac­ing each othernn10.blue are horse rid­ers like in wars, pink is fish whichn­looks like horse

  • Dot says:

    Dotn1) mon­ster reach­ing out to grab men2) angelsn3) 2 tur­baned men greet­ing n4) two African women stir­ring potn5) sleep­ing ani­mal on backn6) batn7) fur­ry ani­mal skinn8) pro­files of 2 women gaz­ing at each othern9) 2 bears climbingn10) 2 women on fire danc­ing on tulipsn11) cel­e­bra­tion in front of the Eif­fel Tow­er

  • Dot says:

    Dotn1) mon­ster reach­ing out to grab men2) angelsn3) 2 tur­baned men greet­ing n4) two African women stir­ring potn5) sleep­ing ani­mal on backn6) batn7) fur­ry ani­mal skinn8) pro­files of 2 women gaz­ing at each othern9) 2 bears climbingn10) 2 women on fire danc­ing on tulipsn11) cel­e­bra­tion in front of the Eif­fel Tow­er

  • Dot says:

    Dotn1) mon­ster reach­ing out to grab men2) angelsn3) 2 tur­baned men greet­ing n4) two African women stir­ring potn5) sleep­ing ani­mal on backn6) batn7) fur­ry ani­mal skinn8) pro­files of 2 women gaz­ing at each othern9) 2 bears climbingn10) 2 women on fire danc­ing on tulipsn11) cel­e­bra­tion in front of the Eif­fel Tow­er

  • Queen Bee says:

    1) demon rais­ing his handsn2) a Pelvisn3) alien bug or tuxedon4) ani­mal hiden5) mothn6) tow­er on a mountainn7) two facesn8) a soldiern9) fire and smoken10) car­ni­val

  • Queen Bee says:

    1) demon rais­ing his handsn2) a Pelvisn3) alien bug or tuxedon4) ani­mal hiden5) mothn6) tow­er on a mountainn7) two facesn8) a soldiern9) fire and smoken10) car­ni­val

  • Queen Bee says:

    1) demon rais­ing his handsn2) a Pelvisn3) alien bug or tuxedon4) ani­mal hiden5) mothn6) tow­er on a mountainn7) two facesn8) a soldiern9) fire and smoken10) car­ni­val

  • JD says:

    1. hip bonen2. two gnomes hifivingn3. spi­der and a butterflyn4. a man with large feet and a tailn5. batn6. tiger’s hiden7. two apesn8. pan­ther climb­ing up a hill and his reflectionn9. peo­ple play­ing holin10. two spi­ders fan­ning the eifel tow­er with leaves…:P

  • JD says:

    1. hip bonen2. two gnomes hifivingn3. spi­der and a butterflyn4. a man with large feet and a tailn5. batn6. tiger’s hiden7. two apesn8. pan­ther climb­ing up a hill and his reflectionn9. peo­ple play­ing holin10. two spi­ders fan­ning the eifel tow­er with leaves…:P

  • JD says:

    1. hip bonen2. two gnomes hifivingn3. spi­der and a butterflyn4. a man with large feet and a tailn5. batn6. tiger’s hiden7. two apesn8. pan­ther climb­ing up a hill and his reflectionn9. peo­ple play­ing holin10. two spi­ders fan­ning the eifel tow­er with leaves…:P

  • Kay says:

    1) mothnn2)two bun­nie w/ bloodnn3)womans bot­tom cervixnn4)monsternn5)butterflynn6)animal with spike tail and mandaiblesnn7)two women butt to but look­ing @ each othernn8)to ani­mals mir­ror image walkingnn9)sea horse top and spine bottomnn10)skullnSo any idea what my answers mean??

  • Kay says:

    1) mothnn2)two bun­nie w/ bloodnn3)womans bot­tom cervixnn4)monsternn5)butterflynn6)animal with spike tail and mandaiblesnn7)two women butt to but look­ing @ each othernn8)to ani­mals mir­ror image walkingnn9)sea horse top and spine bottomnn10)skullnSo any idea what my answers mean??

  • person says:

    1st maskn2nd rabbitsn3rd deer and butterflyn4th bootsn5th mothn6th a leaf n7th fairies look­ing g at each oth­er n8th ottersn9th sea hors­es on peoplen10th birds a lot of bird­sn

  • person says:

    1st maskn2nd rabbitsn3rd deer and butterflyn4th bootsn5th mothn6th a leaf n7th fairies look­ing g at each oth­er n8th ottersn9th sea hors­es on peoplen10th birds a lot of bird­sn

  • person says:

    1st maskn2nd rabbitsn3rd deer and butterflyn4th bootsn5th mothn6th a leaf n7th fairies look­ing g at each oth­er n8th ottersn9th sea hors­es on peoplen10th birds a lot of bird­sn


    1. Satan in the Mid­dle Lead­ing a Choir of Dea­mons on both sides of him. Doing a Ren­di­tion of Singing in the Rain.,nnn2. Sex­u­al Space Ship dur­ing Mat­ing Sea­son in the Milky Way Mas­sage Par­lor and Space Gas Station.nnn3. Now,that’s just plain SICK.…nnn4. That’s Big Foot and actu­al­ly the one they call “Tri Pod“nnn5. That is the Famous Strip­per Gyp­sy Rose Lee doing her Famous Moth Blot Dance. To the Saber Song.nnn6. I dont know what the heck that is?nnn7. Some­thing to do with Moth­er or Dadnnn8. Thats my 1970s The Deads Tie Dye Shirt, before it got tornnnn9. More PORNnnnn10. Danc­ing Fishys and Rick Nel­son Play­ing Gui­tar!


    1. Satan in the Mid­dle Lead­ing a Choir of Dea­mons on both sides of him. Doing a Ren­di­tion of Singing in the Rain.,nnn2. Sex­u­al Space Ship dur­ing Mat­ing Sea­son in the Milky Way Mas­sage Par­lor and Space Gas Station.nnn3. Now,that’s just plain SICK.…nnn4. That’s Big Foot and actu­al­ly the one they call “Tri Pod“nnn5. That is the Famous Strip­per Gyp­sy Rose Lee doing her Famous Moth Blot Dance. To the Saber Song.nnn6. I dont know what the heck that is?nnn7. Some­thing to do with Moth­er or Dadnnn8. Thats my 1970s The Deads Tie Dye Shirt, before it got tornnnn9. More PORNnnnn10. Danc­ing Fishys and Rick Nel­son Play­ing Gui­tar!


    1. Satan in the Mid­dle Lead­ing a Choir of Dea­mons on both sides of him. Doing a Ren­di­tion of Singing in the Rain.,nnn2. Sex­u­al Space Ship dur­ing Mat­ing Sea­son in the Milky Way Mas­sage Par­lor and Space Gas Station.nnn3. Now,that’s just plain SICK.…nnn4. That’s Big Foot and actu­al­ly the one they call “Tri Pod“nnn5. That is the Famous Strip­per Gyp­sy Rose Lee doing her Famous Moth Blot Dance. To the Saber Song.nnn6. I dont know what the heck that is?nnn7. Some­thing to do with Moth­er or Dadnnn8. Thats my 1970s The Deads Tie Dye Shirt, before it got tornnnn9. More PORNnnnn10. Danc­ing Fishys and Rick Nel­son Play­ing Gui­tar!

  • vinoth marudhachalam says:

    image 2: looks like ele­phant head and trunks raised in like for a show­er..

  • vinoth marudhachalam says:

    image 2: looks like ele­phant head and trunks raised in like for a show­er..

  • vinoth marudhachalam says:

    image 2: looks like ele­phant head and trunks raised in like for a show­er..

  • Irini says:

    1. Two grem­lins n2. Two Sufisn3. A smil­ing creaturen4. An orchidn5. A batn6. A canaln7. A lit­tle girl uside downn8. Heraldic designn9. Sea hors­es or lobstern10. Lungs frag­ment­ed

  • Irini says:

    1. Two grem­lins n2. Two Sufisn3. A smil­ing creaturen4. An orchidn5. A batn6. A canaln7. A lit­tle girl uside downn8. Heraldic designn9. Sea hors­es or lobstern10. Lungs frag­ment­ed

  • Irini says:

    1. Two grem­lins n2. Two Sufisn3. A smil­ing creaturen4. An orchidn5. A batn6. A canaln7. A lit­tle girl uside downn8. Heraldic designn9. Sea hors­es or lobstern10. Lungs frag­ment­ed

  • Bend Mortgage says:

    Go ahead and give the “answers,” you dum­b­ass­es.

  • yaggo11 says:

    Todos son Aliens y Mon­stru­os tipo Ange­les de Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion

  • Macha says:

    1 ver­te­bra or an angry man in operan2 two dancersn3 two african womenn4 a bikern5 bat 6 female gen­i­tal organn7 n8n9 an angry bulln10 Champ de Mars and Eifel tow­er

  • iherr says:

    1‑baby ele­phant show­ing a tro­phyn­n2-two pup­pies kiss­ing each oth­ern­n3-two birds in tuxe­dosnn4-two sad dogsnn5-Dancers or skater­snn6-some­body ready to diven­n7-two syn­chro­nized swim­mer­snn8-two wolves look­ing at 2 rac­coons climb­ing the treen­n9-roost­ers singing face to facen­n10-two men in win­ter suits and Russ­ian hats, cross­ing Arc de Tri­om­phe in Paris

  • Big Don Juan says:

    1. Pump­kin face with goat ears, horns, goa­tee. Not quite satan.n2. Satan.n3. Red bowtie on a din­ner dressed male, with a cape. Or a bull face with red horns.n4. Black pig or dog face.n5. Bat with top half of wings missing.n6. Ani­mal hide.n7. Nothing.n8. A trans­former with Igua­nas for arms.n9. Two aggres­sive male Deer lock­ing horns.n10. You. (or a midget strip­per with yel­low banana shoes, a grey head­piece and bright­ly coloured fur coat.nnIts ok, i already know. Im f**king nuts.

  • Miss Ominous says:

    Seri­ous­ly, why did you put descrip­tive nouns above all the pho­tos. Total­ly defeats the whole pur­pose of the Rorschach test.

  • Ferdnan says:

    1. an ex girl­friendn 2. 3 dogs and 2 cats play­ing card­sn 3. a war vet­er­an smok­ing a cig­a­ret­ten 4. bar­bara wal­ter­sn 5. cloud for­ma­tions on a rainy after­noonn 6. debris from an air­plane crashn 7. a messy vom­it stainn 8. look­ing through a micro­scope at very small beingsn 9. last nights din­ner (btw, it was deli­cious!) n10. abstract water­col­or­ing by a 1 year old savant

  • tom says:

    appar­ent­ly, and i must chuck­le at any answer below, you must only look at just 1 side of the pic­ture, because you must fold one side over the oth­er to tru­ly see the whole pic­turen­ni learned that when i was only 4 years oldnhave a great day

  • tom says:

    appar­ent­ly, and i must chuck­le at any answer below, you must only look at just 1 side of the pic­ture, because you must fold one side over the oth­er to tru­ly see the whole pic­turen­ni learned that when i was only 4 years oldnhave a great day

  • Chris mulhall says:

    i dont know what is sais 0.0 herse mine:nHeadless priest being torn apart by imp­snt­wo bears pray­ing after a kill­npig-per­son bleed­ing on his upper nose and side of head­nDrag­on bowing+grim reaper with no head hold­ing two headsnButterflynchasm+large doors to a tow­ernout­cut of human skin­npeo­ple in hoods danc­ing around a fire, death­ly spec­tre ris­ingn­Demons with 3 claws ris­ing from flamesnlob­sters, myridons-(mermen-simular to world of war­craft) cater­pil­lars pray­ing to a throne with two guards pro­tect­ing it and its emp­ty

    • Andrea says:

      At first glance I thought your respons­es were bizarre.nBut, after com­par­ing what you see to the actu­al inkblot—I see every­thing you do. :)nYou’re very cre­ative.

  • Agnes says:

    1 fairiesn2 two men from Chinan3 waitersn4 two hap­py dogsn5 night butterflyn6 dragonflyn7 girlsn8 two ani­mals climbingn9 humans playingn10 ani­mal par­ty

  • nour essam says:

    i see for pic. 7 that it is of too hands rais­ing their thumps infront of each oth­er

  • Jennifer Werther says:

    1. Batmannn2. Red head­ed ladiesnn3. DJsnn4. Motorcylistnn5. Mothrann6. Foxnn7. Girlsnn8. Pelvisnn9. Goatnn10. Lady Gaga

  • Forensic psychologist says:

    Total­ly irre­spon­si­ble to put this copy­right­ed pro­fes­sion­al mate­r­i­al on the web. As for your com­ment about it being nei­ther reli­able nor valid, you might check your facts with rep­utable foren­sic sources.nA foren­sic psy­chol­o­gist

    • Metalmaori says:

      I dun­no mate, as far as I under­stand it Copy­right lasts for 50–70 years max in most parts of the world, which would make this work pub­lic domain.nnAs for check­ing foren­sic sources, I would think Psy­cho­log­i­cal sources would be more appro­pri­ate.

  • Sjveik says:

    1. 2 piglets munch­ing on a giant cockroach.n2. Pup­pies sniff­ing each oth­ers’ noses.n3. 2 men with hand­bags bowing.n4. 2 pup­pies cosy­ing up to each other.n5. Batn6. Ecsta­t­ic cat ‘howl­ing’ at the moon.n7. 2 girls with pony­tails about to kiss.n8. 2 lions ascend­ing abstract structure.n9. Design for sur­re­al­ist drag­on fountain.n10. Aquar­i­um com­mu­ni­ty of alien life forms.

  • Charles Adams says:

    1.a demon or ghoul n2. ele­phants left to die after being poachedn3. a dragonn4. human faces in an inky blackn5. butterflyn6. drag­on­fly with its wings ripped off and lying behind itn7. a chasm or valleyn8. a neck and tor­so with man­gled armsn9. bee­tles falling into watern10. the Eif­fel tow­er with rivers of blood run­ning from its legs and fire­works on the side

  • Ashley Jones says:

    1. Thing from Jeep­ers Creepersn2. Very loose and bloody vaginan3. Two peo­ple that were shot in the heartsn4. Crawl­ing Drgaonn5. Mothn6. Split skin of Star Nosed Molen7. Go-go girls bump­ing buttsn8. Ber climb­ing a tree away from hot lavan9. That pig pokemonn10. Mor­tal Com­bat guy with blue elec­tric­i­ty and birds around him

  • Nini says:

    1. Danc­ing penguinsn2. 2 peo­ple hold­ing handsn3.a tuxedon4. a dogn5. batn6. goosen7. two big thumbs upn8. lizardsn9. deer in cloudsn10. Paris

  • LokMeUpThrowAwayTheKey says:

    1. Two angels, back to back hold­ing off an onslaught of Grem­lins. Where’s Raph Nad­er when you need him? Grem­lins are dangerous!nnn2. Two Lawn Gnomes in red hats, doing a high five. OR two baby ele­phants giv­ing a trunk pump to each oth­er. OR two mice insert­ing a tri­an­gle-shaped IUD, vaginally.nnn3. Two duck wait­ers (fac­ing each oth­er) hold­ing a huge white cup­cake with a red bow on top. OR afore­men­tioned fowl ser­vice staff mem­bers hold­ing down a girl on her stom­ach. She has a red bow in her hair and a naked bot­tom, her pants pulled down to her knees. (Hey I did­n’t make this up, mere­ly report­ing the harsh real­i­ties of life as an ink blot.) Some­body tell the duck wait­ers not to lis­ten to the red dev­ils hang­ing by a thread. nnn4. The lead singer of Ylvis in their smash hit, “What Does The Fox say?“nnn5. The TICK’S side­kick The Moth (“Let’s Hang Ten for Jus­tice”). Or a micro­phone on a lan­yard, clutched by the hands of a goril­la. Or twin peg leg Bar­bar­ians in fur shot out of oppos­ing can­nons, at the point of head to head col­li­sion (with­out foot­ball hel­mets or tar­get­ing penal­ties). That’s going to cause more than a concussion.nnn6. A large drag­on­fly, being held in the mouth (and teeth) of a beaver on its back, spread-eagle on the ground. OR the “I have no shame” camel toe show­ing through the too-tight sweatpants.nnn7. Four bun­nies. Two in the back have their ears erect and are face to face, hol­ler­ing at each oth­er. The two in the fore­ground show both ears and they are half reclining.nnn8. Cart­man from South­Park cov­er­ing his mouth with his hands in red mit­tens. His sun­glass­es are being ripped apart by minia­ture gar­goyles perched on his ears. OR two pink chip­munks wip­ing the but­tocks of a woman on her knees wear­ing pink pants and yel­low shoes. What? Some­thing wrong with that? This hap­pens at my house ALL THE TIME. ;-)nnn9. Two one-eyed blue sharks star­ing at each oth­er while swim­ming over Mr. Krabs. Yel­low sea­hors­es doing what sea­hors­es do: con­fu­ing humans into won­der­ing if you real­ly can order tiny eggs from the back of a com­ic book and grow sea­hors­es for fun AND profit.nnn10. The fire­works in Paris under the Eif­fel Tow­er. OR (NSFW) a nude man lying on back with arms crossed behind his/her head and some­thing being insert­ed into his pie hole (and it ain’t pie ;-o ). Sea crea­tures are lick­ing the man’s armpits while each hold’s one of the man’s blue tes­ti­cles. Do you think he paid for that?

  • jgutierrez says:

    1)a feaky pig faced hol­loween maskn2) a beard­ed skull with its mouth wide openn3) two wierd look­ing girls pick­ing water from a stream or welln4)some kind of demon­ic boarn5)mothn6)vagina…definatly a vaginan7) con­joind famale twinsn8)a flower with two cameleons climb­ing up somethingn9)the skull of a mean look­ing animaln10)a split open human brain

  • olive oyl says:

    1. demon con­jur­ing a spell or a maskn2. janis­saries hold some­thing or a stealth bombern3. waitersn4. head­piece with jew­els and a nose platen5. mothn6.cartoon catn7.girls jump­ing on a trampolinen8.bodice of a Gib­son girl dressn9.glass vasen10. Hin­du god­dess

  • Malice says:

    I saw thisn1. two baby pigs climb­ing somethingn2. side view of two dogs touch­ing nosesn3. two dearsn4. skulln5. but­ter­fly n6. hiden7. bun­nys fac­ing eachothern8. tigers climbingn9. human skulln10. idk what to say about the last one

  • nd says:

    1. crack fox from mighty booshn2. two chim­panzees doing a high five with traf­fic cones on their headsn3. two she­males about to skull fuck an alien headn4. bad­ger with a giant robot exoskele­ton, with swan necks for armsn5. ps2 con­troller

  • federico hernan says:

    1. PORNn2. PORNn3. PORNn4. PORNn5. PORNn6. PORNn7. PORNn8. PORNn9. PORNn10. PORN

  • Kay2000 says:

    1: Hal­loween Pumpkinn2: Jet Fightern3: Lesbiansn4: Fur Coatn5: Fly­ing Raabbitn6: Vagi­na Lipsn7: Two Thumbs Upn8: Abdom­i­nal X‑ray with ani­mals climb­ing up the sidesn9: an Urnn10: the Eif­fel Tow­er

  • Daan says:

    1 Two chi­huahua’s and a dickn2 Two French clownsn3 Two naked african womenn4 Frog per­spec­tive of the boogeymann5 Fly­ing dickn6 Jump­ing Big Bird with bonern7 Siamese bunniesn8 Two ham­sters climb­ing a corsetn9 Dutch flag on firen10 Eif­fel tow­er and Paris, oh la la!

  • Becca says:

    1. Creepy mask or facen2. two elves touch­ing handsn3. two womenn4. Bigfootn5. batn6. fireflyn7. two thumbs upn8. two lionsn9. two sea horsesn10. large man

  • jgutierrez says:

    am i the only one who saw a vagi­na on #6…humm…i thought it was fair­ly obvi­ous

  • cm says:

    1. 2 don­keys or elephantsn2. 2 ele­phants sit­ting on bar stool nose to nose.n3. 2 women in apronsn4. ele­phant sittingn5. mothn6. fur rug or vaginan7. 2 womenn8. 2 otters/beavers hang­ing from hangars, over a cool dress.n9. 2 pigs kiss­ing, cow above, roost­ers belown10. Sea ani­mals — sea­horse, crabs, jel­ly fish and 2 bells

  • no one says:

    from this i have deter­mined that i am insane

  • DrunkenElevator says:

    1. Jay Lenon2. J. Fred Muggsn3. Bar­bara Cartlandn4. Buf­fa­lo Bob Smithn5. Car­ol Channingn6. Car­ol Burnettn7. Bil­ly Burnetten8. Bil­ly Baldwinn9. Bil­ly Bartyn10 Jay Leno

  • Raven Bearr says:

    IDK I’m see­ing some crazy **** LOL so I’m just gonna keep it to myself xD.

  • Raven Bearr says:

    IDK I’m see­ing some crazy **** LOL so I’m just gonna keep it to myself xD.

  • Val says:

    The ones that looked dif­fer­ent than their dis­crip­tions were/what they loo like to me. Image 4= Breast bone, breast plate. Image 6= moth out of cocoon. Image 8= wom­ans shape, back, spine and arms. Image 9= Sea hors­es

  • Val says:

    The ones that looked dif­fer­ent than their dis­crip­tions were/what they loo like to me. Image 4= Breast bone, breast plate. Image 6= moth out of cocoon. Image 8= wom­ans shape, back, spine and arms. Image 9= Sea hors­es

  • Brad Pitt says:

    1. Evil witch thingy hold­ing up hands.n2. 2 russ­ian gnomes (gnomies) who lost their legs to a landminen3. A rat with red eyes glar­ing at men4. dogn5. batn6. racoon skinn7.moab bal­anced rocksn8. 2 lizards climb­ing a plantn9. WTF…n10. a stuffed ani­mal in front of eif­fel tow­er.

  • Brad Pitt says:

    1. Evil witch thingy hold­ing up hands.n2. 2 russ­ian gnomes (gnomies) who lost their legs to a landminen3. A rat with red eyes glar­ing at men4. dogn5. batn6. racoon skinn7.moab bal­anced rocksn8. 2 lizards climb­ing a plantn9. WTF…n10. a stuffed ani­mal in front of eif­fel tow­er.

  • Lucas Raphael Cavalcanti says:

    1) Two humanoids hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion while sit­ting in a tablen2) Two monstersn3) Two men play­ing a per­cus­sion instrumentn4) A mon­ster with pen­guins in its arms and with the eye-door from Super Metroid on its head.n5) Bat.n6) A vagi­na, but it remem­ber me Audac­i­ty too.n7) Two women with a bun­ny on their heads.n8) Two liz­zards climb­ing something.n9) A cown10) Lar­vas (maybe worms?) and two krabs (maybe spi­ders?).

  • Lucas Raphael Cavalcanti says:

    1) Two humanoids hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion while sit­ting in a tablen2) Two monstersn3) Two men play­ing a per­cus­sion instrumentn4) A mon­ster with pen­guins in its arms and with the eye-door from Super Metroid on its head.n5) Bat.n6) A vagi­na, but it remem­ber me Audac­i­ty too.n7) Two women with a bun­ny on their heads.n8) Two liz­zards climb­ing something.n9) A cown10) Lar­vas (maybe worms?) and two krabs (maybe spi­ders?).

  • Gosia says:

    1. two birdsn2. two friend­ly bearsn3. two women with heartsn4. fly­ing dragonn5. fly­ing batn6. Indi­an totemn7. hingen8. two tigersn9. two seahorsesn10. lungs

  • Gosia says:

    1. two birdsn2. two friend­ly bearsn3. two women with heartsn4. fly­ing dragonn5. fly­ing batn6. Indi­an totemn7. hingen8. two tigersn9. two seahorsesn10. lungs

  • joe says:

    All I see is a stain that I can’t get out of my carpet.n

  • Dr. William Kooistra says:

    In “hon­or” of Rorschach, you pub­lish the images from the cards, thus poten­tial­ly inval­i­dat­ing the test results for any­one who would ever take it for diag­nos­tic rea­sons after view­ing your post­ing. There is a rea­son that psy­chol­o­gists have cho­sen not to share the images in public–for the good of those whom the test might help in the future. I do not use the test in my prac­tice, but please know that pub­lish­ing the images pub­li­cal­ly is very poor judge­ment on your part.nWilliam Koois­tra, Ph.D.

    • Canadian Mathlete says:

      Bloody night, friend. Did you even both­er to read this arti­cle or the his­to­ry of the Ror­shach test, “Doc­tor”? nnnThe test has long been out of date, and is deemed nei­ther reli­able nor valid in the vast major­i­ty of cas­es (although an updat­ed ver­sion exists, it suf­fers from­sim­i­lar method­olog­i­cal flaws).

    • Canadian Mathlete says:

      Bloody night, friend. Did you even both­er to read this arti­cle or the his­to­ry of the Ror­shach test, “Doc­tor”? nnnThe test has long been out of date, and is deemed nei­ther reli­able nor valid in the vast major­i­ty of cas­es (although an updat­ed ver­sion exists, it suf­fers from­sim­i­lar method­olog­i­cal flaws).

    • Duncan Taylor says:

      A lit­tle uptight aren’t you?

    • likalaruku says:

      You can find these on a mil­lions web pages. I think they’re only good for sep­a­rat­ing peo­ple into 6 categories:nnn1)People with imag­i­na­tions & a sense of humor. (Ani­mals, aliens, or peo­ple doing sil­ly things that make no sense).nn2)People who only think about sex (Gen­i­tals, les­bians mak­ing out, pelvic bones, sex­u­al acts).nn3)People with lit­tle cre­ativ­i­ty who see mess­es that need to be cleaned up. (Blobs, ooze, stains, mucus, blood, amoe­bas, germs under a telescope).nn4)People who have death on their minds. (Bones, dead ani­mals, blood stains, phantoms).nn5)God-fearing zealots. (Angels, demons, god, dev­il, jesus, mary).nn6)Geeks. (Bat­man, bat­erangs, Poke­mon, mutants, aliens).

    • Open Culture says:

      William, It’s worth not­ing that these images are all read­i­ly avail­able on Wikipedia, not to men­tion oth­er sites. nnhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rorschach_inkblot_test#InkblotsnnWe’re hard­ly the first to have post­ed these. I’d also note that the images are in the pub­lic domain.

  • Dr. William Kooistra says:

    In “hon­or” of Rorschach, you pub­lish the images from the cards, thus poten­tial­ly inval­i­dat­ing the test results for any­one who would ever take it for diag­nos­tic rea­sons after view­ing your post­ing. There is a rea­son that psy­chol­o­gists have cho­sen not to share the images in public–for the good of those whom the test might help in the future. I do not use the test in my prac­tice, but please know that pub­lish­ing the images pub­li­cal­ly is very poor judge­ment on your part.nWilliam Koois­tra, Ph.D.

  • danielle says:

    1. angeln2. 2 gnomes high-fiv­ingn3. 2 weird­ly stanced peo­ple, with a bowtie in the middlen4. ani­mal hide rugn5. butterfly/mothn6. dragonn7. two tin­ker­bells look­ing at eachothern8. beaver or or a fat otter climb­ing an icebergn9. cows headn10. crabs, dolpins, and oth­er fish

  • danielle says:

    1. angeln2. 2 gnomes high-fiv­ingn3. 2 weird­ly stanced peo­ple, with a bowtie in the middlen4. ani­mal hide rugn5. butterfly/mothn6. dragonn7. two tin­ker­bells look­ing at eachothern8. beaver or or a fat otter climb­ing an icebergn9. cows headn10. crabs, dolpins, and oth­er fish

  • Hugh Johnson says:

    All I ever see are vagi­nas

  • Jenn says:

    1. An angeln2. Baby rhinosn3. A dress lil kim would wearn4. A man on a motorcyclen5. Wom­en’s legs stick­ing out from a bushn6. Duck­bill platypusn7. Two womenn8. Gyp­sy Ballgownn9. Wine gobletn10. Ostrich, crab, squir­rel

  • stumpy says:

    #2 Two bear heads, nose to nose n#7 Two girls n#8 Rats and a But­ter­fly n#9 Sea Hors­es n#10 Two musi­cians play­ing horns

  • Kelly says:

    1. Angel or Angel­ic like creatures.n2. A Space Ship.n3. Man in suit with bowtie.n4. Dog-Human head.n5. Pin-Up Poster Womenn6. Two peo­ple per­form­ing some kind of ritual.n7. Two people.n8. Trophyn9. Moosen10. Aquat­ic Life in Ocean.

  • Shiva says:

    1. Viking Helmetn2. Pan­ther’s Facen3. Bul­l’s headn4. Bore’s Facen5. Two Peo­ple lean­ing slant on a treen6. Door wayn7. Chalicen8. Upper Human Bodyn9. Angeln10. Path­way to some mon­u­ment or some­thing

  • DIW says:

    1. angels argu­ing, fightingn2. bears play­ing pat­ty-cak­en3. female mon­keys pulling at some foodn4. bear relaxingn5. man spread­ing his arms to the skyn6. father watch­ing his chil­dren playingn7. peo­ple shout­ing at each othern8. Ani­mals climb­ing a mountainn9. Gods rid­ing lions over a lake of firen10. A crowd­ed cir­cus

  • Jdap says:

    For 7 I see two thumbs up. Any­one else?

  • Matthew says:

    1) Angeln2) Two peo­ple hold­ing hands at a tablen3) A woman hold­ing a purse look­ing in a mirrorn4) A man on a motorcyclen5) A mothn6) A pot­ted plantn7) A woman at a vanityn8) A moun­tain lionn9) Pelvic/Hip Bonesn10) Paris

  • Sister says:

    1.Demonic cat nn 2. Two gnomes fight­ing nn3. Two chimps stir­ring a pot nn4. Two Cana­da geese with big feet nn5. Moth nn6. Ani­mal skin nn7. Two danc­ing rab­bits look­ing at each othern8. A wolf push­ing away two bearsn9. Two warty-nosed witch­es with flam­ing hairn10.Sea crea­tures at a ball

  • funwithpictures says:

    1. 2 birds pulling apart a frogn2. A fat man pray­ing or two wrestlers/clownsn3. 2 witch­es at a cauldronn4. A giant look­ing down or a drag­on doing hand­stand with back arch and feet fac­ing front of picturen5. But­ter­fly or two peo­ple sleep­ing on their sides, backs fac­ing front of picturen6. Orches­tra con­duc­tor, alien cat with over­coat n7. Two old ladies danc­ing, with their buts touch­ing and faces look­ing toward each othern8. Trans­former or two large felines climb­ing a moun­tain n9. Crowd look­ing up at a mag­i­cal sword fightn10. Gar­goyles fan­ning their mas­ter

  • Deanna says:

    1. A dic­ta­tor alien wear­ing a dress, guard­ed by two giant bird headsn2. Two bears hive-fiv­ing over their lat­est killn3. Two bald styl­ish ladies fight­ing over a bowtien4. The head part of the exoskele­ton of a pre­his­toric insectn5. A chro­mo­some with wingsn6. Two ele­phants poledanc­ing, the rem­nants of a flag on the polen7. A white lamp in a dark roomnn8.Two tail-less rodents climb­ing a col­or­ful mountainn9.Two moose, two old men with long noses and chin warts, and peo­ple prais­ing a white daggern10. Sea crea­tures at a spa/gas sta­tion (Flori­da is…injecting gas right into the pink sea­hors­es)

  • paco says:

    I see girls hav­ing fun with each oth­er

  • mommypenis says:

    vagi­nal dis­charge

  • S0ul3ss90 says:

    2. jetn3. tuxe­do n4. godzillan8. samu­rai n9. dragonn10 eif­fel tow­er, plank­ton, two leafs.

  • me says:

    its just kin­da sad to know they com­mit­ed peo­ple over that crap.…

  • eizzumdm says:

    That first one is an angel, rid­ing a motor­cy­cle, with flames and smoke shoot­ing out of four exhaust pipes.

  • drohr says:

    Image4 looks like the front view of a guy rid­ing a Harley Davidson.n

  • Mandy says:

    Mine aren1- 2 chi­huahuas drink­ing from a foun­tain­n2- 2 women with heads bowed in prayer, they are seat­ed and fac­ing each oth­er and the palms of their hands are touching.n3- 2 squir­rels, a giant ant, a but­ter­fly and two dogsn4‑2 peo­ple in front of an ele­phant­n5- a woman is lying on a bed, her back is fac­ing away from a mir­ror that reflects her image.n6- a tun­nel through a moun­tain that has a stat­ue above the entrancen7‑a neck­lace or fairiesn8‑a boat or a fan­ta­sy crea­ture in armourn9, a stat­ue sur­round­ed by smoke and fire although the fire is above the smo­ken10-an ori­en­tal princess on a throne sur­round­ed by flow­ers

  • Mandy says:

    Mine aren1- 2 chi­huahuas drink­ing from a foun­tain­n2- 2 women with heads bowed in prayer, they are seat­ed and fac­ing each oth­er and the palms of their hands are touching.n3- 2 squir­rels, a giant ant, a but­ter­fly and two dogsn4‑2 peo­ple in front of an ele­phant­n5- a woman is lying on a bed, her back is fac­ing away from a mir­ror that reflects her image.n6- a tun­nel through a moun­tain that has a stat­ue above the entrancen7‑a neck­lace or fairiesn8‑a boat or a fan­ta­sy crea­ture in armourn9, a stat­ue sur­round­ed by smoke and fire although the fire is above the smo­ken10-an ori­en­tal princess on a throne sur­round­ed by flow­ers

  • Gabriel Hackney says:

    Nine is so strange in com­par­i­son to what it says. I just can’t see it. The orange part looks like two moss­es fac­ing out­wards, with their heads point­ing upwards. I’m not sure what the blue is, except maybe a snowy cliff or hill they are on, and we are look­ing at them from below. The pur­ple… it’s strange but it looks like two hip­po heads fac­ing out­wards. Just the heads.

    • lady says:

      Exact­ly not a man at all.nA car­i­ca­tured man with large ahoul­ders in the white por­tion or a cow with odd ears.

    • lady says:

      Exact­ly not a man at all.nA car­i­ca­tured man with large ahoul­ders in the white por­tion or a cow with odd ears.

  • doggygerms says:

    1. Hal­loween maskn2. Wom­an’s face after a hard night at the bar.n3. Two natives cook­ing in a big pot.n4. Sasquatch or Yeti.n5. Fly­ing fox.n6. Flat­tened cat.n7. Two girls with pony tails in the air.n8. Two bad­gers climb­ing a tree.n9. Two seahorses.n10. Two cater­pil­lars and a crab.

  • M1sterMag1ck says:

    It feels like he just drew some anato­my things and went well what do you see if you see a body part your insane.

  • just ducky says:

    i think they all look like the pelvis bones

  • Hungry Man says:

    1) A pelvisn2) Lucille Ball danc­ing with her twinn3) Two aliens warm­ing their hands over a campfiren4) A gut­ted turtlen5) A bat from behindn6) A hide tacked up to a walln7) Those gar­goyles from the Nev­er-end­ing storyn8) A moun­tain lion gaz­ing at its own reflec­tion in watern9) Two Sea horsesn10) Two ants with their heads on fire, a bro­ken retain­er, those crabs with one giant claw, maple seeds, cater­pillers.

  • Suzanne says:

    1. A man in a long coat set­ting his birds free.n2. A large pray­ing woman wear­ing a red bow in her hair and a mink coat. n3. A face of a sleepy frogn4. Big foot sit­ting on a logn5. A man dressed as a rab­bit swing­ing two girlsn6. A tall skin­ny man wear­ing a top hat with feathersn7. Two ugly girls with pony­tails dancingn8. A witch hold­ing 2 ratsn9. A cow’s headn10. Motor­cy­cle rid­ers being chased by 2 men with guns

  • Esmarelda says:

    Max­aquip — you gave me the biggest laugh of all of them! For some rea­son — espe­cial­ly #8… are you sure the sweaters were from the Gap?

  • Shirley KnowImspecial Henderso says:

    1. two angels face to face and doves with their lit­tle babies.n2. a rock­et tak­ing off.n3, frogn4. bull dog and a gargoylen6. tun­nel that leads to a treasuren8. aliens with a wide shield on each armn9. a three lev­el bandn10. a march­ing band with a parade

  • likalaruku says:

    1: Head­less winged phantom.nn2: Two crouch­ing gnomes high-fiving.nn3: Two frogs on a lily­pad watch­ing a moth.nn4: A lob­ster dressed as a creepy clown.nn5: Bat-moth.nn6: Aer­i­al view of a Fly­ing Fish skip­ping through water.nn7: Two Ooc­coos from Zel­da: Twi­light Princess wear­ing Min­ish caps & enor­mous plat­form shoes.nn8: Two lizards scal­ing an upright fish skele­ton or a giant lob­ster tail.nn9: Two craw­dads stand­ing on a man­ta ray stand­ing on a crab.nn10: Sea­hors­es blow­ing shell sax­o­phones, lion­fish with beer bot­tles, eels wav­ing ban­ners, & oth­er fish hav­ing fun near the Eif­fel Tow­er.

  • Alternate reality says:

    1: Head­less woman in dress with two pigs crawl­ing up her body.nn2: Two gnomes high­fiv­ing (both miss­ing a leg).n3: Two humans impaled on a saw like device.n4: An ori­en­tal drag­on fly­ing at me.n5: A moth / butterfly.n6: A fucked up vagina.n7: Two of Dr. Seuss’ Who-vil­lagers scream­ing at each other.n8: Two rac­coons climb­ing up what appears to be a Samu­rais armor.n9: Heav­en, Earth, and Hell, with a dag­ger drop­ping straight through each respec­tive zone.n10: Some form of roy­al­ty stand­ing in front of a tem­ple like struc­ture.

  • Leena Worthy says:

    1. High­er, uni­ver­sal being of ener­gy, tran­scend­ing our world of oppo­sites. What one might call an angel, depend­ing on one’s per­spec­tive & beliefs. n2. Growth of new emo­tion & union. Can­not spec­i­fy human.n3. Strug­gle & com­pro­mise, work­ing w/in a state of union. Tran­si­tion, there is a but­ter­fly between which reminds me of the rune sym­bol for new begin­nings. Again, can­not spec­i­fy human.n4. I agree that it is an ani­mal hide, but it implies crude slaugh­ter by nat­ur­al image. The den­si­ty of the ink is what makes me think of the slaughter.n5. Agreed, bat.n6. Ener­gy emis­sion from synapse, breach­ing from neu­ro­log­i­cal sys­tem out­ward. Also, pow­er of will.n7. A woman exam­in­ing her­self in a mir­ror, state­ment on dual­i­ty. Almost Siamese twins.n8. Cere­bral cortex.n9. I see no human. Horse head at top, man­a­tees at sides. Pink at bot­tom appears to be an ener­gy of puri­ty beyond what impact human­i­ty has had on oth­er ani­mal life.n10. I see noth­ing. It’s just a water col­or drip wash to me.n(This was great! Thanks!)

  • Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh says:

    This worked the same way the Bible works, the Poly­graph test works, the Legal sys­tem works: The inter­pre­ta­tions are vague on pur­pose so ALL the pow­er remains in the hands of the preacher/police/lawyer and it means what­ev­er they want it to mean at any giv­en moment, for any giv­en situation.nnnThat’s why Rorschach’s tests were so pop­u­lar, and now it seems obvi­ous.

  • nick27052 says:

    image 7: 2 thumbs up

  • likalaruku says:

    After read­ing every­ones com­ments, #3 is over­whelm­ing­ly ani­mal (usu­al­ly frog) & not human. Also, absolute­ly no one sees a human in #9.

  • Greg Tierney says:

    1.Wile E. Coy­ote 2.John Wayne Gacy 3.a poo­dle 4.Hell’s Angel roar­ing towards me on his hog. 5.Mothman. 6.Native amer­i­can 7. 4 thumbs up 8. Samu­rai war­rior 9. 2 Elk ready to do bat­tle 10. Seafood buf­fet.….

  • Nnncy says:

    #9 — two grin­ning sea­hors­es some­how sit­ting in a human pelvis which is hov­er­ing over tulips

    • Wild Bill says:

      That’s obvi­ous­ly cor­rect. The oth­ers all just seem to be ink blobs dou­bled in the cen­ter. But #9 is a clear illus­tra­tion of two grin­ning sea­hors­es, seat­ed in a pelvis, hov­er­ing over tulips. If any­one says they see any­thing else, they’re fak­ing it.

  • mikel says:

    Image sev­en looks like two indi­an girls

  • Andrew says:

    Image #4 Guy rid­ing a motor­cy­cle

  • Ugh! says:

    Why did you put the “answers” above each image? I start­ed on the first one and after read­ing “bat, but­ter­fly, moth,” of course that’s what I saw!

  • DeadHorses says:

    #2 is obvi­ous­ly two bears high fiv­ing

  • i'm right says:

    image 9 looks like a water foun­tain to me, you know, the kind with ani­mals spout­ing the water out of their mouths

  • Guess Who says:

    1: head­less woman in the mid­dle with two angels/demons on either siden2: two clowns giv­ing high fivesn3. two peo­ple with musi­cal notes on either side of them, play­ing a drum while a but­ter­fly floats in the middlen4 dustmiten5 mothn6 rugn7 nothingn8 two giant ham­sters climb­ing up the sides of a sailboatn9 a water foun­tain with two sea­horse sculp­tures spout­ing water out of their mouthsn10 flower gar­dennnnn­fun but worth­less. answers are bound to be deter­mined by your life expe­ri­ences. a sci­en­tist would see com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent things than a gar­den­er.

  • LongLiveHHDL says:

    As oth­ers have already not­ed, real­ly dumb to put the descrip­tions above each image.nn1. Head­less oman with hands above dis­gust­ed that the the dog got in the garbage again. There are two winged witch­es on either side of her.nnn2. Two guys with bear paws high fiv­ing each oth­er while kneeling.nnn3. Two wait­ers bow­ing to each oth­er; a bowtie in the middle.nnn4. Guy with a long flow­ing fur coat with bows for arms and huge feet. He looks like he could be on a motor­cy­cle (or am I see­ing that because of what some­one else wrote??)nnn5. A dain­ty bat with it’s back to us.nnn6. Indi­an totem/black priest in mag­nif­i­cent coat, hold­ing his hands up wear­ing a fan­tas­tic head-dress. nnn7. A neck­lace. nnn8. A head­less med­i­ta­tor wear­ing bag­gy pants, each of his out­reached hands touch­ing ani­mals that look sort of like a rat crossed with a moun­tain lion.nnn9.Pelvis-like dis­turb­ing image.nnnn10. Eif­fel tow­er; insect like crea­tures wav­ing green corn­dogs, a duck, red sea­hors­es; on the bot­tom a face­less man’s face with green­ish hair, yel­low sea­hors­es, cute lit­tle crea­tures try­ing to push the sea­hors­es. A very hap­py scene.

  • Bagatelle says:

    1. Man shat­ter­ing the walls of a buildingn2. Two bears danc­ing by a firen3. Man, push­ing a pram by a mirrorn4. Dis­con­so­late pen­guins, slumped back-to-back­n5. Wal­nut kerneln6. Com­mand­ing man on a fiery mountainn7. Neck­lace of riv­er-stones­n8. Prey­ing mantisn9. Explosionn10. Atti­la the Hun

  • Knave says:

    Nobody thinks you’re spe­cial because you saw bears danc­ing to lute music in the for­est.

    • maynefzb828 says:

      u043cu028f u0188u0585-u0561u0585u0280u0138u025bu0280’u0455 u043cu0585u0442u043du025bu0280 u043cu03b1u0138u025bu0455 $81 u03b1u0274 u043du0585u03c5u0280 u0585u0274 u0442u043du025b u0188u0585u043cu0584u03c5u0442u025bu0280. u0455u043du025b u043du03b1u0455 u0432u025bu025bu0274 u0561u03b9u0442u043du0585u03c5u0442 u0561u0585u0280u0138 u0493u0585u0280 u0274u03b9u0274u025b u043cu0585u0274u0442u043du0455 u0432u03c5u0442 u029fu03b1u0455u0442 u043cu0585u0274u0442u043d u043du025bu0280 u03b9u0274u0188u0585u043cu025b u0561u03b1u0455 $19716 u029du03c5u0455u0442 u0561u0585u0280u0138u03b9u0274u0262 u0585u0274 u0442u043du025b u0188u0585u043cu0584u03c5u0442u025bu0280 u0493u0585u0280 u03b1 u0493u025bu0561 u043du0585u03c5u0280u0455. u028bu03b9u025bu0561 fox200&#46com

  • Thomas Bregman says:

    Hot dogs chas­ing dough­nuts through the Lin­coln Tun­nel.

  • Joahnes says:

    I can only see Rorschach of Watch­ment now…

  • jbuster says:

    1. Batn2. two bears kissingn3. 2 but­lers car­ry­ing luggagen4. indi­an todemn pole and bear skinn5. 2 girls with pony tailsn6. 2 camelliasn7. 2 dragonsn8. noth­ing

  • jbuster says:

    1. Batn2. two bears kissingn3. 2 but­lers car­ry­ing luggagen4. indi­an todemn pole and bear skinn5. 2 girls with pony tailsn6. 2 camelliasn7. 2 dragonsn8. noth­ing

  • BlissfulBeca says:

    1. Non-descript insectn2. Two clowns touch­ing handsn3. But­lers car­ry­ing heavy luggagen4. Angry hogn5. Swal­low-tailed butterflyn6. bear-skin rugn7. Pony-tailed girl float­ing under­wa­ter (in an aquar­i­um) blow­ing out air and star­ing at her own reflec­tion in the glassn8. Moun­tain lion walk­ing along a streamn9. Chandeliern10. A traf­fic cop on a bicy­cle round­ing the cor­ner of a glass build­ing with­in sight of the Eif­fel tow­er (while a parade goes on)

  • NotCinderell says:

    1. Ani­mal mask. Fox, maybe?n2. Two folk dancers wear­ing red hats and boots.n3. Either a face (red is nos­trils and ears) or two wait­ers hold­ing trays.n4. Large, impos­ing fig­ure with large feet stand­ing above men5. But­ter­fly or mothn6. Stringed musi­cal instru­ment, like a mandolinn7. Two peo­ple talkingn8. Moun­tain lions climb­ing cliffsn9. Chi­nese dragonsn10. Sea crea­tures.

  • analucija says:

    pages like this should be banned!!! Rorschachs’ test should not be seen online like this. it is a very use­full psy­chodi­ag­nos­tic mea­sure but it loos­es all it’s qual­i­ty when exposed like this. shame of you who exposed it like this!!

  • Joesph Stalin says:

    9 Bull head in the mid­dle of col­ors can u see itn8 to lizards walk­ing up a wall­nY­ou all are so uncre­ative

  • Natechater says:

    1. Man unleash­ing giant robot birdsn2.Bears High fivingn3. Peo­ple eatingn4. Rock­et Launchn5.Batn6. Cer­e­mo­ni­al Sword in a rockn7.Beacon in a canyon at nightn8.Lizard climb­ing next to a mirrorn9. Launch bay post ignitionn10. Ani­mals March­ing towards an open­ing in a moun­tainnn­My brain is weird, any­body see any of these?

  • SethComa says:

    1: sala­cious crumb or two wing crea­tures duel­ing.
    2: a per­son with blood stained clothes pray­ing.
    3: two peo­ple mov­ing a body, there are blood stains on the wall.
    4: the dev­il ris­ing through dark clouds.
    5: two bulls charg­ing head on, or a bat.
    6: a very unhealthy look­ing vagi­na, or the part­ing of the red sea.
    7: a torn piece of fab­ric.
    8: two igua­nas climb­ing a colour­ful rock.
    9: two drag­ons fac­ing each oth­er at the top of a pelvis?
    10: insects at war.

  • Concerned Psychologist says:

    This is copy­right­ed mate­r­i­al that is still used valid­ly and reli­ably by prac­ti­tion­ers. Why is this being post­ed on the web as if it were for show-and-tell?? This inval­i­dates the test. Does the web­site know that it can be SUED for this?

  • Fernando says:

    Well, mine is a bit messed up if not real­ly f‑ed up; in num­ber two I see two behead­ed bears bleed­ing out their necks high­fiv­ing and also bleed­ing from a sev­ered leg wound.… So yeah I can be called a sadis­tic mon­ster.

    1. Two black mur­der crows fac­ing oppo­site direc­tions.

    2. The way f‑ed up thing I said before.

    3. Tuxe­do with red how tie.

    4. Behead­ed bear rug. I’m obsessed with bears I guess.

    5. Bat with snail eyes.

    6. A bear that was blown away by a shot­gun that was fired inside its arse.

    7. Two lit­tle twins rub­bing their vagi­nas against with the oth­er twin’s vagi­na? The f.uck?

    8. Two pink pan­thers rip­ping some girl’s hair with their feet. Plus girls face looks like the dev­ils goat face? So the pan­thers are try­ing to rip baphome­t’s horns? What the actu­al f.uck?

    9. Two deformed hors­es pranc­ing over a nuclear cloud?

    10. A rock­et tak­ing off leav­ing pink fire behind? I don’t know…

    What­ev­er I’m crazy I guess, come take to a insane asy­lum.

  • Gustavo Roedel says:

    1. Pow­er­full and angry woman order­ing or shout­ing; two brids/winged peo­ple seek­ing the airs; but­ter­fly or mothn2. Two priests pray­ing; two des­o­lade peo­ple giv­ing handsn3. Two peo­ple car­ry­ing some­thing, maybe a bas­ket, with feel­ings envolved, maybe affec­tion or anger; two guitarsn4. Face of a strange ani­mal; one tow­er sur­rond­ed by two moun­tains and gray clouds (upside down)n5. But­ter­fly or bat; a pair of tweez­ers; two croc­o­dile headsn6. Mis­te­ri­ous anten­na (futur­is­tic or ancient), maybe a totem polen7. Two girls point­ing to oppo­site sides, mean­ing a rac­tion­al con­flict; two bun­nies on top of rocksn8. Two bears mov­ing from hell to par­adise, life to death, fire to heav­en; tran­scen­den­tal imagen9. Two deers or deers’ antlersn10. Eifell tow­er; sea crea­tures; crabs hold­ing pop­si­cles; two nymphs

  • The Plath Diaries says:

    A con­duc­tor!

  • irma says:

    The test took place here. I real­ly liked the results here http://rorschach-inkblot-test.com/

  • puella says:

    i see lungs in image 2.

  • mikey says:

    image 1 map of USA
    2)future rock­et between two ele­phants
    3)two mer­maids touch­ing Hillary Clin­ton eyes and a head neck with bowtie
    4)penis in vagi­na, leg spread
    6)anus, vagina,clit, penis, vic­to­ry
    7)one coun­try, two lead­ers that want to go in dif­fer­ent direc­tions
    8)coat of arms of a coun­try, two blue flags in cen­ter, bears climb­ing moun­tain spire in the cen­ter, one leg on the land one paw on the flag and the oth­er paw on the moun­tain
    9)the kings of the earth are fat,ruling on the earth. and hell it beneath them

  • Kimchee says:

    4. I saw a man on a motor­cy­cle also.

  • Saffi says:

    dev needs to widen the col­umn so the post and the respons­es take up less space on the page.
    2) gnomes play­ing pat­ty­cake
    3) bowtie in the cen­ter, man’s fan­cy high col­lared shirt around it
    8) mir­rored leop­ards next to a corset

  • Hughso2 says:

    Image 1 two baby don­keys duck­ing the elbows of a head­less priest

  • Jay says:

    Image six looks like a clear pic­ture of a rabit with wings to me… Am i the only one who sees this???

  • Jay says:

    Image six looks like a clear pic­ture of a rabit with wings am I the only per­son who can see this ????

  • John says:

    No.1,two bears dancing;No.2,two bears touch­ing hands;No.3,a tuxe­do with a red bow tie;No.4,a large fig­ure standing;No.5,a rab­bit hide;No.6,an ani­mal hide;No.7,two faces;No.8,two ani­mals and face;No.9,a glass vase;No.10,various sea crea­tures.

  • Anne says:

    #1: the alien in “Inde­pen­dence Day” com­ing out of its cara­pace.
    #2: play­ing pat-a-cake
    #3: two women at a roulette table.
    #7: plas­ter cast impres­sion of teeth tak­en for den­tures
    #8: two stalk­ing ani­mals
    #9: obvi­ous­ly a cow’s head seem front on!

  • Sam says:

    Image 6 to me looks like a cute evis­cer­at­ed bun­ny rab­bit whom is slow­ly bleed­ing out

  • Kimberly Brown says:

    Hel­lo there I see let­ters lots of let­ters that don’t even mean any­thing when you put them togeth­er. No mat­ter which way you turn it I see let­ters.

  • Laiba says:

    Thankgod some­one saw tuxe­do, do u know what tuxe­do means here?

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