There is a well-known scene in Woody Allen’s Take The Money And Run (1969) when Virgil Starkwell (Allen) takes a psychological test to join the Navy, but is thwarted by his lascivious unconscious. The psychological measure that proves to be Starkwell’s undoing—rejected, he turns to a life of crime—is the Rorschach inkblot test, devised almost a century ago by Carl Jung’s compatriot and fellow psychologist, Hermann Rorschach. Although Rorschach would die young, at 37, his namesake remains embedded in our perception of psychology, alongside Freud’s couch and Pavlov’s dog.
Hermann Rorschach’s father was an art teacher, and encouraged his son to express himself. Whether the young Rorschach had innate artistic leanings, or had begun to listen to his father more closely after the death of his mother at age 12, is uncertain. What is known, however, is that Hermann became so fascinated with making pictures out of inkblots—a Swiss game known under the delightful designation of Klecksography—that his schoolmates gave him the nickname of Klecks.
Although he struggled to choose between art and science as a career, Rorschach, on the counsel of eminent German biologist and ardent Darwin supporter Ernst Haeckel, chose medicine, specializing in psychology. Still, he never abandoned art.
Even before the young Rorschach began to study psychology, the medical profession had flirted with imagery association. In 1857, a German doctor named Justinus Kerner published a book of poetry, with each poem inspired by an accompanying inkblot. Alfred Binet, the father of intelligence testing, also tinkered with inkblots at the outset of the 20th century, seeing them as a potential measure of creativity. While stating that Rorschach was familiar with these particular ink blotches reaches no further than educated conjecture, we know that he was familiar with the work of Szyman Hens, an early psychologist who explored his patients’ fantasies using inkblots, as well as Carl Jung’s practice of having his patients engage in word-association.
After noticing that schizophrenic patients associated vastly different things with inkblots than other patients, Rorschach, following some experimentation, created the first version of the inkblot test as a measure of schizophrenia in 1921. The test, however, only came to be used as a form of personality assessment when Samuel Beck and Bruno Klopfer expanded its original scope in the late 1930s. Since then, psychologists have frequently used the various aspects of people’s responses (e.g., inkblot focus area) to make judgment calls about broad personality traits. Ironically, Rorschach himself had been skeptical about the inkblots’ value in assessing personality.
In honor of Rorschach’s birthday (he was born on this day in 1884), we’ve highlighted his original images below, as well as some of the most popular responses. If you see something else in these images, feel free to let us know in the comments section below. The images, we should note, are in the public domain, and otherwise readily viewable on Wikipedia. And, according to Wikimedia Commons, the images are in the public domain.
Image 1: Bat, butterfly, moth
Image 2: Two humans
Image 3: Two humans
Image 4: Animal hide, skin, rug
Image 5: Bat, butterfly, moth
Image 6: Animal hide, skin, rug
Image 7: Human heads or faces
Image 8: Animal; not cat or dog
Image 9: Human
Image 10: Crab, lobster, spider,
Happen to see an elephant and a men’s glee club engaged in unmentionable acts? Don’t fret—you’ve likely projected nothing intelligible. The test has long been out of date, and is deemed neither reliable nor valid in the vast majority of cases (although an updated version exists, it suffers from similar methodological flaws). Virgil Starkwell, it seems, would have made a fine Navy officer.
Ilia Blinderman is a Montreal-based culture writer. Follow him at@iliablinderman
Image 2 looks like Tinkerbell checking her butt out in the mirrorn
Yes, now that the idea has been seeded I see nothing else.
Correction…image 7
Fat woman clutching her naked breasts, right? Yeah I saw it too.
1. Evil cartoon cat, 2. Painted face, 3. Woman in black dress with bow tie, 4. Man on motorcycle, 5. Bat, 6. Volcano, 7. White lamp, 8. Alien with pumas crawling up him 9. 2 Green faced dudes in straw hats 10. Assault on the senses…What are my eyes looking at?!
2. Two bears high fiving
Thanks for a fascinating post. It’s briefly mentioned here but worth repeating that Rorschach interpreters during the 1930s-’40s examined not only the content of subjects’ responses but also the language they used, trends in the imagery they described, how subjects approached the inkblots, and whether they focused on small parts of the images or the inkblots as a whole. The test is still used today to assess personality, although not nearly as much as it used to be used, and the assessment is standardized. There’s more about the controversy over the most famous Rorschachs ever taken u2014 those of the top Nazi leaders indicted at Nuremberg u2014 in my book The Nazi and the Psychiatrist.
1. Two baby elephants.n2. Two bears touching hands and blowing red smoke.n7. Showgirl looking in the mirror.n9…there are two things I see. 1. if I’m looking at the middle, it looks like Voldemort. 2. looking at either side a couple of headless can-can dancers.
1.tTwo caped Nazi officers pulling a headless girl in two.nn2.tTwo Disney dwarfs simultaneously u201chigh-fivingu201d with their hands while u201clow-fivingu201d with their feet and knees.nn3.tTwo surprised waiters about to serve something in a witchu2019s cauldron.nn4.tBadger in a super-sized pair of dungarees.nn5.tRabbit flying off in a caped bat suit.nn6.tSylvester rug.nn7.tTwo lady rabbits rubbing their bottoms together.nn8.tGuinea pigs starting to climb a Christmas tree.nn9.tDragons rearing at each other.nn10.tCaterpillars visit Paris.
10. Thankgod I’m not the only one who saw an Eiffel Tower.
That was perfect, best description of each pic ever!
a girl adressing
1. Mothn2. Uterusn3. 2 people with a bow tie in the middlen4. frogn5. butterflyn6. guitarn7. 2 thumbs upn8. bears climbing a mountainn9. Flamesn10. two beings carrying a gift to an alter
1. human vertebraen2. high five monksn3. racoon facen4. kassadin face from LoLn5. mothn6. sheriff badge with hairy thing on topn7. neckelacen8. trophyn9. 3 flowers crownn10. Valhalla knights that fly by blue big bugs
So I’m not the only one who saw a necklace!
10.caterrpillar, star ship troopers aliensn9. dragon out of smaoke and firen8.cougar reflection on a pondn7. peter pan fairyn6. tiger skinn5.butterflyn4. dragon skinn3.she malen2. clownn1. alien space ship
1. Two piglets tearing apart a frog.n2. Two young elephants high-fiving with their trunks.n3. Butterfly flying over a pond.n4. Two vultures.n5. Moth-Bat hybrid. n6. Deformed cat.n7. Chromosome.n8. Two ferret-lizard hybridsn9. Angry chipmunk.n10. Two guns, two pools of blood, two crab claws, two islands, two pecking birds (one without an eye), two catterpillars, two birds singing opera (one being headless) and two pee-puddles from the opera birds.
1‑Batmann2-Uterusn3-two kids asking halloweenn4- F1 racern5-Batmann6- Cat sitting on a chairn7-Necklassn8-Brainn9-Two dragonsn10-Eiffel Tower
JFC! Fail. Next time put the “answers” below (all of) the images. HowTF am I to see something on my own when my brain keeps getting pushed with suggestions?! Oh, I could make shit up but it is supposed to be spontaneous, no?
1) the devil on a flying devicen2) two people practising ouja board summoning demonsn3) slaves working togethern4) giant about to stop on someonen5) the mothmann6) a spaceship from aboven7) two rabbitsn8) two animals climbing up someones arms whos wearing a hatn9 evil demonic spirit with giant hornsn10) warrior going in to battle with a warm animal skin jacket and armor
I’m so glad someone else saw a chicken as well!
1.some four eyed monster’s face that looks like a foxnn2.two redhead women dressed in japanese attire giving hi-fives to each othernn3. Two waiters facing each other holding some big heavy bowlnn4. transformers styled Big foot or yetinn5. aerial view of a butterfly during its flightnn6. skin rug of some extinct animalnn7. 2 bunnies with their butts touching each othernn8. 2 racoons climbing up on some monster’s statuenn9. a designer fountain at some palacenn10. colorful Aliens marching towards eiffel tower
#4 is clearly a fairly large Hells Angel on a Harley
Nobody else saw a Halloween mask in no. 1??
1. A bat looking for his headn2. A Gnome kneeling and prayingn3. A little girl with a bowtie bowingn4. A dragon with a long neck (like a giraffe) drinking water.n5. A butterfly with pinchersn6. A vulva with grass growing out of itn7. Two pregnant women bumping belliesn8. Two pugs that have raccoons crawling up themnonto a goats skull armor combon9. Evil cartoon rabbit with fire for earsn10. A king on a throne being visited by an angelnwith a green robe With blue spiders waving palm fronds at the king. Two torchesnon either side of the kings carpet. Two giant fall leaves on either side asnwell.
1. two baby pigs kissing each other like mirrorn2. 2 little calfsn3. the front part of a dragon flyn4. an old pair of bootsn5.a snail n6. a very cool violin n7. 2 rabbitsn8.lungs, pelvis bonen9.2 stags walking on the moonn10 . 2 wolfs and 2 red hooded girls
1.The angel of deathn2.A couple of dwarves doing a russian dance high- fiving each othern3.A baby’s skull with a bow on top caressed by twonaked women (i know.. wtf, but it’s what i see in it)n4.A ctulhu looking monster from an under perspectiven5.A butterfly in flightn6.A…khm…flower xDn7.siamese twins catterpillar ladies with feathered hatsn8.a vertically placed lion walking on water, and his reflectionn9.Colorfull fumes erupting from a goats skulln10.Eifell tower, fireworks and twin hippocampuses
1.The angel of deathn2.A couple of dwarves doing a russian dance high- fiving each othern3.A baby’s skull with a bow on top caressed by twonaked women (i know.. wtf, but it’s what i see in it)n4.A ctulhu looking monster from an under perspectiven5.A butterfly in flightn6.A…khm…flower xDn7.siamese twins catterpillar ladies with feathered hatsn8.a vertically placed lion walking on water, and his reflectionn9.Colorfull fumes erupting from a goats skulln10.Eifell tower, fireworks and twin hippocampuses
1.The angel of deathn2.A couple of dwarves doing a russian dance high- fiving each othern3.A baby’s skull with a bow on top caressed by twonaked women (i know.. wtf, but it’s what i see in it)n4.A ctulhu looking monster from an under perspectiven5.A butterfly in flightn6.A…khm…flower xDn7.siamese twins catterpillar ladies with feathered hatsn8.a vertically placed lion walking on water, and his reflectionn9.Colorfull fumes erupting from a goats skulln10.Eifell tower, fireworks and twin hippocampuses
i see sculs or shatered bones in almoast all pictures
i see sculs or shatered bones in almoast all pictures
i see sculs or shatered bones in almoast all pictures shipnn2.two men giving high fivenn3.two men touching some pot bow in between nn4.monsternn5.batnn6.dead skin of some animal like foxnn7.two elephants showing backs to each other nn8.middle part like human body, some animal both sidenn9.two dragons facing each are horse riders like in wars, pink is fish whichnlooks like horse shipnn2.two men giving high fivenn3.two men touching some pot bow in between nn4.monsternn5.batnn6.dead skin of some animal like foxnn7.two elephants showing backs to each other nn8.middle part like human body, some animal both sidenn9.two dragons facing each are horse riders like in wars, pink is fish whichnlooks like horse shipnn2.two men giving high fivenn3.two men touching some pot bow in between nn4.monsternn5.batnn6.dead skin of some animal like foxnn7.two elephants showing backs to each other nn8.middle part like human body, some animal both sidenn9.two dragons facing each are horse riders like in wars, pink is fish whichnlooks like horse
Dotn1) monster reaching out to grab men2) angelsn3) 2 turbaned men greeting n4) two African women stirring potn5) sleeping animal on backn6) batn7) furry animal skinn8) profiles of 2 women gazing at each othern9) 2 bears climbingn10) 2 women on fire dancing on tulipsn11) celebration in front of the Eiffel Tower
Dotn1) monster reaching out to grab men2) angelsn3) 2 turbaned men greeting n4) two African women stirring potn5) sleeping animal on backn6) batn7) furry animal skinn8) profiles of 2 women gazing at each othern9) 2 bears climbingn10) 2 women on fire dancing on tulipsn11) celebration in front of the Eiffel Tower
Dotn1) monster reaching out to grab men2) angelsn3) 2 turbaned men greeting n4) two African women stirring potn5) sleeping animal on backn6) batn7) furry animal skinn8) profiles of 2 women gazing at each othern9) 2 bears climbingn10) 2 women on fire dancing on tulipsn11) celebration in front of the Eiffel Tower
1) demon raising his handsn2) a Pelvisn3) alien bug or tuxedon4) animal hiden5) mothn6) tower on a mountainn7) two facesn8) a soldiern9) fire and smoken10) carnival
1) demon raising his handsn2) a Pelvisn3) alien bug or tuxedon4) animal hiden5) mothn6) tower on a mountainn7) two facesn8) a soldiern9) fire and smoken10) carnival
1) demon raising his handsn2) a Pelvisn3) alien bug or tuxedon4) animal hiden5) mothn6) tower on a mountainn7) two facesn8) a soldiern9) fire and smoken10) carnival
1. hip bonen2. two gnomes hifivingn3. spider and a butterflyn4. a man with large feet and a tailn5. batn6. tiger’s hiden7. two apesn8. panther climbing up a hill and his reflectionn9. people playing holin10. two spiders fanning the eifel tower with leaves…:P
1. hip bonen2. two gnomes hifivingn3. spider and a butterflyn4. a man with large feet and a tailn5. batn6. tiger’s hiden7. two apesn8. panther climbing up a hill and his reflectionn9. people playing holin10. two spiders fanning the eifel tower with leaves…:P
1. hip bonen2. two gnomes hifivingn3. spider and a butterflyn4. a man with large feet and a tailn5. batn6. tiger’s hiden7. two apesn8. panther climbing up a hill and his reflectionn9. people playing holin10. two spiders fanning the eifel tower with leaves…:P
1) mothnn2)two bunnie w/ bloodnn3)womans bottom cervixnn4)monsternn5)butterflynn6)animal with spike tail and mandaiblesnn7)two women butt to but looking @ each othernn8)to animals mirror image walkingnn9)sea horse top and spine bottomnn10)skullnSo any idea what my answers mean??
1) mothnn2)two bunnie w/ bloodnn3)womans bottom cervixnn4)monsternn5)butterflynn6)animal with spike tail and mandaiblesnn7)two women butt to but looking @ each othernn8)to animals mirror image walkingnn9)sea horse top and spine bottomnn10)skullnSo any idea what my answers mean??
1st maskn2nd rabbitsn3rd deer and butterflyn4th bootsn5th mothn6th a leaf n7th fairies looking g at each other n8th ottersn9th sea horses on peoplen10th birds a lot of birdsn
1st maskn2nd rabbitsn3rd deer and butterflyn4th bootsn5th mothn6th a leaf n7th fairies looking g at each other n8th ottersn9th sea horses on peoplen10th birds a lot of birdsn
1st maskn2nd rabbitsn3rd deer and butterflyn4th bootsn5th mothn6th a leaf n7th fairies looking g at each other n8th ottersn9th sea horses on peoplen10th birds a lot of birdsn
1. Satan in the Middle Leading a Choir of Deamons on both sides of him. Doing a Rendition of Singing in the Rain.,nnn2. Sexual Space Ship during Mating Season in the Milky Way Massage Parlor and Space Gas Station.nnn3. Now,that’s just plain SICK.…nnn4. That’s Big Foot and actually the one they call “Tri Pod“nnn5. That is the Famous Stripper Gypsy Rose Lee doing her Famous Moth Blot Dance. To the Saber Song.nnn6. I dont know what the heck that is?nnn7. Something to do with Mother or Dadnnn8. Thats my 1970s The Deads Tie Dye Shirt, before it got tornnnn9. More PORNnnnn10. Dancing Fishys and Rick Nelson Playing Guitar!
Davesintexas- Will you marry me? You’re hilarious!
1. Satan in the Middle Leading a Choir of Deamons on both sides of him. Doing a Rendition of Singing in the Rain.,nnn2. Sexual Space Ship during Mating Season in the Milky Way Massage Parlor and Space Gas Station.nnn3. Now,that’s just plain SICK.…nnn4. That’s Big Foot and actually the one they call “Tri Pod“nnn5. That is the Famous Stripper Gypsy Rose Lee doing her Famous Moth Blot Dance. To the Saber Song.nnn6. I dont know what the heck that is?nnn7. Something to do with Mother or Dadnnn8. Thats my 1970s The Deads Tie Dye Shirt, before it got tornnnn9. More PORNnnnn10. Dancing Fishys and Rick Nelson Playing Guitar!
1. Satan in the Middle Leading a Choir of Deamons on both sides of him. Doing a Rendition of Singing in the Rain.,nnn2. Sexual Space Ship during Mating Season in the Milky Way Massage Parlor and Space Gas Station.nnn3. Now,that’s just plain SICK.…nnn4. That’s Big Foot and actually the one they call “Tri Pod“nnn5. That is the Famous Stripper Gypsy Rose Lee doing her Famous Moth Blot Dance. To the Saber Song.nnn6. I dont know what the heck that is?nnn7. Something to do with Mother or Dadnnn8. Thats my 1970s The Deads Tie Dye Shirt, before it got tornnnn9. More PORNnnnn10. Dancing Fishys and Rick Nelson Playing Guitar!
image 2: looks like elephant head and trunks raised in like for a shower..
image 2: looks like elephant head and trunks raised in like for a shower..
image 2: looks like elephant head and trunks raised in like for a shower..
1. Two gremlins n2. Two Sufisn3. A smiling creaturen4. An orchidn5. A batn6. A canaln7. A little girl uside downn8. Heraldic designn9. Sea horses or lobstern10. Lungs fragmented
1. Two gremlins n2. Two Sufisn3. A smiling creaturen4. An orchidn5. A batn6. A canaln7. A little girl uside downn8. Heraldic designn9. Sea horses or lobstern10. Lungs fragmented
1. Two gremlins n2. Two Sufisn3. A smiling creaturen4. An orchidn5. A batn6. A canaln7. A little girl uside downn8. Heraldic designn9. Sea horses or lobstern10. Lungs fragmented
Go ahead and give the “answers,” you dumbasses.
Todos son Aliens y Monstruos tipo Angeles de Neon Genesis Evangelion
1 vertebra or an angry man in operan2 two dancersn3 two african womenn4 a bikern5 bat 6 female genital organn7 n8n9 an angry bulln10 Champ de Mars and Eifel tower
yes, someone else saw a biker
1‑baby elephant showing a trophynn2-two puppies kissing each othernn3-two birds in tuxedosnn4-two sad dogsnn5-Dancers or skatersnn6-somebody ready to divenn7-two synchronized swimmersnn8-two wolves looking at 2 raccoons climbing the treenn9-roosters singing face to facenn10-two men in winter suits and Russian hats, crossing Arc de Triomphe in Paris
1. Pumpkin face with goat ears, horns, goatee. Not quite satan.n2. Satan.n3. Red bowtie on a dinner dressed male, with a cape. Or a bull face with red horns.n4. Black pig or dog face.n5. Bat with top half of wings missing.n6. Animal hide.n7. Nothing.n8. A transformer with Iguanas for arms.n9. Two aggressive male Deer locking horns.n10. You. (or a midget stripper with yellow banana shoes, a grey headpiece and brightly coloured fur coat.nnIts ok, i already know. Im f**king nuts.
Seriously, why did you put descriptive nouns above all the photos. Totally defeats the whole purpose of the Rorschach test.
1. an ex girlfriendn 2. 3 dogs and 2 cats playing cardsn 3. a war veteran smoking a cigaretten 4. barbara waltersn 5. cloud formations on a rainy afternoonn 6. debris from an airplane crashn 7. a messy vomit stainn 8. looking through a microscope at very small beingsn 9. last nights dinner (btw, it was delicious!) n10. abstract watercoloring by a 1 year old savant
apparently, and i must chuckle at any answer below, you must only look at just 1 side of the picture, because you must fold one side over the other to truly see the whole picturenni learned that when i was only 4 years oldnhave a great day
apparently, and i must chuckle at any answer below, you must only look at just 1 side of the picture, because you must fold one side over the other to truly see the whole picturenni learned that when i was only 4 years oldnhave a great day
i dont know what is sais 0.0 herse mine:nHeadless priest being torn apart by impsntwo bears praying after a killnpig-person bleeding on his upper nose and side of headnDragon bowing+grim reaper with no head holding two headsnButterflynchasm+large doors to a towernoutcut of human skinnpeople in hoods dancing around a fire, deathly spectre risingnDemons with 3 claws rising from flamesnlobsters, myridons-(mermen-simular to world of warcraft) caterpillars praying to a throne with two guards protecting it and its empty
At first glance I thought your responses were bizarre.nBut, after comparing what you see to the actual inkblot—I see everything you do. :)nYou’re very creative.
1 fairiesn2 two men from Chinan3 waitersn4 two happy dogsn5 night butterflyn6 dragonflyn7 girlsn8 two animals climbingn9 humans playingn10 animal party
i see for pic. 7 that it is of too hands raising their thumps infront of each other
1. Batmannn2. Red headed ladiesnn3. DJsnn4. Motorcylistnn5. Mothrann6. Foxnn7. Girlsnn8. Pelvisnn9. Goatnn10. Lady Gaga
Totally irresponsible to put this copyrighted professional material on the web. As for your comment about it being neither reliable nor valid, you might check your facts with reputable forensic sources.nA forensic psychologist
I dunno mate, as far as I understand it Copyright lasts for 50–70 years max in most parts of the world, which would make this work public domain.nnAs for checking forensic sources, I would think Psychological sources would be more appropriate.
1. 2 piglets munching on a giant cockroach.n2. Puppies sniffing each others’ noses.n3. 2 men with handbags bowing.n4. 2 puppies cosying up to each other.n5. Batn6. Ecstatic cat ‘howling’ at the moon.n7. 2 girls with ponytails about to kiss.n8. 2 lions ascending abstract structure.n9. Design for surrealist dragon fountain.n10. Aquarium community of alien life forms.
ahahahhaha piglets munching on a giant cockroach
1.a demon or ghoul n2. elephants left to die after being poachedn3. a dragonn4. human faces in an inky blackn5. butterflyn6. dragonfly with its wings ripped off and lying behind itn7. a chasm or valleyn8. a neck and torso with mangled armsn9. beetles falling into watern10. the Eiffel tower with rivers of blood running from its legs and fireworks on the side
1. Thing from Jeepers Creepersn2. Very loose and bloody vaginan3. Two people that were shot in the heartsn4. Crawling Drgaonn5. Mothn6. Split skin of Star Nosed Molen7. Go-go girls bumping buttsn8. Ber climbing a tree away from hot lavan9. That pig pokemonn10. Mortal Combat guy with blue electricity and birds around him
1. Dancing penguinsn2. 2 people holding handsn3.a tuxedon4. a dogn5. batn6. goosen7. two big thumbs upn8. lizardsn9. deer in cloudsn10. Paris
1. Two angels, back to back holding off an onslaught of Gremlins. Where’s Raph Nader when you need him? Gremlins are dangerous!nnn2. Two Lawn Gnomes in red hats, doing a high five. OR two baby elephants giving a trunk pump to each other. OR two mice inserting a triangle-shaped IUD, vaginally.nnn3. Two duck waiters (facing each other) holding a huge white cupcake with a red bow on top. OR aforementioned fowl service staff members holding down a girl on her stomach. She has a red bow in her hair and a naked bottom, her pants pulled down to her knees. (Hey I didn’t make this up, merely reporting the harsh realities of life as an ink blot.) Somebody tell the duck waiters not to listen to the red devils hanging by a thread. nnn4. The lead singer of Ylvis in their smash hit, “What Does The Fox say?“nnn5. The TICK’S sidekick The Moth (“Let’s Hang Ten for Justice”). Or a microphone on a lanyard, clutched by the hands of a gorilla. Or twin peg leg Barbarians in fur shot out of opposing cannons, at the point of head to head collision (without football helmets or targeting penalties). That’s going to cause more than a concussion.nnn6. A large dragonfly, being held in the mouth (and teeth) of a beaver on its back, spread-eagle on the ground. OR the “I have no shame” camel toe showing through the too-tight sweatpants.nnn7. Four bunnies. Two in the back have their ears erect and are face to face, hollering at each other. The two in the foreground show both ears and they are half reclining.nnn8. Cartman from SouthPark covering his mouth with his hands in red mittens. His sunglasses are being ripped apart by miniature gargoyles perched on his ears. OR two pink chipmunks wiping the buttocks of a woman on her knees wearing pink pants and yellow shoes. What? Something wrong with that? This happens at my house ALL THE TIME. ;-)nnn9. Two one-eyed blue sharks staring at each other while swimming over Mr. Krabs. Yellow seahorses doing what seahorses do: confuing humans into wondering if you really can order tiny eggs from the back of a comic book and grow seahorses for fun AND profit.nnn10. The fireworks in Paris under the Eiffel Tower. OR (NSFW) a nude man lying on back with arms crossed behind his/her head and something being inserted into his pie hole (and it ain’t pie ;-o ). Sea creatures are licking the man’s armpits while each hold’s one of the man’s blue testicles. Do you think he paid for that?
1)a feaky pig faced holloween maskn2) a bearded skull with its mouth wide openn3) two wierd looking girls picking water from a stream or welln4)some kind of demonic boarn5)mothn6)vagina…definatly a vaginan7) conjoind famale twinsn8)a flower with two cameleons climbing up somethingn9)the skull of a mean looking animaln10)a split open human brain
1. demon conjuring a spell or a maskn2. janissaries hold something or a stealth bombern3. waitersn4. headpiece with jewels and a nose platen5. mothn6.cartoon catn7.girls jumping on a trampolinen8.bodice of a Gibson girl vasen10. Hindu goddess
I saw thisn1. two baby pigs climbing somethingn2. side view of two dogs touching nosesn3. two dearsn4. skulln5. butterfly n6. hiden7. bunnys facing eachothern8. tigers climbingn9. human skulln10. idk what to say about the last one
1. crack fox from mighty booshn2. two chimpanzees doing a high five with traffic cones on their headsn3. two shemales about to skull fuck an alien headn4. badger with a giant robot exoskeleton, with swan necks for armsn5. ps2 controller
1. PORNn2. PORNn3. PORNn4. PORNn5. PORNn6. PORNn7. PORNn8. PORNn9. PORNn10. PORN
1: Halloween Pumpkinn2: Jet Fightern3: Lesbiansn4: Fur Coatn5: Flying Raabbitn6: Vagina Lipsn7: Two Thumbs Upn8: Abdominal X‑ray with animals climbing up the sidesn9: an Urnn10: the Eiffel Tower
1 Two chihuahua’s and a dickn2 Two French clownsn3 Two naked african womenn4 Frog perspective of the boogeymann5 Flying dickn6 Jumping Big Bird with bonern7 Siamese bunniesn8 Two hamsters climbing a corsetn9 Dutch flag on firen10 Eiffel tower and Paris, oh la la!
1. Creepy mask or facen2. two elves touching handsn3. two womenn4. Bigfootn5. batn6. fireflyn7. two thumbs upn8. two lionsn9. two sea horsesn10. large man
am i the only one who saw a vagina on #6…humm…i thought it was fairly obvious
I see a vagina in all of them. I reckon its kinda messin with me, because when I look at a vagina I see ink spots. WTF?
LOL well atleast i know im alone…
*not alone…
1. 2 donkeys or elephantsn2. 2 elephants sitting on bar stool nose to nose.n3. 2 women in apronsn4. elephant sittingn5. mothn6. fur rug or vaginan7. 2 womenn8. 2 otters/beavers hanging from hangars, over a cool dress.n9. 2 pigs kissing, cow above, roosters belown10. Sea animals — seahorse, crabs, jelly fish and 2 bells
from this i have determined that i am insane
1. Jay Lenon2. J. Fred Muggsn3. Barbara Cartlandn4. Buffalo Bob Smithn5. Carol Channingn6. Carol Burnettn7. Billy Burnetten8. Billy Baldwinn9. Billy Bartyn10 Jay Leno
IDK I’m seeing some crazy **** LOL so I’m just gonna keep it to myself xD.
IDK I’m seeing some crazy **** LOL so I’m just gonna keep it to myself xD.
The ones that looked different than their discriptions were/what they loo like to me. Image 4= Breast bone, breast plate. Image 6= moth out of cocoon. Image 8= womans shape, back, spine and arms. Image 9= Sea horses
The ones that looked different than their discriptions were/what they loo like to me. Image 4= Breast bone, breast plate. Image 6= moth out of cocoon. Image 8= womans shape, back, spine and arms. Image 9= Sea horses
1. Evil witch thingy holding up hands.n2. 2 russian gnomes (gnomies) who lost their legs to a landminen3. A rat with red eyes glaring at men4. dogn5. batn6. racoon skinn7.moab balanced rocksn8. 2 lizards climbing a plantn9. WTF…n10. a stuffed animal in front of eiffel tower.
1. Evil witch thingy holding up hands.n2. 2 russian gnomes (gnomies) who lost their legs to a landminen3. A rat with red eyes glaring at men4. dogn5. batn6. racoon skinn7.moab balanced rocksn8. 2 lizards climbing a plantn9. WTF…n10. a stuffed animal in front of eiffel tower.
1) Two humanoids having a conversation while sitting in a tablen2) Two monstersn3) Two men playing a percussion instrumentn4) A monster with penguins in its arms and with the eye-door from Super Metroid on its head.n5) Bat.n6) A vagina, but it remember me Audacity too.n7) Two women with a bunny on their heads.n8) Two lizzards climbing something.n9) A cown10) Larvas (maybe worms?) and two krabs (maybe spiders?).
1) Two humanoids having a conversation while sitting in a tablen2) Two monstersn3) Two men playing a percussion instrumentn4) A monster with penguins in its arms and with the eye-door from Super Metroid on its head.n5) Bat.n6) A vagina, but it remember me Audacity too.n7) Two women with a bunny on their heads.n8) Two lizzards climbing something.n9) A cown10) Larvas (maybe worms?) and two krabs (maybe spiders?).
1. two birdsn2. two friendly bearsn3. two women with heartsn4. flying dragonn5. flying batn6. Indian totemn7. hingen8. two tigersn9. two seahorsesn10. lungs
1. two birdsn2. two friendly bearsn3. two women with heartsn4. flying dragonn5. flying batn6. Indian totemn7. hingen8. two tigersn9. two seahorsesn10. lungs
All I see is a stain that I can’t get out of my carpet.n
In “honor” of Rorschach, you publish the images from the cards, thus potentially invalidating the test results for anyone who would ever take it for diagnostic reasons after viewing your posting. There is a reason that psychologists have chosen not to share the images in public–for the good of those whom the test might help in the future. I do not use the test in my practice, but please know that publishing the images publically is very poor judgement on your part.nWilliam Kooistra, Ph.D.
Bloody night, friend. Did you even bother to read this article or the history of the Rorshach test, “Doctor”? nnnThe test has long been out of date, and is deemed neither reliable nor valid in the vast majority of cases (although an updated version exists, it suffers fromsimilar methodological flaws).
Bloody night, friend. Did you even bother to read this article or the history of the Rorshach test, “Doctor”? nnnThe test has long been out of date, and is deemed neither reliable nor valid in the vast majority of cases (although an updated version exists, it suffers fromsimilar methodological flaws).
A little uptight aren’t you?
You can find these on a millions web pages. I think they’re only good for separating people into 6 categories:nnn1)People with imaginations & a sense of humor. (Animals, aliens, or people doing silly things that make no sense).nn2)People who only think about sex (Genitals, lesbians making out, pelvic bones, sexual acts).nn3)People with little creativity who see messes that need to be cleaned up. (Blobs, ooze, stains, mucus, blood, amoebas, germs under a telescope).nn4)People who have death on their minds. (Bones, dead animals, blood stains, phantoms).nn5)God-fearing zealots. (Angels, demons, god, devil, jesus, mary).nn6)Geeks. (Batman, baterangs, Pokemon, mutants, aliens).
William, It’s worth noting that these images are all readily available on Wikipedia, not to mention other sites. nn’re hardly the first to have posted these. I’d also note that the images are in the public domain.
In “honor” of Rorschach, you publish the images from the cards, thus potentially invalidating the test results for anyone who would ever take it for diagnostic reasons after viewing your posting. There is a reason that psychologists have chosen not to share the images in public–for the good of those whom the test might help in the future. I do not use the test in my practice, but please know that publishing the images publically is very poor judgement on your part.nWilliam Kooistra, Ph.D.
1. angeln2. 2 gnomes high-fivingn3. 2 weirdly stanced people, with a bowtie in the middlen4. animal hide rugn5. butterfly/mothn6. dragonn7. two tinkerbells looking at eachothern8. beaver or or a fat otter climbing an icebergn9. cows headn10. crabs, dolpins, and other fish
1. angeln2. 2 gnomes high-fivingn3. 2 weirdly stanced people, with a bowtie in the middlen4. animal hide rugn5. butterfly/mothn6. dragonn7. two tinkerbells looking at eachothern8. beaver or or a fat otter climbing an icebergn9. cows headn10. crabs, dolpins, and other fish
All I ever see are vaginas
1. An angeln2. Baby rhinosn3. A dress lil kim would wearn4. A man on a motorcyclen5. Women’s legs sticking out from a bushn6. Duckbill platypusn7. Two womenn8. Gypsy Ballgownn9. Wine gobletn10. Ostrich, crab, squirrel
#2 Two bear heads, nose to nose n#7 Two girls n#8 Rats and a Butterfly n#9 Sea Horses n#10 Two musicians playing horns
1. Angel or Angelic like creatures.n2. A Space Ship.n3. Man in suit with bowtie.n4. Dog-Human head.n5. Pin-Up Poster Womenn6. Two people performing some kind of ritual.n7. Two people.n8. Trophyn9. Moosen10. Aquatic Life in Ocean.
1. Viking Helmetn2. Panther’s Facen3. Bull’s headn4. Bore’s Facen5. Two People leaning slant on a treen6. Door wayn7. Chalicen8. Upper Human Bodyn9. Angeln10. Pathway to some monument or something
1. angels arguing, fightingn2. bears playing patty-caken3. female monkeys pulling at some foodn4. bear relaxingn5. man spreading his arms to the skyn6. father watching his children playingn7. people shouting at each othern8. Animals climbing a mountainn9. Gods riding lions over a lake of firen10. A crowded circus
For 7 I see two thumbs up. Anyone else?
1) Angeln2) Two people holding hands at a tablen3) A woman holding a purse looking in a mirrorn4) A man on a motorcyclen5) A mothn6) A potted plantn7) A woman at a vanityn8) A mountain lionn9) Pelvic/Hip Bonesn10) Paris
1.Demonic cat nn 2. Two gnomes fighting nn3. Two chimps stirring a pot nn4. Two Canada geese with big feet nn5. Moth nn6. Animal skin nn7. Two dancing rabbits looking at each othern8. A wolf pushing away two bearsn9. Two warty-nosed witches with flaming hairn10.Sea creatures at a ball
1. 2 birds pulling apart a frogn2. A fat man praying or two wrestlers/clownsn3. 2 witches at a cauldronn4. A giant looking down or a dragon doing handstand with back arch and feet facing front of picturen5. Butterfly or two people sleeping on their sides, backs facing front of picturen6. Orchestra conductor, alien cat with overcoat n7. Two old ladies dancing, with their buts touching and faces looking toward each othern8. Transformer or two large felines climbing a mountain n9. Crowd looking up at a magical sword fightn10. Gargoyles fanning their master
1. A dictator alien wearing a dress, guarded by two giant bird headsn2. Two bears hive-fiving over their latest killn3. Two bald stylish ladies fighting over a bowtien4. The head part of the exoskeleton of a prehistoric insectn5. A chromosome with wingsn6. Two elephants poledancing, the remnants of a flag on the polen7. A white lamp in a dark roomnn8.Two tail-less rodents climbing a colorful mountainn9.Two moose, two old men with long noses and chin warts, and people praising a white daggern10. Sea creatures at a spa/gas station (Florida is…injecting gas right into the pink seahorses)
I see girls having fun with each other
vaginal discharge
2. jetn3. tuxedo n4. godzillan8. samurai n9. dragonn10 eiffel tower, plankton, two leafs.
its just kinda sad to know they commited people over that crap.…
That first one is an angel, riding a motorcycle, with flames and smoke shooting out of four exhaust pipes.
That’s what i call ‘perspective’!
That’s what i call ‘perspective’!
Image4 looks like the front view of a guy riding a Harley Davidson.n
Mine aren1- 2 chihuahuas drinking from a fountainn2- 2 women with heads bowed in prayer, they are seated and facing each other and the palms of their hands are touching.n3- 2 squirrels, a giant ant, a butterfly and two dogsn4‑2 people in front of an elephantn5- a woman is lying on a bed, her back is facing away from a mirror that reflects her image.n6- a tunnel through a mountain that has a statue above the entrancen7‑a necklace or fairiesn8‑a boat or a fantasy creature in armourn9, a statue surrounded by smoke and fire although the fire is above the smoken10-an oriental princess on a throne surrounded by flowers
Mine aren1- 2 chihuahuas drinking from a fountainn2- 2 women with heads bowed in prayer, they are seated and facing each other and the palms of their hands are touching.n3- 2 squirrels, a giant ant, a butterfly and two dogsn4‑2 people in front of an elephantn5- a woman is lying on a bed, her back is facing away from a mirror that reflects her image.n6- a tunnel through a mountain that has a statue above the entrancen7‑a necklace or fairiesn8‑a boat or a fantasy creature in armourn9, a statue surrounded by smoke and fire although the fire is above the smoken10-an oriental princess on a throne surrounded by flowers
Nine is so strange in comparison to what it says. I just can’t see it. The orange part looks like two mosses facing outwards, with their heads pointing upwards. I’m not sure what the blue is, except maybe a snowy cliff or hill they are on, and we are looking at them from below. The purple… it’s strange but it looks like two hippo heads facing outwards. Just the heads.
Exactly not a man at all.nA caricatured man with large ahoulders in the white portion or a cow with odd ears.
Exactly not a man at all.nA caricatured man with large ahoulders in the white portion or a cow with odd ears.
1. Halloween maskn2. Woman’s face after a hard night at the bar.n3. Two natives cooking in a big pot.n4. Sasquatch or Yeti.n5. Flying fox.n6. Flattened cat.n7. Two girls with pony tails in the air.n8. Two badgers climbing a tree.n9. Two seahorses.n10. Two caterpillars and a crab.
It feels like he just drew some anatomy things and went well what do you see if you see a body part your insane.
i think they all look like the pelvis bones
me too! I thought I was crazy.
1) A pelvisn2) Lucille Ball dancing with her twinn3) Two aliens warming their hands over a campfiren4) A gutted turtlen5) A bat from behindn6) A hide tacked up to a walln7) Those gargoyles from the Never-ending storyn8) A mountain lion gazing at its own reflection in watern9) Two Sea horsesn10) Two ants with their heads on fire, a broken retainer, those crabs with one giant claw, maple seeds, caterpillers.
1. A man in a long coat setting his birds free.n2. A large praying woman wearing a red bow in her hair and a mink coat. n3. A face of a sleepy frogn4. Big foot sitting on a logn5. A man dressed as a rabbit swinging two girlsn6. A tall skinny man wearing a top hat with feathersn7. Two ugly girls with ponytails dancingn8. A witch holding 2 ratsn9. A cow’s headn10. Motorcycle riders being chased by 2 men with guns
Maxaquip — you gave me the biggest laugh of all of them! For some reason — especially #8… are you sure the sweaters were from the Gap?
1. two angels face to face and doves with their little babies.n2. a rocket taking off.n3, frogn4. bull dog and a gargoylen6. tunnel that leads to a treasuren8. aliens with a wide shield on each armn9. a three level bandn10. a marching band with a parade
1: Headless winged phantom.nn2: Two crouching gnomes high-fiving.nn3: Two frogs on a lilypad watching a moth.nn4: A lobster dressed as a creepy clown.nn5: Bat-moth.nn6: Aerial view of a Flying Fish skipping through water.nn7: Two Ooccoos from Zelda: Twilight Princess wearing Minish caps & enormous platform shoes.nn8: Two lizards scaling an upright fish skeleton or a giant lobster tail.nn9: Two crawdads standing on a manta ray standing on a crab.nn10: Seahorses blowing shell saxophones, lionfish with beer bottles, eels waving banners, & other fish having fun near the Eiffel Tower.
1: Headless woman in dress with two pigs crawling up her body.nn2: Two gnomes highfiving (both missing a leg).n3: Two humans impaled on a saw like device.n4: An oriental dragon flying at me.n5: A moth / butterfly.n6: A fucked up vagina.n7: Two of Dr. Seuss’ Who-villagers screaming at each other.n8: Two raccoons climbing up what appears to be a Samurais armor.n9: Heaven, Earth, and Hell, with a dagger dropping straight through each respective zone.n10: Some form of royalty standing in front of a temple like structure.
1. Higher, universal being of energy, transcending our world of opposites. What one might call an angel, depending on one’s perspective & beliefs. n2. Growth of new emotion & union. Cannot specify human.n3. Struggle & compromise, working w/in a state of union. Transition, there is a butterfly between which reminds me of the rune symbol for new beginnings. Again, cannot specify human.n4. I agree that it is an animal hide, but it implies crude slaughter by natural image. The density of the ink is what makes me think of the slaughter.n5. Agreed, bat.n6. Energy emission from synapse, breaching from neurological system outward. Also, power of will.n7. A woman examining herself in a mirror, statement on duality. Almost Siamese twins.n8. Cerebral cortex.n9. I see no human. Horse head at top, manatees at sides. Pink at bottom appears to be an energy of purity beyond what impact humanity has had on other animal life.n10. I see nothing. It’s just a water color drip wash to me.n(This was great! Thanks!)
Really weird answers there Leena. “Energy emission from synapse”? O‑kay…
This worked the same way the Bible works, the Polygraph test works, the Legal system works: The interpretations are vague on purpose so ALL the power remains in the hands of the preacher/police/lawyer and it means whatever they want it to mean at any given moment, for any given situation.nnnThat’s why Rorschach’s tests were so popular, and now it seems obvious.
image 7: 2 thumbs up
After reading everyones comments, #3 is overwhelmingly animal (usually frog) & not human. Also, absolutely no one sees a human in #9.
1.Wile E. Coyote 2.John Wayne Gacy 3.a poodle 4.Hell’s Angel roaring towards me on his hog. 5.Mothman. 6.Native american 7. 4 thumbs up 8. Samurai warrior 9. 2 Elk ready to do battle 10. Seafood buffet.….
8. Samurai warrior! Yes! Me too. :)
#9 — two grinning seahorses somehow sitting in a human pelvis which is hovering over tulips
That’s obviously correct. The others all just seem to be ink blobs doubled in the center. But #9 is a clear illustration of two grinning seahorses, seated in a pelvis, hovering over tulips. If anyone says they see anything else, they’re faking it.
Image seven looks like two indian girls
Image #4 Guy riding a motorcycle
Why did you put the “answers” above each image? I started on the first one and after reading “bat, butterfly, moth,” of course that’s what I saw!
Exactly, ugh
#2 is obviously two bears high fiving
image 9 looks like a water fountain to me, you know, the kind with animals spouting the water out of their mouths
1: headless woman in the middle with two angels/demons on either siden2: two clowns giving high fivesn3. two people with musical notes on either side of them, playing a drum while a butterfly floats in the middlen4 dustmiten5 mothn6 rugn7 nothingn8 two giant hamsters climbing up the sides of a sailboatn9 a water fountain with two seahorse sculptures spouting water out of their mouthsn10 flower gardennnnnfun but worthless. answers are bound to be determined by your life experiences. a scientist would see completely different things than a gardener.
I’m trying to see your hamsters wtih sailboat.
As others have already noted, really dumb to put the descriptions above each image.nn1. Headless oman with hands above disgusted that the the dog got in the garbage again. There are two winged witches on either side of her.nnn2. Two guys with bear paws high fiving each other while kneeling.nnn3. Two waiters bowing to each other; a bowtie in the middle.nnn4. Guy with a long flowing fur coat with bows for arms and huge feet. He looks like he could be on a motorcycle (or am I seeing that because of what someone else wrote??)nnn5. A dainty bat with it’s back to us.nnn6. Indian totem/black priest in magnificent coat, holding his hands up wearing a fantastic head-dress. nnn7. A necklace. nnn8. A headless meditator wearing baggy pants, each of his outreached hands touching animals that look sort of like a rat crossed with a mountain lion.nnn9.Pelvis-like disturbing image.nnnn10. Eiffel tower; insect like creatures waving green corndogs, a duck, red seahorses; on the bottom a faceless man’s face with greenish hair, yellow seahorses, cute little creatures trying to push the seahorses. A very happy scene.
1. Man shattering the walls of a buildingn2. Two bears dancing by a firen3. Man, pushing a pram by a mirrorn4. Disconsolate penguins, slumped back-to-backn5. Walnut kerneln6. Commanding man on a fiery mountainn7. Necklace of river-stonesn8. Preying mantisn9. Explosionn10. Attila the Hun
Nobody thinks you’re special because you saw bears dancing to lute music in the forest.
u043cu028f u0188u0585-u0561u0585u0280u0138u025bu0280’u0455 u043cu0585u0442u043du025bu0280 u043cu03b1u0138u025bu0455 $81 u03b1u0274 u043du0585u03c5u0280 u0585u0274 u0442u043du025b u0188u0585u043cu0584u03c5u0442u025bu0280. u0455u043du025b u043du03b1u0455 u0432u025bu025bu0274 u0561u03b9u0442u043du0585u03c5u0442 u0561u0585u0280u0138 u0493u0585u0280 u0274u03b9u0274u025b u043cu0585u0274u0442u043du0455 u0432u03c5u0442 u029fu03b1u0455u0442 u043cu0585u0274u0442u043d u043du025bu0280 u03b9u0274u0188u0585u043cu025b u0561u03b1u0455 $19716 u029du03c5u0455u0442 u0561u0585u0280u0138u03b9u0274u0262 u0585u0274 u0442u043du025b u0188u0585u043cu0584u03c5u0442u025bu0280 u0493u0585u0280 u03b1 u0493u025bu0561 u043du0585u03c5u0280u0455. u028bu03b9u025bu0561
Hot dogs chasing doughnuts through the Lincoln Tunnel.
I can only see Rorschach of Watchment now…
1. Batn2. two bears kissingn3. 2 butlers carrying luggagen4. indian todemn pole and bear skinn5. 2 girls with pony tailsn6. 2 camelliasn7. 2 dragonsn8. nothing
1. Batn2. two bears kissingn3. 2 butlers carrying luggagen4. indian todemn pole and bear skinn5. 2 girls with pony tailsn6. 2 camelliasn7. 2 dragonsn8. nothing
1. Non-descript insectn2. Two clowns touching handsn3. Butlers carrying heavy luggagen4. Angry hogn5. Swallow-tailed butterflyn6. bear-skin rugn7. Pony-tailed girl floating underwater (in an aquarium) blowing out air and staring at her own reflection in the glassn8. Mountain lion walking along a streamn9. Chandeliern10. A traffic cop on a bicycle rounding the corner of a glass building within sight of the Eiffel tower (while a parade goes on)
1. Animal mask. Fox, maybe?n2. Two folk dancers wearing red hats and boots.n3. Either a face (red is nostrils and ears) or two waiters holding trays.n4. Large, imposing figure with large feet standing above men5. Butterfly or mothn6. Stringed musical instrument, like a mandolinn7. Two people talkingn8. Mountain lions climbing cliffsn9. Chinese dragonsn10. Sea creatures.
pages like this should be banned!!! Rorschachs’ test should not be seen online like this. it is a very usefull psychodiagnostic measure but it looses all it’s quality when exposed like this. shame of you who exposed it like this!!
Loosen up.
9 Bull head in the middle of colors can u see itn8 to lizards walking up a wallnYou all are so uncreative
1. Man unleashing giant robot birdsn2.Bears High fivingn3. People eatingn4. Rocket Launchn5.Batn6. Ceremonial Sword in a rockn7.Beacon in a canyon at nightn8.Lizard climbing next to a mirrorn9. Launch bay post ignitionn10. Animals Marching towards an opening in a mountainnnMy brain is weird, anybody see any of these?
1: salacious crumb or two wing creatures dueling.
2: a person with blood stained clothes praying.
3: two people moving a body, there are blood stains on the wall.
4: the devil rising through dark clouds.
5: two bulls charging head on, or a bat.
6: a very unhealthy looking vagina, or the parting of the red sea.
7: a torn piece of fabric.
8: two iguanas climbing a colourful rock.
9: two dragons facing each other at the top of a pelvis?
10: insects at war.
This is copyrighted material that is still used validly and reliably by practitioners. Why is this being posted on the web as if it were for show-and-tell?? This invalidates the test. Does the website know that it can be SUED for this?
Well, mine is a bit messed up if not really f‑ed up; in number two I see two beheaded bears bleeding out their necks highfiving and also bleeding from a severed leg wound.… So yeah I can be called a sadistic monster.
1. Two black murder crows facing opposite directions.
2. The way f‑ed up thing I said before.
3. Tuxedo with red how tie.
4. Beheaded bear rug. I’m obsessed with bears I guess.
5. Bat with snail eyes.
6. A bear that was blown away by a shotgun that was fired inside its arse.
7. Two little twins rubbing their vaginas against with the other twin’s vagina? The f.uck?
8. Two pink panthers ripping some girl’s hair with their feet. Plus girls face looks like the devils goat face? So the panthers are trying to rip baphomet’s horns? What the actual f.uck?
9. Two deformed horses prancing over a nuclear cloud?
10. A rocket taking off leaving pink fire behind? I don’t know…
Whatever I’m crazy I guess, come take to a insane asylum.
1. Powerfull and angry woman ordering or shouting; two brids/winged people seeking the airs; butterfly or mothn2. Two priests praying; two desolade people giving handsn3. Two people carrying something, maybe a basket, with feelings envolved, maybe affection or anger; two guitarsn4. Face of a strange animal; one tower surronded by two mountains and gray clouds (upside down)n5. Butterfly or bat; a pair of tweezers; two crocodile headsn6. Misterious antenna (futuristic or ancient), maybe a totem polen7. Two girls pointing to opposite sides, meaning a ractional conflict; two bunnies on top of rocksn8. Two bears moving from hell to paradise, life to death, fire to heaven; transcendental imagen9. Two deers or deers’ antlersn10. Eifell tower; sea creatures; crabs holding popsicles; two nymphs
A conductor!
The test took place here. I really liked the results here
i see lungs in image 2.
image 1 map of USA
2)future rocket between two elephants
3)two mermaids touching Hillary Clinton eyes and a head neck with bowtie
4)penis in vagina, leg spread
6)anus, vagina,clit, penis, victory
7)one country, two leaders that want to go in different directions
8)coat of arms of a country, two blue flags in center, bears climbing mountain spire in the center, one leg on the land one paw on the flag and the other paw on the mountain
9)the kings of the earth are fat,ruling on the earth. and hell it beneath them
4. I saw a man on a motorcycle also.
dev needs to widen the column so the post and the responses take up less space on the page.
2) gnomes playing pattycake
3) bowtie in the center, man’s fancy high collared shirt around it
8) mirrored leopards next to a corset
Image 1 two baby donkeys ducking the elbows of a headless priest
Image six looks like a clear picture of a rabit with wings to me… Am i the only one who sees this???
Image six looks like a clear picture of a rabit with wings am I the only person who can see this ????
No.1,two bears dancing;No.2,two bears touching hands;No.3,a tuxedo with a red bow tie;No.4,a large figure standing;No.5,a rabbit hide;No.6,an animal hide;No.7,two faces;No.8,two animals and face;No.9,a glass vase;No.10,various sea creatures.
#1: the alien in “Independence Day” coming out of its carapace.
#2: playing pat-a-cake
#3: two women at a roulette table.
#7: plaster cast impression of teeth taken for dentures
#8: two stalking animals
#9: obviously a cow’s head seem front on!
Image 6 to me looks like a cute eviscerated bunny rabbit whom is slowly bleeding out
Hello there I see letters lots of letters that don’t even mean anything when you put them together. No matter which way you turn it I see letters.
Thankgod someone saw tuxedo, do u know what tuxedo means here?