The World’s First “Roast-Grind-Brew” Coffee Machine Could Bring About a Coffee Revolution

Bonaverde is “a small, ded­i­cat­ed team of young, sleep­less Berlin­er entre­pre­neurs that [have] made it their goal to rev­o­lu­tion­ize the cof­fee world.” How? By build­ing the world’s first “Roast-Grind-Brew Cof­fee Machine.” Oth­er machines might grind and brew the cof­fee. This one will roast the beans too, which is no triv­ial inno­va­tion. It promis­es to sig­nif­i­cant­ly decrease the num­ber of steps, and the amount of time, it takes to turn a har­vest­ed cof­fee bean into your morn­ing cup of joe, which means a much fresh­er cup of cof­fee. And per­haps a cheap­er one too.

Bonaverde has already devel­oped a pro­to­type. (See how it works below.) Now the ven­ture needs to bring the machine into pro­duc­tion. Through a Kick­starter cam­paign end­ing on Decem­ber 8th, the ven­ture ini­tial­ly hoped to raise $135,000. But it has already blown past that fig­ure, rais­ing $582,693 thus far. Any­one who con­tributes $250 (or more) to the cam­paign will get one of the very first Roast-Grind-Brew Cof­fee Machines, plus 6.6 lbs. (3kg) of green cof­fee. The­o­ret­i­cal­ly all you need to brew one very fresh cup of cof­fee. Find more infor­ma­tion on the next-gen­er­a­tion cof­fee machine over on Bonaverde’s Kick­starter page.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Hon­oré de Balzac Writes About “The Plea­sures and Pains of Cof­fee,” and His Epic Cof­fee Addic­tion

“The Vertue of the COFFEE Drink”: London’s First Cafe Cre­ates Ad for Cof­fee in the 1650s

The His­to­ry of Cof­fee and How It Trans­formed Our World

How Cli­mate Change Is Threat­en­ing Your Dai­ly Cup of Cof­fee

A Short, Ani­mat­ed Look at What’s Inside Your Aver­age Cup of Cof­fee

Black Cof­fee: Doc­u­men­tary Cov­ers the His­to­ry, Pol­i­tics & Eco­nom­ics of the “Most Wide­ly Tak­en Legal Drug”

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  • esousa says:

    It could only have been by peo­ple who have no remote idea of what it is to roast cof­fee, of the dif­fer­ent ways of roast­ing the vari­eties of cof­fee. Some­times it pays to think if your inven­tion is real­ly worth try­ing.

  • worldwidewookie says:

    On the one hand I like a good cup of cof­fee and if this set­up does improve the deal for pro­duc­ers then that’s good too, but on the oth­er it seems like quite a step back­wards environmentally.nnnThousands of lit­tle elec­tric roast­ers run­ning sev­er­al times a day for every cup must burn (and grind) through way more ener­gy than a few cen­tralised roasters?nnnOn top of which the mate­r­i­al and ener­gy that goes into pro­duc­ing anoth­er com­plex met­al and plas­tic home appli­ance has to have sig­nif­i­cant­ly more of a neg­a­tive envi­ron­men­tal impact than achiev­ing the same result at scale through exist­ing indus­tri­al methods.nnnThere must be a more ele­gant way to get fresh­er cof­fee. Not that it’s hard to find a local roast­er in most major conur­ba­tions any­way, how fresh does it have to be before it makes no dif­fer­ence?

  • GoldeGoose says:

    Cof­fee roast­ers knows that fresh­ly roast­ed cof­fee is not ready for grind­ing for at least 12 hours. The beans need a rest­ing peri­od before for the C02 to be out-gassed before the grind and brew. I can tell you from expe­ri­ence that fresh­ly roast­ed cof­fee ground and brewed is pret­ty awful tast­ing.

  • Meadomakr says:

    fresh­ly roast­ed cof­fee needs to rest a few days to cure before grind­ing and brew­ing. The caf­feine con­tent of fresh roast is through the roof!

  • My Espresso says:

    Very cool, how­ev­er i agree with the com­ments below, cof­fee needs to rest for a while before grind­ing and brew­ing. Mean while I’ll stick to the con­ve­nience of cap­sule cof­fee ;)

  • market apartments says:

    This is not a new idea. They have been around for at least fif­teen years. They are all very dif­fi­cult to clean, very dif­fi­cult to get a con­sis­tent roast or grind, they clog eas­i­ly, they are slow, and all-in-one­sies almost nev­er work as well as prop­er ded­i­cat­ed equip­ment. Rube Gold­berg got it right — these con­trap­tions are jokes.

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