1923 Photo of Claude Monet Colorized: See the Painter in the Same Color as His Paintings

monet in color

On the His­to­ry in Col­or Face­book page, artist Dana Keller presents a series of col­orized his­tor­i­cal pho­tographs, help­ing to “remove that bar­ri­er between the past and our mod­ern eyes, draw­ing us a lit­tle bit clos­er to the real­i­ty in which the pho­to was tak­en.” In the exam­ple above, we see impres­sion­ist painter Claude Mon­et stand­ing next to paint­ings from his famous Water Lilies series. Giv­en what he did with col­or in his paint­ings, it seems only fit­ting that we should see the man him­self in col­or.

If you care to see Mon­et paint­ing in his gar­den in Giverny (cir­ca 1915) in some impres­sive grainy black and white video, click this link and take a lit­tle his­tor­i­cal jour­ney with us. More col­orized his­tor­i­cal pho­tos can be viewed here: Col­orized Pho­tos Bring Walt Whit­man, Char­lie Chap­lin, Helen Keller & Mark Twain Back to Life.

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