Read Online J.K. Rowling’s New Harry Potter Story: The First Glimpse of Harry as an Adult

rowling new story

Quick note: Ear­li­er this year, J. K. Rowl­ing began writ­ing new sto­ries about the 2014 Quid­ditch World Cup Finals for Pot­ter­more, the web­site for all things Har­ry Pot­ter. Today, she fol­lowed up with a sto­ry that takes the form of an arti­cle pub­lished in The Dai­ly Prophet: “Dumbledore’s Army Reunites at Quid­ditch World Cup Final” by Rita Skeeter. Here, Rowl­ing gives us the first glimpse of the adult Har­ry Pot­ter.

About to turn 34, there are a cou­ple of threads of sil­ver in the famous Auror’s black hair, but he con­tin­ues to wear the dis­tinc­tive round glass­es that some might say are bet­ter suit­ed to a style-defi­cient twelve-year-old. The famous light­ning scar has com­pa­ny: Pot­ter is sport­ing a nasty cut over his right cheek­bone. Requests for infor­ma­tion as to its prove­nance mere­ly pro­duced the usu­al response from the Min­istry of Mag­ic: ‘We do not com­ment on the top secret work of the Auror depart­ment, as we have told you no less than 514 times, Ms. Skeeter.’ So what are they hid­ing? Is the Cho­sen One embroiled in fresh mys­ter­ies that will one day explode upon us all, plung­ing us into a new age of ter­ror and may­hem?

You can read the full sto­ry on Pot­ter­more, where reg­is­tra­tion is required. Or the com­plete sto­ry can also be read on (with­out reg­is­tra­tion).

via i09

Relat­ed Con­tent:

How J.K. Rowl­ing Plot­ted Har­ry Pot­ter with a Hand-Drawn Spread­sheet

Take Free Online Cours­es at Hog­warts: Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts & More

The Quan­tum Physics of Har­ry Pot­ter, Bro­ken Down By a Physi­cist and a Magi­cian

Cel­e­brate Har­ry Potter’s Birth­day with Song. Daniel Rad­cliffe Sings Tom Lehrer’s Tune, The Ele­ments.

Har­ry Pot­ter Pre­quel Now Online

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  • JSintheStates says:

    Bleak! Is that what being a mul­ti-bil­lion­aire deos to you? If this is a teas­er for a sequel, I’m not inter­est­ed!

  • Chris says:

    I would love for J.K.Rowling to make a sto­ry (or a cou­ple) and the kids of Har­ry, Ron and Her­moine explain­ing their lives and have like a evil plot or some­thing. Basi­cal­ly, Har­ry Pot­ter’s sto­ry but with Albus Severus Pot­ter and oth­ers as the main char­ac­ters!

  • bob says:

    i love the movies and books of har­ry pot­ter
    love from Mon­tana

  • makayla says:

    i would love if they did i love har­ry pot­ter i always do har­ry pot­ter birth­days im only 9 but i would love if they made them a grown up ver­sion i love pot­ter­more i have not read it yet still wait­ing hope its here soon because i have a birth­day par­ty on may 15 cant wait till new har­ry pot­ter

  • m. raghunandan says:

    hap­py birth­day

  • m. raghunandan says:

    look­ing for­ward to read many more books by JKR

  • Har­ry Pot­ter has a spec­tac­u­lar sto­ry

  • Deh! says:

    A first glimpse of an adult who’s stuck now liv­ing a live who’s dull­ness is only com­pa­ra­ble to the Rowl­ing’s cre­ation, one of the dullest fran­chise in the his­to­ry of movie fran­chis­es. Seri­ous­ly each episode fol­low­ing the boy wiz­ard and his pals from Hog­warts Acad­e­my as they fight assort­ed vil­lains has been indis­tin­guish­able from the oth­ers. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only con­sis­ten­cy has been its lack of excite­ment and inef­fec­tive use of spe­cial effects, all to make mag­ic unmag­i­cal, to make action seem inert.

    Per­haps the die was cast when Rowl­ing vetoed the idea of Spiel­berg direct­ing the series; she made sure the series would nev­er be mis­tak­en for a work of art that meant any­thing to anybody?just ridicu­lous­ly prof­itable cross-pro­mo­tion for her books. The Har­ry Pot­ter series might be anti-Chris­t­ian (or not), but it’s cer­tain­ly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of won­der, beau­ty and excite­ment. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thank­ful­ly, they no longer have to.

    >a‑at least the books were good though


    The writ­ing is dread­ful; the book was ter­ri­ble. As I read, I noticed that every time a char­ac­ter went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the char­ac­ter “stretched his legs.”

    I began mark­ing on the back of an enve­lope every time that phrase was repeat­ed. I stopped only after I had marked the enve­lope sev­er­al dozen times. I was incred­u­lous. Rowling’s mind is so gov­erned by clich­es and dead metaphors that she has no oth­er style of writ­ing. Lat­er I read a lav­ish, lov­ing review of Har­ry Pot­ter by the same Stephen King. He wrote some­thing to the effect of, “If these kids are read­ing Har­ry Pot­ter at 11 or 12, then when they get old­er they will go on to read Stephen King.” And he was quite right. He was not being iron­ic. When you read “Har­ry Pot­ter” you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

  • Kampus Terbaik di Medan says:

    har­ry pot­ter is real­ly a very inter­est­ing film but the cli­max for the end of the sto­ry in my opin­ion could be bet­ter

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