Watch Adam Savage Build Barbarella’s Space Rifle in One Day

In a new video by Test­ed, Adam Sav­age (mod­el mak­er, indus­tri­al design­er and tele­vi­sion per­son­al­i­ty) shows you how to build a repli­ca of the space rifle from the 1968 sci-fi film Bar­barel­la. To design the repli­ca, Sav­age had only one doc­u­ment to work with — a pho­to­graph show­ing Jane Fon­da hold­ing the gun, which orig­i­nal­ly appeared on the cov­er of a 1968 issue of LIFE Mag­a­zine. The 77-minute video above takes you inside Sav­age’s build process, mov­ing from start to fin­ish. If DIY is your thing, you won’t want to miss it.

via Digg

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  • Ferrox Glideh says:

    Once again, “props” to Adam Sav­age for the fun and fast D.I.Y. cre­ativ­i­ty.
    Only please, if you want to do this at home, try using a vac­u­um when sand­ing LDF (and espe­cial­ly MDF) and a mask when spray paint­ing indoors. Lung trans­plants are not a D.I.Y. project.

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