Vancouver Never Plays Itself

Tony Zhou and his video series Every Frame a Paint­ing returns with a new episode: Van­cou­ver Nev­er Plays Itself.

A bustling sea­port city on the west coast of Cana­da, Van­cou­ver is a big movie pro­duc­tion town. In fact, it’s the third biggest film pro­duc­tion city in North Amer­i­ca, right behind LA and New York. And yet you would­n’t know it. Because Van­cou­ver nev­er plays itself. It always mas­quer­ades in movies as oth­er cities — New York, Seat­tle, San­ta Bar­bara and beyond.

Zhou shows you just how this decep­tion gets pulled off, again and again.

Find more episodes from his series below…

Relat­ed Con­tent:

How Aki­ra Kuro­sawa Used Move­ment to Tell His Sto­ries: A Video Essay

Every Frame a Paint­ing Explains the Film­mak­ing Tech­niques of Mar­tin Scors­ese, Jack­ie Chan, and Even Michael Bay

The Art of Mak­ing Intel­li­gent Com­e­dy Movies: 8 Take-Aways from the Films of Edgar Wright

The Evo­lu­tion of Chuck Jones, the Artist Behind Bugs Bun­ny, Daffy Duck & Oth­er Looney Tunes Leg­ends: A Video Essay

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.