Radiooooo: A Musical Time Machine That Lets You Hear What Played on the Radio in Different Times & Places

The con­cept is pret­ty self explana­to­ry. Go to, pick a coun­try, pick a decade (from 1900 to Now), and then will rev up its time machine and serve up songs from that time and place. Instant­ly you can hear the radio music of 1930s Sudan, 1970s Rus­sia, and 1990s Brazil.

To learn more about, read the Indiegogo page that helped fund the orig­i­nal project. And one word of cau­tion, can take a lit­tle time to load and process things. So if you make your selec­tions and noth­ing hap­pens, give things a few moments, and all should work out.

via Boing Boing

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