The conÂcept is pretÂty self explanaÂtoÂry. Go to, pick a counÂtry, pick a decade (from 1900 to Now), and then will rev up its time machine and serve up songs from that time and place. InstantÂly you can hear the radio music of 1930s Sudan, 1970s RusÂsia, and 1990s Brazil.
To learn more about, read the Indiegogo page that helped fund the origÂiÂnal project. And one word of cauÂtion, can take a litÂtle time to load and process things. So if you make your selecÂtions and nothÂing hapÂpens, give things a few moments, and all should work out.
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I have longed for someÂthing like this. Sounds amazÂing- lookÂing forÂward to checkÂing it out.
I am lookÂing forÂward to checkÂing this out! Sounds aweÂsome
Is it legal for me to upload songs that I have bought?