Wake Up & Smell the Coffee: The New All-in-One Coffee-Maker/Alarm Clock is Finally Here!

Last year, British design­er Josh Renouf announced plans to build the Barisieur, a com­bi­na­tion alarm clock/coffee brew­er that will wake you up, then serve you a nice hot cup of cof­fee, as you open your eyes and greet the new day. Here’s how Engad­get described it at the time:

Using induc­tion heat­ing and stain­less steel ball bear­ings, the Barisieur boils water for pour-over brew, giv­ing off the aro­ma of your favorite beans as you rise to start the day. There’s even a cooled slot for a spot of milk and stor­age for sug­ar and extra grounds.

Today, we’re pleased to announce that the first orders for the Barisieur can be placed through Kick­starter. They’re look­ing to raise $555,000 through their Kick­starter cam­paign. (Watch the video above for infor­ma­tion on that.) The first 300 back­ers will be able to pre-order their Barisieur at a low price ($292).

Note: The updat­ed ver­sion can now be pur­chased on Ama­zon.

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Relat­ed Con­tent

The Birth of London’s 1950s Bohemi­an Cof­fee Bars Doc­u­ment­ed in a Vin­tage 1959 News­reel

The Curi­ous Sto­ry of London’s First Cof­fee­hous­es (1650–1675)

“The Vertue of the COFFEE Drink”: London’s First Cafe Cre­ates Ad for Cof­fee in the 1650s

J.S. Bach’s Com­ic Opera, “The Cof­fee Can­ta­ta,” Sings the Prais­es of the Great Stim­u­lat­ing Drink (1735)

The His­to­ry of Cof­fee and How It Trans­formed Our World

Black Cof­fee: Doc­u­men­tary Cov­ers the His­to­ry, Pol­i­tics & Eco­nom­ics of the “Most Wide­ly Tak­en Legal Drug”

How William S. Bur­roughs Used the Cut-Up Tech­nique to Shut Down London’s First Espres­so Bar (1972)

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  • paul says:

    Not exact­ly a new idea:

    “A teas­made is a machine for mak­ing tea auto­mat­i­cal­ly. It was once com­mon in the Unit­ed King­dom and some of its for­mer colonies. Teas­mades gen­er­al­ly include an ana­logue alarm clock and are designed to be used at the bed­side, to ensure tea is ready first thing in the morn­ing. Although crude ver­sions exist­ed in Vic­to­ri­an times, they only became prac­ti­cal with the avail­abil­i­ty of elec­tric ver­sions in the 1930s. They reached their peak in pop­u­lar­i­ty in the 1960s and 1970s since when their use declined, but they are now enjoy­ing a revival, part­ly as a retro nov­el­ty item.” — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teasmade

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