A Free POTUS Summer Playlist: Pres. Obama Curates 39 Songs for a Summer Day


Like he did last sum­mer, Pres­i­dent Oba­ma has put togeth­er two eclec­tic music playlists–one for a hot sum­mer day, and anoth­er for a sum­mer evening. And they’re both pret­ty chill, the stuff vaca­tions are made of. If you have Spo­ti­fy (down­load it here), you can start stream­ing all of the songs below. And if you want to know more about Clin­ton and Trump’s favorite songs, check out this piece on Rolling Stone.

The Pres­i­den­t’s Sum­mer Playlist: Day­time

  1. Love­Hate Thing — Wale
  2. Smooth Sailin’ — Leon Bridges
  3. Ele­va­tor Oper­a­tor — Court­ney Bar­nett
  4. Home — Edward Sharpe and the Mag­net­ic Zeros
  5. Many the Miles — Sara Bareilles
  6. Tightrope — Janelle Mon­ae
  7. Clas­sic Man — Jiden­na
  8. So Ambi­tious — Jay‑Z, feat. Phar­rell
  9. Me Gus­tas Tu — Manu Chao
  10. For­ev­er Begins — Com­mon
  11. The Man — Aloe Blacc
  12. As We Enter — Nas & Dami­an “Jr. Gong” Mar­ley
  13. Sin­ner­man — Nina Simone
  14. U Got the Look — Prince
  15. Rock Steady — Aretha Franklin
  16. Good Vibra­tions — Beach Boys
  17. Don’t Owe You A Thang — Gary Clark Jr.
  18. Man Like That — Gin Wig­more
  19. II B.S. (edit) — Charles Min­gus

The Pres­i­den­t’s Sum­mer Playlist: Night­time

  1. If I Have My Way — Chrisette Michelle
  2. Espera — Esper­an­za Spald­ing
  3. Tell It Like It Is — Aaron Neville
  4. Alright — Ledisi
  5. Trapped By A Thing Called Love — Denise Lasalle
  6. Lady — D’An­ge­lo
  7. So Very Hard to Go — Tow­er of Pow­er
  8. Mid­night Sun — Car­men McCrae
  9. Cucur­ru­cu­cu Palo­ma — Cae­tano Veloso
  10. Green Aphro­disi­ac — Corinne Bai­ley Rae
  11. I’ll Be There for You / You’re All I Need — Mary J Blige / Method Man
  12. Lover Man — Bil­lie Hol­i­day
  13. Crim­i­nal — Fiona Apple
  14. Acid Rain — Chance the Rap­per
  15. My Fun­ny Valen­tine — Miles Davis
  16. Do You Feel Me — Antho­ny Hamil­ton
  17. I Get Lone­ly — Janet Jack­son
  18. Lean In — Lizz Wright
  19. All Day Music — War
  20. Say Yes — Floetry

via CNN.

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  • Bill W. says:

    ‘Good Vibra­tions’ is the only decent song on his playlist.

  • Francois says:

    Sure he did! Like POTUS has noth­ing bet­ter to do than sift through hun­dreds of releas­es to pick out his favs and then pub­licly shill for them. Suu­u­u­ure he did. If you or any of your read­ers swal­low this insipid spoon-fed pro­pa­gan­da then you are dumb­er than stu­pid. Con­tact Don­ald Trump imme­di­ate­ly for I’m cer­tain he as some under water ocean front prop­er­ty in Ari­zona he’d love to sell you.

    Pret­ty lousy taste in music btw. Too bad. I at least hoped the White House pub­lic rela­tions spin team had a lit­tle bit of class when it came to music. It’s also too bad Open Cul­ture has mor­phed into a vapid shill for Spo­ti­fy. Just goes to prove Jean Toomer was spot-on when he wrote that Walt Whitman’s aver­age man has turned out to be Bab­bitt.

  • Marlene Goldsmith, Ph.D. says:

    I have real­ly enjoyed lis­ten­ing to this var­ied list and sent it to both my sons. We will nev­er again have a pres­i­dent who would put out a list like this in his name, let alone know so much about this music. Thanks to Open Cul­ture for mak­ing it avail­able.

  • Fred says:

    Any list with Miles Davis in it is ok by me.

  • bypass play store payments says:

    I am vis­it­ing here again and again for amaz­ing stuff.
    I real­ly appre­ci­ate the effort in pub­lish­ing this arti­cle. It has pro­vid­ed me with a lot of rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion, which will sure­ly help me in the long run. Will look for­ward for more such updates

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