Going into the DemoÂcÂraÂtÂic NationÂal ConÂvenÂtion, who would have thought that the speech we’d all rememÂber this week would belong to Khazir Khan, the father of a MusÂlim-AmerÂiÂcan solÂdier who died fightÂing for the UnitÂed States in Iraq? Khan’s rebuke of DonÂald Trump’s diviÂsive presÂiÂdenÂtial camÂpaign was stingÂing, and it came capped with these lines:
DonÂald Trump, you are askÂing AmerÂiÂcans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. ConÂstiÂtuÂtion? I will gladÂly lend you my copy. In this docÂuÂment, look for the words “libÂerÂty” and “equal proÂtecÂtion of law.”
Have you ever been to ArlingÂton CemeÂtery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriÂots who died defendÂing AmerÂiÂca — you will see all faiths, genÂders, and ethÂnicÂiÂties.
You have sacÂriÂficed nothÂing and no one.
This priÂvate citÂiÂzen sucÂceedÂed in doing what Hillary ClinÂton, Bill ClinÂton, PresÂiÂdent ObaÂma, Joe Biden and maybe even Michael Bloomberg could not. In his own modÂest, underÂstatÂed way, he put Trump on the defenÂsive. And when Trump lashed out, you could finalÂly hear the whisÂpers: Have you no sense of decenÂcy, DonÂald, at long last?
Khizr Khan may be to DonÂald Trump what Joseph Welch was to Joe McCarthy. That would be one posÂiÂtive outÂcome of Khan’s speech. The othÂer is that sales of the U.S. ConÂstiÂtuÂtion (as ElecÂtric LitÂerÂaÂture notÂed) have gone through the roof. The U.S. ConÂstiÂtuÂtion is curÂrentÂly #2 on AmaÂzon’s list of bestÂselling books, right behind the new HarÂry PotÂter book. FathÂom that.
You, too, can buy a pockÂet ediÂtion of the ConÂstiÂtuÂtion. But why not get it for free? Through NovemÂber 8, the ACLU is runÂning a proÂmoÂtion which will let you snag a free pockÂet-sized Constitution–one that can fit in your backÂpack, glove comÂpartÂment, or back pockÂet. It meaÂsures 3/12” x 5.5” and feaÂtures “the full text of the ConÂstiÂtuÂtion, the AmendÂments, includÂing the Bill of Rights, as well as a Know Your Rights series: What to do if you’re stopped by the police.”
Head to this page, and use the coupon code POCKETRIGHTS.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
R Crumb, the Father of UnderÂground Comix, Takes Down DonÂald Trump in a NSFW 1989 CarÂtoon
J.K. RowlÂing Defends DonÂald Trump’s Right to Be “OffenÂsive and BigÂotÂed”
Noam ChomÂsky on Whether the Rise of Trump ResemÂbles the Rise of FasÂcism in 1930s GerÂmany
Please don’t link to that pockÂet ConÂstiÂtuÂtion. That parÂticÂuÂlar one, the one that’s going like hotÂcakes on AmaÂzon, is annoÂtatÂed with the rantÂiÂngs of right-wing ideÂoÂlogue Cleon Skousen.
Thanks for the post and the link. I swore an oath to proÂtect that docÂuÂment from all eneÂmies. One of the politiÂcians chose to introÂduce the symÂpaÂthy act to their play; anothÂer chose to tasteÂlessÂly, and seemÂingÂly withÂout a deepÂer underÂstandÂing of the cost, criÂtique the play. One must underÂstand that choosÂing to stand upon that stage and hold the microÂphone means that all is “fair play.”
The solÂdier knew this, and “filled the unforÂgivÂing minute
with sixÂty secÂonds’ worth of disÂtance run.”
HonÂor him by supÂportÂing our conÂstiÂtuÂtion.
God bliss
Despite the small form facÂtor, it seems to be a very effecÂtive shield to hide behind, when preÂtendÂing your ideÂolÂoÂgy isn’t what it says it is.
You, the ACLU, and AmaÂzon made a huge misÂtake. Cleon Skousen. RealÂly? I will throw it out the moment it arrives. UnforÂtuÂnateÂly, I will now be spammed by every right wing orgaÂniÂzaÂtion in the counÂtry. Thanks a lot.…
I see in someÂone’s post that DJT has sacÂriÂficed nothÂing. We’ve all heard that there is a time and place for everyÂthing. Now is DJT’s time. It’s his time to put everyÂthing he’s worked for his entire life on the table to defend our conÂstiÂtuÂtion and bill of rights. At 70 yrs. old he will be wearÂing the uniÂform of a marine, a solÂdier, our navy and air force, our coast guard, nationÂal guard, our borÂder patrol and our police offiÂcers and he ask for nothÂing but AmerÂiÂca’s supÂport. On 11/09/16 when DJT has been electÂed PresÂiÂdent of our great nation, our counÂtry and our conÂstiÂtuÂtion will be safe, and not conÂtinÂued to be walked on by the curÂrent admin.
I would like a pockÂet size book of the U.S.Constitution. ThankyÂou.
I would like a copy of the conÂstiÂtuÂtion.
Thank You
I would like a pockÂet size book of the U.S.Constitution.2 COPIES ONE FOR MY SON AND ONE FOR ME PLEASE MAKE TO P.O. BOX 555 SMYRNA DELAWARE 19977 ThankyÂou.
Please send me the conÂstiÂtuÂtion pamÂphlet
I would like a free copy of the US ConÂstiÂtuÂtion for my grandÂdaughÂter, please.
This is the fourth time I have requestÂed two free copies of The US ConÂstiuÂtion, since 2017 to no avail. WILL YOU PLEASE expain why my request has not been honÂored. ALSO WHAT I NEED TO DO or who I can go to to have my quest honÂored. THANK YOU FOR ATTENDTION ON THIS MATTER.
My address is
1542 Alta Glen DriÂve Apt 36
San Jose, CA 95125
Would you please send me 2 copies of the pockÂet conÂstiÂtuÂtion. Thank you very much.