What Ancient Latin Sounded Like, And How We Know It

Latin is a lan­guage

As dead as dead can be

It killed the Romans long ago, 

And now it’s killing me.

That famed dit­ty isn’t like­ly to res­onate with many mod­ern school chil­dren, but inter­est in ancient Rome remains fair­ly robust. 

We’ve come to accept that those state­ly ruins were once cov­ered in graf­fi­ti.

We can recre­ate their meals from hors d’oevures (Boiled Eggs with Pine Nut Sauce) to dessert (Pear Pati­na).

Ther­mae Romae, a pop­u­lar Japan­ese man­ga-cum-fea­ture-film, took us inside Emper­or Hadri­an’s bath­house.

But what did the Romans sound like?

Kirk Dou­glasSpar­ta­cus? Or Lau­rence Olivier’s Cras­sus?

The recent series Rome upheld the tra­di­tion of British accents.

Ani­ma­tor Josh Rud­der of NativLang did a fair amount of dig­ging in ser­vice of find­ing out What Latin Sound­ed Like, above.

(And he seems to have done so with­out the help of Derek Jarman’s NSFW Sebas­tiane, the only fea­ture film to be filmed entire­ly in ser­mo vul­garis or vul­gar Latin.)

Instead, he draws from ancient rhetori­cian Quin­til­ian and Virgil’s’ poet­ic meter. Scroll back­ward through the romance lan­guages, and you’ll see Ger­man­ic tribes trad­ing with and fight­ing ancient Roman troops.

The result is not so much a recon­struc­tive pro­nun­ci­a­tion guide as a lin­guis­tic detec­tive sto­ry.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

1,600-Year-Old Illu­mi­nat­ed Man­u­script of the Aeneid Dig­i­tized & Put Online by The Vat­i­can

Learn Latin, Old Eng­lish, San­skrit, Clas­si­cal Greek & Oth­er Ancient Lan­guages in 10 Lessons

Rome Reborn: Take a Vir­tu­al Tour of Ancient Rome, Cir­ca 320 C.E.

Ayun Hal­l­i­day is an author, illus­tra­tor, the­ater mak­er and Chief Pri­ma­tol­o­gist of the East Vil­lage Inky zine.  Her lat­est com­ic con­trasts the birth of her sec­ond child with the uncen­sored gore of Game of Thrones. Fol­low her @AyunHalliday

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  • Maxim Gurnemanz says:

    Because it was a lan­guage of pagan idol­aters, who were both wan­ton & las­civ­i­ous, the Church changed much of the pro­nun­ci­a­tion & even the gram­mar itself. And that I learned, along with prop­er clas­si­cal pro­nun­ci­a­tions, back in Catholic high school, cir­ca (id est: “kir­ka”) MCMLXII. So — ille­git­i­mi non car­borun­dum!

  • Gunnar says:

    Not true that the Church inten­tion­al­ly “changed” Latin to dis­tance itself from “Pagan idol­aters”. In the 4th cen­tu­ry, the Church pro­duced a Latin trans­la­tion of the Bible, but in “vul­gar” Latin (now called the Vul­gate) instead of clas­si­cal Latin. The rea­son? More peo­ple in Italy at that time spoke vul­gar Latin, which was essen­tial­ly a dialect. The Church want­ed the Bible to be under­stood by as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble. We now call the dialect of Latin that it employed, “eccle­si­as­ti­cal”. Cen­turies lat­er, Latin was no longer a liv­ing lan­guage, and the Bible was under­stood only by schol­ars and cler­ics.

  • Vic van Lijf says:

    This video would be so much more of inter­est for many if it was­n’t spo­ken so fast. Think of the mul­ti­tudes with Eng­lish as sec­ond lan­guage. Nev­er­the­less very inter­st­ing!

  • Rt Rev Kenneth G Walsh Jr says:

    Wal­do Sweet pro­duced an oral-aur­al Pro­gram
    over 60 years ago.
    Jesuit Novices in Wern­ersville, PA in Fall
    1958 began this pro­gram. We talked about this very sys­tem this past week­end at a get-togeth­er
    I had stud­ied Latin for six years & then
    added two more. The same for Greek!
    Plus 30 years lat­er I took the TEA, Austin, TX
    Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion test in Latin.
    I taught Latin I‑V, G‑9–12 for 20 years,
    1989–2009 & then retired from Latin
    Teach­ing. I have Sub-taught in TX,
    Con­roe ISD, Mont­gomery Co.
    For vocab­u­lary build­ing I taught
    Word Pow­er for 5.5 years in Bay­town,
    TX along with the reg­u­lar Latin cours­es.
    Church pro­nun­ci­a­tion I use­dr for class­room
    Pro­nun­ci­a­tion. Church pro­nun­ci­a­tion went
    On longer than Clas­si­cal.
    The Euro­pean-Mediter­ranean nations
    Took Clas­si­cal Latin & changed it to
    Por­tuguese, Span­ish, French, Ital­ian,
    Ruman­ian, etc.
    Church pro­nun­ci­a­tion has remained more
    con­sis­tent in 2,000 years.
    +Ken Walsh

  • Edward Saulnier says:

    I dis­agree. As a lin­guist espe­cial­ly one who is inter­est­ed in the Indo-Euro­pean lan­guages, I can’t accept this non-lin­guis­tic rea­son­ing. It is not most­ly rel­gious prac­tices that caused the change og Latin pro­nun­ci­a­tion. I see it as a lin­guis­tic process. It goes beyond just divid­ing the indo-euro­pean lan­guages into Cen­tem and Satem lan­guages. But it is def­i­nite­ly lin­guis­tic change.

  • phil says:

    This arti­cle, and all oth­ers that claim to KNOW how Latin was spo­ken, or sound­ed like, are TOTAL bull­shit.

    I hap­pen to speak some Span­ish (5+ years catholic school in Cal­i­for­nia), Brasil­ian Por­tu­guse (4 years liv­ing in Brasil with in-laws) French (2 years catholic high school + 2 years col­lege) and Latin (8 years catholic grade school + 2 years sec­u­lar high school) along with a lit­tle con­ver­sa­tion­al Greek, Ara­bic, Ukrain­ian, etc.

    How­ev­er, even when I speak French, Span­ish and Por­tuguese, native speak­ers can ALWAYS tell that I am not a native.

    So the claim that Latin CAN be “spo­ken” is bull­shit. The only peo­ple who spoke Latin near­ly con­tin­u­ous­ly were Catholic roy­al­ty. And the ones I knew, priests and bish­ops, did NOT speak it the same, they just read out loud, because they were NOT ROMAN, hav­ing come from all cor­ners of the globe.

    Because there are NO sound record­ings of Romans speak­ing Latin, NOBODY REALLY knows how a Roman pro­nounced it.


    Mil­lions can read most Euro­pean lan­guages that use the “Latin Alpha­bet”, but it would con­fuse and con­found Romans if they heard it.

    For exam­ple, when I was in France a few years ago, a car pulled up to the curb, and the dri­ver leaned out and asked me where a par­tic­u­lar cathe­dral was.

    I hap­pened to be stay­ing in a hotel, just a block away from said church, so I gave him accu­rate direc­tions, and he was sat­is­fied, turn­ing back to dri­ve. Then he stopped, quick­ly turned to look at me, before shak­ing his head, and dri­ving away.

    I was sure that he at first thought I was a french local by my clothes, etc. Although I am from the US, I always study the lan­guage of my des­ti­na­tion, from Greek to Ara­bic to Chi­nese out of admi­ra­tion and respect for the locals, and to dis­tance myself from “ugly enti­tled Amer­i­cans”.

    I NEVER speak Eng­lish espe­cial­ly if there are Amer­i­cans in the vicin­i­ty, because they would latch onto me like leech­es if they heard me speak­ing the local lan­guage, and Eng­lish. How­ev­er in the case in Tours, France my accent was hor­ri­ble for a French native. He prob­a­bly drove away think­ing that he would not find the cathe­dral where I said it was. I turned to look and, sure enough he drove right where I told him to go.

    This is a prime exam­ple of the futil­i­ty and out­right arro­gance of any­one who is not a Roman, claim­ing to “speak” Latin.

    Any­one can read Latin out loud, but there is NO WAY to know with­out a doubt how Latin SOUNDED when spo­ken by Romans with­out any sound record­ings from before the fall of the Roman Empire.

    Hell, I can read most Ger­man text, and my grand­par­ents were Ger­man, but I refuse to learn it because it is dis­gust­ing and gut­tur­al. So I can get around fine in Switzer­land and Ger­many, by read­ing and under­stand­ing signs and news­pa­pers.

    The clos­est to Latin would be Ital­ian, since the Romans ruled from Rome, Italy and some of the sounds were pos­si­bly hand­ed down. I also speak pass­able Ital­ian, so much so that I fre­quent­ly pep­per my French, Span­ish and Por­tuguese with Ital­ian.

    My in-laws in Brasil usu­al­ly under­stood me just fine if I came up short of the cor­rect Por­tuguese word, and dropped in the Ital­ian or Span­ish ver­sion. The lone excep­tion was an old woman who was a neigh­bor, and she did not even fin­ish grade school accord­ing to her daugh­ter, so she was not real­ly flu­ent her­self

    I had a cousin from Mis­sis­sip­pi who I could not under­stand when he spoke, with what sound­ed like a hill­bil­ly with a mouth full of rocks. On the oth­er hand, his sis­ter spoke clean Eng­lish with just a touch of N’Or­leans where she lived. All of us were from Amer­i­ca.

    When I was in Greece, I had prac­ticed and spo­ken Greek for two weeks, and was wide­ly under­stood by the locals, who were VERY polite. One day, when I went to a phar­ma­cy to pick up some nail pol­ish remover for my wife, the phar­ma­cist refused to help me. A nice local Greek woman in line behind me, under­stood what I want­ed, And got it for me.

    In fact when I was in Athens a week ear­li­er, I went into a phar­ma­cy and asked for Ibuprophen. The old phar­ma­cist work­ing there seemed impressed that I spoke pass­able GREEK. He even asked if I was a doc­tor, then invit­ed me to go to his cab­i­nets and take what­ev­er I need­ed. Imag­ine a phar­ma­cist in the US doing that?

    When the woman on Paros came out­side with the item, she told me, in Greek, that she knew the phar­ma­cist was a “B” and she DID under­stand me, but she hat­ed RUDE British tourists who inun­dat­ed the small island of Paros all sum­mer, and appar­ent­ly mis­took me for a rude Brit.
    If you ever saw the film “Shirley Valen­tine”, the scenes in Greece show what the locals have to deal with, con­de­scend­ing British.

    One time a group of peo­ple from my work were plan­ning a trip to Ense­na­da Mex­i­co, most­ly because I told them about the great “lob­ster hous­es” restau­rants in Lare­to, Baja.

    When I heard that a par­tic­u­lar­ly obnox­ious, always foul-mouthed and racist co-work­er was plan­ning to go, I can­celed my par­tic­i­pa­tion. I explained that I love and respect Mex­i­co and the hard work­ing, hon­est peo­ple there, and I was sure that the guy would sit at the first place we went and loud­ly say “look at all the dirty, stu­pid Mex­i­cans”, even though most under­stood Eng­lish and would be hor­ri­bly insult­ed.

    Not the thing any guest would do.

    You idiots just like to think you are spe­cial by mak­ing absolute­ly FALSE claims. Maybe you should run for pub­lic office, because that is what dis­hon­est politi­cians do. You don’t know jack-shit about how to “speak” Latin…

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