Watch the Burning Man Live Stream

Every year, right before Labor Day, 50,000 peo­ple trav­el to Black Rock City, Neva­da to take part in Burn­ing Man — an exper­i­men­tal com­mu­ni­ty ded­i­cat­ed to rad­i­cal self reliance, rad­i­cal self-expres­sion and art. The 2016 edi­tion is under­way. And you can feel free to drop in any time. Above, watch a live stream of life on the dusty Playa. Hope­ful­ly things should get pret­ty inter­est­ing on Sat­ur­day night when they set fire to “the Man.”

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Comments (37)
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  • Carl Russo says:

    It’s a cor­po­rate retreat, isn’t it?

  • Carlos Lemos says:

    This is the Best Fes­ti­val in the Uni­verse :)

  • P Heresy says:

    Not a cor­po­rate retreat what­so­ev­er. There are spe­cif­ic prin­ci­ples this fes­ti­val func­tions under.

    besides the prin­ci­ple of “leave no trace”, rad­i­cal free expres­sion, rad­i­cal self reliance, rad­i­cal inclu­sion and par­tic­i­pa­tion, there is the prin­ci­pal of deco­mod­i­fy­ing and gift­ing.
    that means no adver­tis­ing or sell­ing of any­thing. No theme camps fly­ing a cor­po­rate ban­ner.
    Barter hap­pens, but most­ly a gift econ­o­my is encour­aged.

    I rec­om­mend going to their web­site, it will tell you every­thing along with eye can­dy abound­ing. If you can attend you may find it to be a pro­found and life chang­ing expe­ri­ence.

  • ghhgdjhgsafh says:

    Stream not work­ing.

  • Wlad says:

    Why do you show this thing live? Why do you write about it? Is it because it is about upper mid­dle-class and the rich, white, Amer­i­cans who do some ran­dom stuff in a desert, so there­fore must be unique and inter­est­ing and the whole World should know about it? There are so many nicer things tak­ing place around Africa, Asia, Europe, Microne­sia, South Amer­i­ca but no, you show what a bunch of white Amer­i­cans do. I won’t waste my time fur­ther on this non-sense.

  • spectrum says:

    Thanks for stream­ing this!

  • Laura says:

    Thanks for the live stream­ing this year. Last year was ter­ri­ble. And years before have been good. but this year is great. Only thing that would make it bet­ter is to have music in the broad­cast. And cool announce­ments as you are watch­ing.
    Love that the cam­era changes often and zooms in on dif­fer­ent instal­la­tions!

  • Julie Mc says:

    Ahh.. thank you for clean­ing the lens!

  • Courtney littlewing lanza says:

    Burn baby burn AhoO!

  • DOCTOREAMO says:


  • DOCTOREAMO says:


  • Carl Russo says:

    I was being sar­cas­tic. The fest was coopt­ed years ago.

  • Raf says:

    Your con­clu­sion is wrong,
    You should also cre­ate streams for Africa, Asia, Europe, Microne­sia, South Amer­i­ca etc.

    Burn­ing man is the only city in the world that is built and tak­en apart year­ly, and it has par­tic­i­pants from around the world, not just white mid­dle class.

  • Argo the argonaut says:

    I’ve been fol­low­ing the stream­ing on and off since it was set up.…
    Thank you Motor­cy­cle Mike for the work/setting up/ and occa­sion­al nar­ra­tions.
    I missed going this year and am so pleased to see “the man, the tem­ple, a num­ber of art projects and, the “puffer­’s” Great job!!! The night time shows are the best.

  • Emma FJ says:

    Great hav­ing sound, thank you! I’m watch­ing from the bot­tom end of Africa. My kids are in there some­where…

  • turbo divine says:

    the stream is awe­some ! even thru the glitch­es.…
    first time in 14 years I could­n’t make it.… watch­ing brings me clos­er and tears to my eyes ❤

  • cheryl says:

    Wher­ev­er you go…there you are…you get out of this what you want/need.…like any expe­ri­ence. I am intrigued and glad you are stream­ing! Thanks!

  • Fix Watson says:

    Is it me or does this year’s fes­ti­val site looks more mod­est and sparse than in the pre­ceed­ing years ???

  • Fox Watson says:

    Whoops! Lost the whole stream+ BMRI!

  • van granaroli says:

    )’(BEST LIVE STREAM EVER!!! and this orphan has seen every one )’(2007–11 and 2013-now)’(i was home 2006 & 2012)’(Thank You SO much! )’(

  • Jennie Spooner says:

    Your doing good with the camera.during the burn do some close up and some far

  • Cathy says:

    Love the web­cam for those of us who can’t make it, this years cam is real­ly great, keep it going. Can’t wait for the burn tonight.

  • Chuck Cirino says:

    Nice lens clean­ing job! Dan­ger­ous work… but some­one had to do it!

  • belaglik says:

    I nev­er cared much about Burn­ing Man or gave it much thought, but the fact that you are so offend­ed by it must mean it has some­thing going for it. Thanks, Wlad!

  • Noone says:

    Yea Wlad, what are you? Are you a poor white amer­i­can or(any oth­er col­or poor amer­i­can) for that mat­ter?, with no mon­ey and no way to get to Neva­da? Why are you mak­ing this a racial thing? Did you join the peace core to trav­el to these coun­tries that need your help so des­per­ate­ly as you point out, or are you spend­ing time hat­ing on peo­ple enjoy­ing there free­doms here in AMERICA to do as they please, the free­dom and the right to pur­sue hap­pi­ness. So you are an ass@@@@.

  • NvMade says:

    I haven’t been back to the Playa in a few so enjoyed watch­ing the fire­works and the Man burn. I guess the Black Rock is call­ing me back soon.
    Spe­cial Thanks for the Net­work Oper­a­tions team.

  • turbo divine says:

    Matt , the amount of com­mit­ment to this is SUPER, I love you ‚we , love you .…. shine on my Bur­net broth­er, and oh yeah .….. you have a way cute voice.…..

  • Brandy says:


    I am one of those who have nev­er been to Burn­ing Man. Still on my list to find a group and go.

    I real­ly like your web­cast and your inter­views. For next year an inset pic­ture from the web­cast shel­ter would be nice.

    In the mean time keep up the good work.

  • Bonnie Bushaw says:

    This is my son’s 3rd Burn. Watch­ing him and his camp­mates pre­pare for a year has been fun and now it was pos­si­ble to see a view of the playa. Thanks for the great stream.

  • Paul says:

    Love the feed. I have nev­er been but some­day I want to go. I remem­ber when Burn­ing Man was on Ocean Beach in San Fran­cis­co. My friends and I had no idea what it was. Just a bunch of peo­ple hav­ing a bon­fire yelling Burn Burn. To think it all came from that.

  • howell says:

    Thank you for a job well done.…… Nice.…. Great cam­era.… Can you share the mod­el?? You and the team can take pride in this Web­cast.….
    Again Thank for bring­ing this to the World.…

  • Paul Terrell says:

    How­ell Ivy was that you?

  • Paul Terrell says:

    Burn­ing Man from 5800 feet on Mt. Rose High­way!!!

  • Karel says:

    Ok. So do not waste your time, do not watch fhis, and best, do not waste your time by writ­ing your pure com­ment. just do some­thing bet­ter.
    good luck.

  • Karel says:

    Wlad, Ok. So do not waste your time, do not watch fhis, and best, do not waste your time by writ­ing your pure com­ment. just do some­thing bet­ter.
    good luck.

  • Doug says:

    Why did you cut off the live feed???? Are we now not allowed to watch the man burn????

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