Bruce Springsteen Plays 3 Classic Songs & Makes the Case for Hillary at Rally Last Night

Last night, Bruce Spring­steen played a three-song acoustic set at a Hillary Clin­ton ral­ly in Philadel­phia, First came “Thun­der Road,” then “Long Walk Home” and “Danc­ing in the Dark. At the 6:00 mark, the Boss makes his pitch for Hillary, whose can­di­da­cy is “based on intel­li­gence, expe­ri­ence, prepa­ra­tion and an actu­al vision of Amer­i­ca where every­one counts.” And the case against Don­ald, a “man whose vision is lim­it­ed to lit­tle beyond him­self, who has a pro­found lack of decen­cy,” and puts his ego before Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy itself. Amen, now let’s hear Bruce play.

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via Rolling Stone

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Bruce Spring­steen Lists 20 of His Favorite Books: The Books That Have Inspired the Song­writer & Now Mem­oirist

Bruce Spring­steen Plays East Berlin in 1988: I’m Not Here For Any Gov­ern­ment. I’ve Come to Play Rock

David Bowie Sings Impres­sions of Bruce Spring­steen, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits & More In Stu­dio Out­takes (1985)

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  • Randy says:

    The prob­lem here is that the par­ty that was sup­posed to care about work­ers demon­strat­ed that they don’t give a damn about work­ers. So they lost. It’s pathet­ic that Bruce did­n’t get this.

  • Randy says:

    “via Rolling Stone”

    That place is going the way of Gawk­er, because it know­ing­ly pro­mot­ed a fab­ri­cat­ed rape as if it was true, and used it to demo­nize col­lege men.

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