Free eBook Lets You Read Stories from 75 Up-and-Coming Sci-Fi Authors (Available for a Limited Time)

Image by Dave Revoy, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

A quick heads up for sci-fi fans. Writes Wired UK:

Spec­u­la­tive fic­tion author Jake Kerr has edit­ed and released Event Hori­zon 2017, a huge anthol­o­gy of short fic­tion by 75 authors eli­gi­ble for this year’s John W. Camp­bell Award for Best New Writer. Kerr, who assem­bled the book over a week­end, said: “I knew it would­n’t look like a ‘book­store’ book, but I also knew it would look nice and some­thing a young author would be proud to have: their first paper­back book with their name in it.” Event Hori­zon 2017 is avail­able as a free ebook, or as two phys­i­cal vol­umes at the cost price of $10.33 apiece.

Find the free ebook here. Get more details on the col­lec­tion at The Verge.

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