Take a 360 Degree Tour of Miniature Models of Famous Landmarks: From the Taj Mahal to The Great Wall of China

Pret­ty cool item. A new exhi­bi­tion in New York, called “Gul­liv­er’s Gate,” shrinks the world’s most famous sites–everything from the Taj Mahal to The Great Wall of China–into minia­ture ver­sions of them­selves, rough­ly 87 times small­er than the orig­i­nal. In the video above, you can take a 360 degree tour of parts of the exhi­bi­tion. Click on the clip, swirl around, and check out the tiny cre­ations. It’s par­tic­u­lar­ly neat if you try it on your phone.

Below, find an intro­duc­tion to the project and don’t miss their behind-the-scenes footage.

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