Long Strange Trip, the New 4‑Hour Documentary on the Grateful Dead, Is Now Streaming Free on Amazon Prime

FYI: Long Strange Trip, the first com­pre­hen­sive doc­u­men­tary to tell the sto­ry of the Grate­ful Dead, is steam­ing free right now on Ama­zon Prime. Exec­u­tive pro­duced by Mar­tin Scors­ese, and direct­ed by Amir Bar-Lev, the four-hour film can be streamed right here if already have a Prime account. If you don’t, you can sign up for a 30-day free tri­al, watch the doc, and then decide whether to remain a sub­scriber or not. It’s your call. (Note: they also offer a sim­i­lar deal for audio­books from Audi­ble.)

By the way, if you can watch the film with a good sound sys­tem, I’d rec­om­mend it!

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Bob Dylan & The Grate­ful Dead Rehearse Togeth­er in Sum­mer 1987: Hear 74 Tracks

The Night When Miles Davis Opened for the Grate­ful Dead in 1970: Hear the Com­plete Record­ings

Jer­ry Gar­cia Talks About the Birth of the Grate­ful Dead & Play­ing Kesey’s Acid Tests in New Ani­mat­ed Video

The Grate­ful Dead Play at the Egypt­ian Pyra­mids, in the Shad­ow of the Sphinx (1978)

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  • Toad says:

    Good heads up; I found to my sur­prise I still have a free tri­al of Prime on my main Ama­zon account and I’m check­ing it out.

    I like that they com­plete­ly ignore the exis­tence of Tom Con­stan­ten, whose (to these ears, not every­one’s) hor­ri­ble play­ing is the huge flaw in an entire peri­od of Dead live record­ings. Once I hear that sound, I can’t hear any­thing else. In this thing, his name nev­er comes up once, and I think his hands might appear in one shot. That’s work­ing for me, but it is curi­ous.

    They ignore a lot else, I think. The whole Mick­ey Hart’s father thing, for one. It’s a very smoothed out strange trip, from what I’ve seen so far.

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