Dog Crashes a Performance of the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, in the Ancient City of Ephesus: The “Cutest Moment in Classical Music”

A quick one for all dog lovers out there. Last week, while per­form­ing Mendelssohn’s ‘Ital­ian’ Sym­pho­ny No.4 in the ancient city of Eph­esus, mem­bers of the Vien­na Cham­ber Orches­tra noticed some­thing strange out of the cor­ner of their eyes: a dog wan­der­ing on stage, mid per­for­mance, and tak­ing a seat, right at the feet of the first vio­lin­ist. The short clip above comes from Turk­ish pianist Fazil Say, who called it the “Cutest moment in clas­si­cal music.” Hard not to agree.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Bohr-Ein­stein Debates, Reen­act­ed With Dog Pup­pets 

Kurt Von­negut Reveals “Why My Dog Is Not a Human­ist” in His Human­ist of the Year Award Speech (1992)

Nick Cave Nar­rates an Ani­mat­ed Film about the Cat Piano, the Twist­ed 18th Cen­tu­ry Musi­cal Instru­ment Designed to Treat Men­tal Ill­ness

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