Carl Jung on the Power of Tarot Cards: They Provide Doorways to the Unconscious & Perhaps a Way to Predict the Future

It is gen­er­al­ly accept­ed that the stan­dard deck of play­ing cards we use for every­thing from three-card monte to high-stakes Vegas pok­er evolved from the Tarot. “Like our mod­ern cards,” writes Sal­lie Nichols, “the Tarot deck has four suits with ten ‘pip’ or num­bered cards in each…. In the Tarot deck, each suit has four ‘court’ cards: King, Queen, Jack, and Knight.” The lat­ter fig­ure has “mys­te­ri­ous­ly dis­ap­peared from today’s play­ing cards,” though exam­ples of Knight play­ing cards exist in the fos­sil record. The mod­ern Jack is a sur­vival of the Page cards in the Tarot. (See exam­ples of Tarot court cards here from the 1910 Rid­er-Waite deck.) The sim­i­lar­i­ties between the two types of decks are sig­nif­i­cant, yet no one but adepts seems to con­sid­er using their Gin Rum­my cards to tell the future.

The emi­nent psy­chi­a­trist Carl Jung, how­ev­er, might have done so.

As Mary K. Greer explains, in a 1933 lec­ture Jung went on at length about his views on the Tarot, not­ing the late Medieval cards are “real­ly the ori­gin of our pack of cards, in which the red and the black sym­bol­ize the oppo­sites, and the divi­sion of the four—clubs, spades, dia­monds, and hearts—also belongs to the indi­vid­ual sym­bol­ism.

They are psy­cho­log­i­cal images, sym­bols with which one plays, as the uncon­scious seems to play with its con­tents.” The cards, said Jung, “com­bine in cer­tain ways, and the dif­fer­ent com­bi­na­tions cor­re­spond to the play­ful devel­op­ment of mankind.” This, too, is how Tarot works—with the added dimen­sion of “sym­bols, or pic­tures of sym­bol­i­cal sit­u­a­tions.” The images—the hanged man, the tow­er, the sun—“are sort of arche­typ­al ideas, of a dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed nature.”

Thus far, Jung has­n’t said any­thing many ortho­dox Jun­gian psy­chol­o­gists would find dis­agree­able, but he goes even fur­ther and claims that, indeed, “we can pre­dict the future, when we know how the present moment evolved from the past.” He called for “an intu­itive method that has the pur­pose of under­stand­ing the flow of life, pos­si­bly even pre­dict­ing future events, at all events lend­ing itself to the read­ing of the con­di­tions of the present moment.” He com­pared this process to the Chi­nese I Ching, and oth­er such prac­tices. As ana­lyst Marie-Louise von Franz recounts in her book Psy­che and Mat­ter:

Jung sug­gest­ed… hav­ing peo­ple engage in a div­ina­to­ry pro­ce­dure: throw­ing the I Ching, lay­ing the Tarot cards, con­sult­ing the Mex­i­can div­ina­tion cal­en­dar, hav­ing a tran­sit horo­scope or a geo­met­ric read­ing done.

Con­tent seemed to mat­ter much less than form. Invok­ing the Swe­den­bor­gian doc­trine of cor­re­spon­dences, Jung notes in his lec­ture, “man always felt the need of find­ing an access through the uncon­scious to the mean­ing of an actu­al con­di­tion, because there is a sort of cor­re­spon­dence or a like­ness between the pre­vail­ing con­di­tion and the con­di­tion of the col­lec­tive uncon­scious.”

What he aimed at through the use of div­ina­tion was to accel­er­ate the process of “indi­vid­u­a­tion,” the move toward whole­ness and integri­ty, by means of play­ful com­bi­na­tions of arche­types. As anoth­er mys­ti­cal psy­chol­o­gist, Ale­jan­dro Jodor­owsky, puts it, “the Tarot will teach you how to cre­ate a soul.” Jung per­ceived the Tarot, notes the blog Fae­na Aleph, “as an alchem­i­cal game,” which in his words, attempts “the union of oppo­sites.” Like the I Ching, it “presents a rhythm of neg­a­tive and pos­i­tive, loss and gain, dark and light.”

Much lat­er in 1960, a year before his death, Jung seemed less san­guine about Tarot and the occult, or at least down­played their mys­ti­cal, div­ina­to­ry pow­er for lan­guage more suit­ed to the lab­o­ra­to­ry, right down to the usu­al com­plaints about staffing and fund­ing. As he wrote in a let­ter about his attempts to use these meth­ods:

Under cer­tain con­di­tions it is pos­si­ble to exper­i­ment with arche­types, as my ‘astro­log­i­cal exper­i­ment’ has shown. As a mat­ter of fact we had begun such exper­i­ments at the C. G. Jung Insti­tute in Zurich, using the his­tor­i­cal­ly known intu­itive, i.e., syn­chro­nis­tic meth­ods (astrol­o­gy, geo­man­cy, Tarot cards, and the I Ching). But we had too few co-work­ers and too lit­tle means, so we could not go on and had to stop.

Lat­er inter­preters of Jung doubt­ed that his exper­i­ments with div­ina­tion as an ana­lyt­i­cal tech­nique would pass peer review. “To do more than ‘preach to the con­vert­ed,’” wrote the authors of a 1998 arti­cle pub­lished in the Jour­nal of Para­psy­chol­o­gy, “this exper­i­ment or any oth­er must be done with suf­fi­cient rig­or that the larg­er sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty would be sat­is­fied with all aspects of the data tak­ing, analy­sis of the data, and so forth.” Or, one could sim­ply use Jun­gian meth­ods to read the Tarot, the sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty be damned.

As in Jung’s many oth­er cre­ative reap­pro­pri­a­tions of myth­i­cal, alchem­i­cal, and reli­gious sym­bol­ism, his inter­pre­ta­tion of the Tarot inspired those with mys­ti­cal lean­ings to under­take their own Jun­gian inves­ti­ga­tions into para­psy­chol­o­gy and the occult. Inspired by Jung’s ver­bal descrip­tions of the Tarot’s major arcana, artist and mys­tic Robert Wang has cre­at­ed a Jun­gian Tarot deck, and an accom­pa­ny­ing tril­o­gy of books, The Jun­gian Tarot and its Arche­typ­al Imagery, Tarot Psy­chol­o­gy, and Per­fect Tarot Div­ina­tion.

You can see images of each of Wang’s cards here. His books pur­port to be exhaus­tive stud­ies of Jung’s Tarot the­o­ry and prac­tice, writ­ten in con­sul­ta­tion with Jung schol­ars in New York and Zurich. Sal­lie Nichols’ Jung and Tarot: An Arche­typ­al Jour­ney is less volu­mi­nous and innovative—using the tra­di­tion­al, Pamela Cole­man-Smith-illus­trat­ed, Rid­er-Waite deck rather than an updat­ed orig­i­nal ver­sion. But for those will­ing to grant a rela­tion­ship between sys­tems of sym­bols and a col­lec­tive uncon­scious, her book may pro­vide some pen­e­trat­ing insights, if not a recipe for pre­dict­ing the future.

Note: An ear­li­er ver­sion of this post appeared on our site in 2017.

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Relat­ed Con­tent 

The Artis­tic & Mys­ti­cal World of Tarot: See Decks by Sal­vador Dalí, Aleis­ter Crow­ley, H.R. Giger & More

Carl Jung Offers an Intro­duc­tion to His Psy­cho­log­i­cal Thought in a 3‑Hour Inter­view (1957)

The Vision­ary Mys­ti­cal Art of Carl Jung: See Illus­trat­ed Pages from The Red Book

How Carl Jung Inspired the Cre­ation of Alco­holics Anony­mous

Josh Jones is a writer and musi­cian based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness

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Comments (72)
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  • Alan Brandt says:

    It opens door­ways alright. To satan­ic con­trol of your life.

  • Dermot O Connor says:

    Cor­rec­tion: Sal­lie Nichols book is based on the Mar­seilles deck, which is one of the ear­li­est, much ear­li­er than Rid­er-Waite, as that deck con­tains 19th cen­tu­ry addi­tions.

  • Dermot O Connor says:

    Also, the com­ment about the Tarot being Satan­ic is pro­found­ly sil­ly. The deck is rid­dled with Hebrew and Chris­t­ian sym­bol­ism, it has no over­lap with Satanism. The Gold­en Dawn peo­ple were High Church / Angli­can types, though I’m sure there are many Amer­i­can evan­ge­lists for whom that is Lucifer­ian enough.

  • Latease says:

    Love the his­to­ry, and extra insight. I was told catholics made these cards. Good to know. Thank you.

  • Brandy Marie says:

    I have to agree with Der­mot O’Con­nors com­ment entire­ly. Before you peo­ple that don’t under­stand or know any­thing about spir­i­tu­al­i­ty and oth­er things in cor­re­la­tion to it open your mouths and allow igno­rance to fall out how about try­ing to edu­cate your­selves oth­er­wise don’t get offend­ed when some­one cor­rects you and puts ya in your place. Blessed be 🙏

  • John Stacy Denham says:

    I’m excit­ed about the Mar­vel Tarot. It real­ly is Syn­chrony for me.

  • Enisa says:

    I love tarot rid­ing

  • Patty west says:

    You could 4ead mine 8f you want
    Bday 10 4 62
    In a rela­tion­ship
    Ok want 5o know how th8s rela­tion­ship will end up 720 709 0999

  • Diana Woodrum says:

    I would like a read­ing

  • Cynthia says:

    Good morn­ing I would like a read­ing I’m 58 years old I have been a wid­ow for 17 years My hus­band tran­si­tion from a fire He was 95% burnt up I was left with three young boys and I made it giv­ing thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ.. I’m African Amer­i­can and I had a lady friend who lived on a farm Her name was Vir­ginia I love and miss her she read reg­u­lar card decks and peo­ple all over the world came to see her Her son let me know I was her favorite She’s been gone now for 3 years and there’s some what I real­ly like and I’m won­der­ing does he feel the same for me We both are Pisces but there are so many jeal­ous peo­ple and he has­n’t talk­ing to me We nev­er dat­ed but we were friends and I know that we like each oth­er and I want to know what I final­ly be loved by him I’m not lone­ly but I am alone and all I do is work labor­ly and I love help­ing peo­ple Thank you

  • Beloveit says:

    Cyn­thia, I would love to do a read­ing for you email me

  • Ginny Durler-Breese says:

    I have done Tarot card since I was 17, both for myself and others.And almost with­out excep­tion, my pre­dic­tions have always been right.Like all true psy­chics, I believe it is part­ly a gift of God and part­ly because o open to it and believe it is a “natural“human abil­i­ty that most peo­ple are taught to shut off like we are all taught to shut off artis­tic and cre­ative abil­i­ties , and that they are some­how related.I had my first of many prophet­ic dream by 5, and there has nev­er been any way to shut it offm„„it comes through dreams, art­work (my own), deep med­i­ta­tion, gut feel­ings and intu­ition, lis­ten­ing to music, ther­a­py and self-hel meth­ods. Need­less to say, I gave up fight­ing it long ago and began study­ing for­mal meth­ods of div­ina­tion like the Tarot.

  • Beth says:

    I’m very inter­est­ed in the cards and would love to get your newslet­ter. I’m curi­ous how much a read­ing is.

  • Ginny Durler-Breese says:

    I have usu­al­ly done in,- per­son readings,because, as an empath, I believe that they are more reli­able for any­one and I would prob­a­bly not con­sid­er doing s “gen­er­al read­ing” , because I am almost as pos­i­tive that they’re vir­tu­al­ly as worth­less as the gen­er­al Astro­log­i­cal “horo­scopes” for every­one in sn entire ‚“sign,’ in com­par­i­son to a very detailed and researched done for only one person,!I have done long+„distance readings,though and they have been suc­cess­ful too, so I am con­sid­er­ing it if asked.God knows we all need divine help k mat­ter what it who we pray to of com­mune with in these crazy, trou­bled times!

  • Heather says:

    I would love a read­ing also! I’m sag­gi­tar­ius and have been going through so much tur­moil from peo­ple very close to me and trust Noone plus I can’t catch a break in life 💔 😪

  • Heather says:

    I would love a read­ing also! I’m sagit­tar­ius and have been going through so much tur­moil from peo­ple very close to me and trust Noone plus I can’t catch a break in life 💔 😪

  • Sheila says:

    Hel­lo my name is Sheila Carr I would love to have a read­ing I’m an Aries did­n’t have any fam­i­ly trou­bles and I have a son I’ve been try­ing to get out of prison and I would like a read­ing please if I could thank you and have a blessed day

  • Faviola Mantecon says:

    Omg please give me a read­ing my life has to the worst in my life. I know peo­ple get upset with when i say last month i put myself in hos­pi­tal because i was think­ing sui­cide and i know im going off course here but please im des­per­ate try find answers to life like what is my pur­pose in life i know when im in dan­ger­ous moment and I’ll call out for help and what scares me is not call­ing for help and think­ing I’m going things my way and of course my way got me here so with a read­ing maybe I’ll have a lil hope of what future has in store for me and yes i pray every­day. So please can you give me a read­ing and sor­ry for get­ting of course i just felt some­one here is going help me and guide to a bet­ter life. Sor­ry every­one
    Dob 5/26/1969 11:33pm

  • Darla says:

    Would love to know if you could read me.

  • Lisa says:

    I would love a read­ing and a newslet­ter if pos­si­ble .ty for shar­ing your gift and help­ing peo­ple get clar­i­ty.

  • Jamie N Powers says:

    Hel­lo Beloveit!!
    I hope you are doing well!
    :) MY NAME IS Janie Nicole, I’m pleased to meet your acquain­tance! I just had hap­pened to come across this email chain (after read­ing the WONDERFUL ARTICLE ON CARL YUNG & TAROT!
    Would you mind pos­si­bly doing a read­ing for me PLEASE!?!?!
    BIRTH: JUNE 26, 1979,
    TIME: 06:12 A.M.
    LOCATION: AKRON, OHIO, ST. THOMAS MEDICAL CENTER, 444 North Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44310
    Thanks you so, so so much in advance! I’m look­ing for a seri­ous change in my life, I’m pray­ing that I will be able to return home to my Moth­er and my 3 Chil­dren! IT WOULD HONESTLY WOULD BE A REAL LIFE MIRACLE!!! IF IT SHOULD OCCUR!!! ;) IN JESUS’ NAME I PRAY, I LOVE YOU JESUS! AMEN! THANK YOU!

  • Scott Gilbreath says:

    Chris­tians have tried to sup­press and sup­plant and demo­nize all mag­ic sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly through­out the years, even replac­ing pagan hol­i­days but leav­ing them in place rebrand­ed for their own reli­gion. East­er and Christ­mas are both old­er tra­di­tions observed before Chris­tian­i­ty. East­er is still observed on days gov­erned by the lunar cal­en­dar. That’s why it’s on a dif­fer­ent day every year. Any­thing ascribed any pow­er that isn’t direct­ly cred­it­ed to Jesus is wrong­ly called the work of the dev­il and let us not for­get the Inqui­si­tion and witch burn­ings, which I believe Jesus Him­self would have frowned upon.

  • Nikol Dawnn says:

    Bless you. Be strong. Peace will find you.

  • Kayti Sullivan says:

    As a tarot read­er and astrologer, for more than 50 years, I can tell you that NOTHING pre­dicts the future, but these ele­gant tools are used to help peo­ple who might be con­fused about where they are in this moment. Every now is a point of change and deci­sion, a re-eval­u­a­tion of the choic­es we are mak­ing and where they might lead. The future is mys­te­ri­ous, there is noth­ing that is writ­ten, but in the dance of the arche­types, we have a chance to find our way.

  • Lorraine Duffy-Bielen says:

    I have loved watch­ing tarot& horo­scopes all my life Utube is great but had per­son­al read­ings where sup­pos­ed­ly read­ers just want­ed thou­sands but I am won­der­ing if my SCORPIO WILL EVER SHOW UP…I AM A GEMINI…IF NOT I WILL REMAIN INCONSOLABLE CAN I GET A READING PERHAPS…THANKS

  • Jonie chacon says:

    Excel­lent response!

  • Natosha Crabtree says:

    Hey I’m a Capri­corn and would love a read­ing I was born on Jan­u­ary 18,1982 birth place in Cull­man Alaba­ma. I love Jesus Christ and believe in read­ings. I’m also gift­ed of many things but don’t talk about it much cause it freaks peo­ple out some­times.

  • Jackie Graham says:

    Does she real­ly give u ALL free read­ings? She may be a pro­fes­sion­al and this is how she makes mon­ey.. I could see if ppl asked to book and PAY for a read­ing, but I would­n’t harass the crap out of her every post look­ing for free!! It’s not fair and very tacky

  • Linda says:

    I would like to sub­scribe to your newslet­ter and edu­ca­tion. Thank you.

  • George McConnell says:

    Jesus said “there is enough evil in today to be con­cerned about tomor­row…”. I 💯 agree!


  • Michele says:

    How it began.

  • Judith ocasio says:

    Good morn­ing 🌞
    Think­ing 🤔 about tomor­row is a waste of the moment you have right now. Live for today, today is the only day that mat­ters.
    Would love to receive your News let­ter.

    Than you, send­ing you love and light from Flori­da ❤️

  • Bridget says:

    I would love a free read­ing

  • Mike says:

    I am des­per­ate for help you sound amaz­ing please give me a chance I love Jesus

  • Mike says:

    I am des­per­ate for help you sound amaz­ing please give me a chance I love Jesus I don’t know if I will make it till tomor­row I need help now

  • Mike says:

    Oh God please help me I’m sor­ry for telling you this the only way out is to end every­thing I don’t have enough ener­gy to do any­thing how do I end this hor­ri­ble feel­ing thank you for lis­ten­ing I hurt every­body around me if I could dis­ap­pear right now it would make every­one’s life bet­ter please help

  • Mike says:

    It is the end for me I pray that you will find hap­pi­ness

  • Manuel Miranda says:

    Can you do me a read­ing my name Manuel Andrade gomes Miran­da my date of birth 04 _13_1976 and I was born in cape Verde island and I live in Boston Mass­a­chu­setts in unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca.

  • Manuel Miranda says:

    Can you do me a read­ing my name Manuel Andrade gomes Miran­da my date of birth 04 _13_1976

  • Manuel Miranda says:

    My date of birth 04_13_1976 I need a tarot read­ing

  • Eleanor chrobet says:

    Would like a read­ing
    Please con­tact me~
    Read arti­cle

  • Jesusita Baro says:

    Hel­lo not sure you can give me a read­ing was told many years ago there no tarot card read­ing will tell you the truth my life had been com­plete­ly lost two hus­band’s died third one served. My fam­i­ly always fight­ing. Don’t think I’ll ever remar­ried

  • Kari says:

    How did you come to that deter­mi­na­tion? Sounds like implic­it bias and fear-based think­ing regard­ing the unknown. Please share your research that has led you to this belief. Thank you.

  • Rose says:

    I’m inter­est­ed in a read­ing and I like to know how much is a read­ing, on a fixed income.

  • Candy Church says:

    This may sound well crazy.…but here goes: I was giv­en a deck of tarot I only did what the direc­tions said only fol­lowed the cards mean­ings exact­ly accord­ing to the trans­la­tion which came with the cards as I felt that was leav­ing it all in the cards and with the per­son I read. Well one day I did a look­ing into my daugh­ter com­ing to me that morn­ing and the card said death. She died I nev­er 4 gave myself and stopped touch­ing the cards. Now I swear cards both of tarot and reg­u­lar 52 card decks are found all around me in the odd­est places like park­ing lot at stores. The local pick n pull junk yard with my dad look­ing for car parts.…its weird.

  • Amanda says:

    Satan­ic door­ways? That’s just a very close mind­ed and pre­sum­ably judge­men­tal com­ment. But every­one is enti­tled to there opin­ion
    I once believed the same thing. But only from inex­pe­ri­ence and no knowl­edge of what I was bas­ing my belief on. I won­der if u even know the his­to­ry? Where did that belief come from. It did­n’t come about because of true facts that they are evil. It’s like any­thing. U cant make the cards ur God. It is very easy to idol­ize the cards. Become infat­u­at­ed. I believe that is the warn­ing. The his­to­ry is much more detailed. But I’m not going to get into that. I just think ppl should know what they are talk­ing about when they auto­mat­i­cal­ly judge some­thing or some­one based on hearsay
    U heard they were evil so u believe it. Does­n’t make it true. Just makes the per­son look like an idiot. Sor­ry my opin­ion

  • Amanda says:

    That’s exact­ly what I said. Close mind­ed and igno­rant because they base their beliefs on myths or plain hear say. It’s igno­rant

  • Sallie says:

    Why give him so much infor­ma­tion about your life. They should already know about this.

  • Sallie says:

    Why give him so much infor­ma­tion about your life. They should already know about this. No mat­ter how much I say it.

  • Glenda says:

    My daugh­ter Nova is a tarot read­ing and when them cards come out it’s a 100 per­cent true. She is so gift­ed ❤

  • John says:

    I would like a per­son­al read­ing

  • MollysBrighterSide says:

    I find this all fas­ci­nat­ing. The dif­fer­ences of opin­ions on this top­ic. I have been doing read­ings for many years. I start­ed a YouTube chan­nel a cou­ple years ago but only recent­ly began tak­ing it more seri­ous It’s my per­son­al opin­ion, you can feel free to agree or dis­agree, it’s total­ly up to you. But I have dis­cov­ered that Tarot can be incred­i­bly heal­ing. It offers con­nec­tion with areas of our­selves that as a major­i­ty, have gone undis­cov­ered. I have used it per­son­al­ly to aide myself as well as many oth­ers bat­tling things like depres­sion, stress, anx­i­ety and grief to name a few. Tarot is a beau­ti­ful alter­na­tive to just giv­ing a pill to some­one and telling them to take it. Not to men­tion the count­less oth­er pills to address the side effects of the orig­i­nal. No one knows you bet­ter than YOU! The true you! Not the one you were formed to be by soci­ety. But the you that you were cre­at­ed to be. Tarot helps con­nect us back to our­selves. Our con­nec­tion and our free will become our guide to our pur­pose here.

  • A says:

    Being some­one who was in new age when peo­ple say they are satan­ic it is because it is the rea­son you are giv­en insight about peo­ples lives but only a lim­it­ed amount is because the knowl­edge you are get­ting is famil­iar spir­its not ances­tors or their rel­a­tives it may seem like that but it isn’t it is demons who pre­tend and shift forms to trick the peo­ple you are giv­ing the read­ing to to look deep­er into the occult so decep­tion can be spread for demon­ic king­doms can be born out of those peo­ple. Demons need peo­ple to do that so they can spawn their own kind out of these peo­ple to spread more demon­ic doc­trines. When spirits/demons are not sent to the abyss they wan­der till they find a host ghost are not real­ly ghost but demons trick­ing and play­ing games with peo­ple who are fooled by media to por­tray them as inno­cent yet they are after your destiny.The des­tiny God has for you. Matthew 12:43 tells you of that demons roam around look­ing for 7 worse to get to inhab­it the same body if not closed and repent­ed of and seek­ing the Lord if you are just an emp­ty ves­sel then they can come back and inhab­it you

  • A says:

    Also the only who knows your future in total­i­ty is Jesus God the true and liv­ing cre­ator the one above the heav­ens and earth 🌍 so the earth you wor­ship is a pagan prac­tice giv­en to the earth by fall­en angels witch­craft was giv­en to the Egyp­tians of Baby­lon dur­ing tow­er of bab­ble times when nephiliem and fall­en angels and giants that where spawn of the fall­en angels were on earth both cuz they were both liv­ing on earth before the flood and after the flood of Noah

  • Kennethwiley says:

    Thank you for reach­ing out, thanks for shar­ing

  • Karen Floyd says:

    I would love to see if you could help me,I’ve talked to a few physics about my broth­er’s death Jan­u­ary of this year and try­ing to get any kin­da infor­ma­tion about who killed him, they gave me a lit­tle insight but I’m des­per­ate for insite. Thank you

  • Barbara Rose Perales says:

    I thank you for all the infor­ma­tion you are shar­ing with me I don’t have any way of pay­ing you back I am a poor women who has a hard life I have my grand­chil­dren and some­times I can’t feed them I have no mon­ey just a hard life but God helps me from time to time every day is good we are here anoth­er day togeat­ger a fam­i­ly hap­py togeth­er

  • Tanya Turgeon says:


  • Tanya Turgeon says:

    My false com­ment was to the peo­ple that are say­ing its satan­ic. Tarot has been around for­ev­er and is in no way satan­ic.

  • Tanya Turgeon says:

    My daugh­ter Julie reads tarot cards and also has a spe­cial gift.

  • Vox says:

    Jesus loves you Mike , there is so much mag­ic soken about in the bible itself remem­ber the mir­a­cles the pow­er of God is able to make hap­pen , hon­est­ly the most pow­er­ful wiz­ard / god I have ever seen and known . John 11:44

  • Dria says:

    Tarot card read­ings and try­ing to pre­dict the fur­ther through medi­ums and psy­chic is the oppo­site of God­ly. He specif­i­cal­ly speaks against doing such things, Leviti­cus 19:31, only God knows the future, gift or no gift, Nobody knows the future but Him, and any gift we have He (God) gave us. They are sup­posed to be used for the glo­ry of the king­dom of God. Seek Him first and he will give us the desires of our hearts. Trust Him, he reveals what your gift is meant for and trust me it brings unex­plain­able joy and ful­fill­ment. (p.s. if some­one claims they can speak to one of your dead rel­a­tives, it’s not them, it’s a famil­iar spir­it (demon) and they just want your mon­ey) God’s gifts are free…and you can go straight to the source, just talk to Him, he real­ly wants to hear from you, dai­ly.

  • Bingo says:

    Actu­al­ly, it’s the oth­er way around, play­ing cards, the pips and such, pre­date tarot cards by a long stretch orig­i­nat­ing in the far East and trav­el­ing west­ward by trade routes. Tarot was/is a game and div­ina­tion arose from the tarot game cards. There are sev­er­al tra­di­tions of tarot that long pre­date the Rid­er-Waite-Smith deck. Also, Jung’s inter­est in the tarot, like all of his eso­teric pur­suits, is thought­ful, but, as often comes up in his research, some­times he got his sources wrong. No inter­net back then, lim­it­ed and skewed his­tor­i­cal ref­er­ences would lead him eas­i­ly down a path of error. Hence his mis­bekief that pok­er play­ing cards come from Tarot and not the oth­er way around.

  • April Strother says:

    So need a reading,Clarity is much need­ed in life at the moment.

  • Stephen says:

    It is real­ly quite sim­ple. What we call the present is actu­al­ly a com­plete spon­ta­neous cre­ation includ­ing a past a present and a future. So the future is just as much deter­mi­na­tive of the present as the past. It is a pack­age deal in which each is entire­ly depen­dent upon the oth­er. Hence it is just about as easy to intu­it the future from the present as it is to read the the present from the past. This does not nec­es­sar­i­ly mean that the past, present and future are pre­de­ter­mined because the entire pack­age, past present and future, are whol­ly recre­at­ed each time that an obser­va­tion is made.

  • Jessica says:

    I have researched Tarot and this arti­cle is accu­rate to what I learned dur­ing my research. I also ran into the debate as to whether the mod­ern play­ing card deck evolved from or pre­dat­ed Tarot.
    I went fur­ther to study the Tarot cards them­selves so I could decide for myself if the cards rep­re­sent­ed psy­chol­o­gy, the human con­di­tion and a path to the Uncon­scious mind.

    I did decide after all that time invest­ed in edu­cat­ing myself that Tarot can help a per­son nav­i­gate the human con­di­tion and get past the ego to reveal insights into past, present and future paths, wis­dom, guid­ance based on psy­chol­o­gy and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty of dif­fer­ent cul­tures to gain a great deal of ben­e­fi­cial infor­ma­tion.

    I found noth­ing to sup­port claims of tarot being evil or mag­i­cal or satan­ic. I only found psy­chol­o­gy and spir­i­tu­al wis­doms from many cul­tures. The images are more sym­bol­ic than lit­er­al with the death card mean­ing sit­u­a­tion­al end­ings, change, trans­for­ma­tion, destruc­tion more often than actu­al death but with sup­port­ing cards it can more rarely mean actu­al death.

    The cards are just paper with ink on them. Its the abil­i­ty to inter­pret the images that seems mag­ick­al and you dont have to be psy­chic to read tarot but being a psy­chic sure adds even more insights to a read­ing.

    You def­i­nite­ly do not have to be present for “me” to read for some­one. I have heard some debate on this too. Should you do in per­son or remote read­ings. I think that answer is high­ly depen­dant upon the read­ers capa­bil­i­ties and beliefs. If the read­er is capa­ble of access­ing the ener­gies of the indi­vid­ual and the sit­u­a­tion­al ener­gies then Yes, a remote read­ing is 100% pos­si­ble. If a read­er has the capa­bil­i­ty for remote read­ing but believes only in “in per­son” read­ings work, that is what works for her but she could read remote if she believed and learned that she can.
    Any­ways, I am real­ly glad I ran across this arti­cle.

  • Janice says:

    I would like a read­ing please and thank you

  • Michael farar says:

    Ha ha
    .….Deuteron­o­my 18:10–12…you must rep­re­sent the FOOL CARD

  • Grape Ape says:

    Psy­chol­o­gy = Nar­cis­sism at min­i­mum by own rules out of the box, objec­tive hypocrisy test.

    Psy­chol­o­gy is also satan­ic, word sal­ad hypocrisy destroy­ing rela­tion­ships harm­ing chil­dren, all for Prof­its.

  • courage says:

    I’m from Unit­ed Kingdom…I just found out about my hus­band cheat­ing on me with a co-work­er! We’ve been mar­ried for 4years now with 3kids with lots of amaz­ing moments togeth­er, i want­ed to leave, but i love him so much. we are both still young and very attrac­tive. but i want my hus­band, my friend, and the father of my beau­ti­ful chil­dren. how do i get past the thought of anoth­er woman hav­ing my hus­band? Not my fiancé, not my boyfriend, but my hus­band! i still love him even though he thinks i want to leave i real­ly want him to do bet­ter and stop me before i walk out! my hus­band told me that he doesn’t feel loved any­more, just because of this co-work­er he has be cheat­ing on me with, that he wants a divorce, i was dev­as­tat­ed, heart bro­ken i begged him to lis­ten to me that we can work it out like we always do, but he didn’t lis­ten, he told me that he met some­one that loves and under­stands him, i begged him to con­sid­er our kids but he did­n’t lis­ten. he left and i was frus­trat­ed, i began search­ing for help and answers, then i heard about a man that can Cast a spell to remind him of all the things we have been through togeth­er and bring him back to me, at first I was scared then i decid­ed to give it a try, and like mag­ic my hus­band came back, apol­o­gize and beg­ging for for­give­ness, thanks to DR ogugu I’m post­ing this to help peo­ple with sim­i­lar issues. You can con­tact him via his email ( or WhatsApp+2347011196745) for help too. i give you 100% guar­an­tee that he will help you.

  • Seraph says:

    Where did you find the quote attrib­uted to Carl Jung, “we can pre­dict the future, when we know how the present moment evolved from the past.”

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