Download New Storyboarding Software That’s Free & Open Source

Quick tip: The new soft­ware pack­age, Sto­ry­board­er, makes it “easy to visu­al­ize a sto­ry as fast you can draw stick fig­ures.” You can cre­ate a sto­ry idea with­out actu­al­ly mak­ing a full-blown movie and see how it looks. Sto­ry­board­er is free. It’s open source. It’s avail­able for Mac, Win­dows, and Lin­ux. And you can down­load it here.

As the web­site Car­toon Brew notes, the sto­ries cre­at­ed in Sto­ry­board­er “can be export­ed to Pre­miere, Final Cut, Avid, PDF, and ani­mat­ed GIF for­mats.” Or you can “refine the art­work in Pho­to­shop.”

Get Sto­ry­board­er here.

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via Car­toon Brew

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Google Makes Its $149 Pho­to Edit­ing Soft­ware Now Com­plete­ly Free to Down­load

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