I can cerÂtainÂly appreÂciÂate that many of us spend too much time readÂing news and opinÂion, seekÂing firmer footÂing amidst alarmÂing curÂrent events. But let us not neglect our intelÂlects, and become easÂiÂer marks for the con-artists conÂstantÂly preyÂing on our attenÂtion. As we try to do our best at Open CulÂture to show week after week, despite creepÂing online toxÂiÂcÂiÂty, the web is still a great place to get an eduÂcaÂtion on virÂtuÂalÂly any subÂject, often up to the colÂlege and gradÂuÂate levÂel, often for free, and on your own time/at your own pace. Learn a lanÂguage, learn to play an instruÂment, learn physics, math, biolÂoÂgy, phiÂlosÂoÂphy, read novÂels and poems, hear symÂphonies, see the world’s museÂums….
Or here’s anothÂer option for you: Watch 94 half-hour lecÂtures on the Great CoursÂes YouTube chanÂnel. As we have told you before, the Great CoursÂes Plus (now called WonÂdriÂum) is a video subÂscripÂtion serÂvice that lets you watch free coursÂes across a wide range of subÂjects, all taught by some of the best lecÂturÂers in the counÂtry. The topÂics covÂer everyÂthing from litÂerÂaÂture, physics, hisÂtoÂry and ecoÂnomÂics, to math, phoÂtogÂraÂphy, cookÂing, drawÂing, stress manÂageÂment, and “How to Grow AnyÂthing.” If you want to watch comÂplete coursÂes from the Great CoursÂes Plus/Wondrium, feel free to try sign up for a free triÂal. But if you’re lookÂing for someÂthing a litÂtle less susÂtained, then the 47 hours of free lecÂtures on Youtube might have some good options for you.
For examÂple, learn the hisÂtoÂry of the IslamÂic GoldÂen Age, British India, the Fall of the Roman Empire, or the Ottoman Empire durÂing World War I. And learn about the politÂiÂcal imagÂiÂnaÂtion of earÂliÂer periÂods in hisÂtoÂry, such as the first GildÂed Age, at the end of the nineÂteenth cenÂtuÂry, a periÂod of stagÂgerÂing ecoÂnomÂic inequalÂiÂty and dizzyÂing indusÂtriÂal develÂopÂment. That’s when Edward BelÂlamy pubÂlished his 1888 LookÂing BackÂward, a futurÂist utopiÂan novÂel set in the year 2000, drawÂing on Marx and utopiÂan socialÂist Charles FouriÂer.
BelÂlamy foreÂsaw a techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcalÂly advanced AmerÂiÂcan utopia that reflectÂed, he wrote, “the true self-interÂest of a ratioÂnal unselfishÂness, and [appeals] to the social and genÂerÂous instincts of men.” His book became the top-sellÂing novÂel of the 19th cenÂtuÂry after Uncle Tom’s CabÂin and kicks off a lecÂture on “Great UtopiÂan and DystopiÂan Works of LitÂerÂaÂture” offered by the Great CoursÂes and taught by ProÂfesÂsor Pamela Bedore of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of ConÂnectiÂcut. See her lecÂture at the top of the post, then leap to an entireÂly difÂferÂent acaÂdÂeÂmÂic frame with a talk on “Two ProÂtoÂtype TheÂoÂries of EveryÂthing” by Don LinÂcoln, Senior SciÂenÂtist at the FerÂmi NationÂal AccelÂerÂaÂtor LabÂoÂraÂtoÂry, furÂther up, or on AstroÂphysics, just above, with Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
You can even learn to play guiÂtar, or at least get a 30-minute lesÂson on how to pracÂtice, with ColÂin McAlÂlisÂter, above. Take a look at all 94 of the Great CoursÂes free video lecÂtures on their YouTube chanÂnel here. And again find out how to sign up for a free triÂal to watch comÂplete coursÂes here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
A Free TriÂal Offer for The Great CoursÂes Plus: A SpeÂcial Deal for Open CulÂture ReadÂers
1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties
Free Online PhiÂlosÂoÂphy CoursÂes
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in Durham, NC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness
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