What Do Aliens Look Like? Oxford Astrobiologists Draw a Picture, Based on Darwinian Theories of Evolution

When Charles Dar­win laid out his the­o­ry of nat­ur­al selec­tion in 1859, lit­tle could he have imag­ined that, a good 150 years lat­er, this cor­ner­stone of evo­lu­tion­ary the­o­ry might help us form a men­tal pic­ture of what alien life looks like. But that’s pre­cise­ly how a group of researchers from Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty have done: In a research paper called “Dar­win’s Aliens,” they’ve applied Dar­win’s the­o­ry to alien life, posit­ing that aliens–like humans–adapt to their envi­ron­ment, under­go nat­ur­al selec­tion, and move from sim­ple to com­plex life forms. And, by the end, they could plau­si­bly look some­thing like a “colony of Ewoks from Star Wars or the Octomite” pic­tured above.

You can read â€śDar­win’s Aliens” in the Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Astro­bi­ol­o­gy. It’s pub­lished on the Cam­bridge Core web­site.

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via The Guardian

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Carl Sagan Sent Music & Pho­tos Into Space So That Aliens Could Under­stand Human Civ­i­liza­tion (Even After We’re Gone)

Free NASA eBook The­o­rizes How We Will Com­mu­ni­cate with Aliens

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  • Patricia says:

    They are so advance in every­thing in life. They can do any­thing. Yes! They believe in God! Aliens are not stu­pid. They don’t think u will under­stand them . They look like us. They are kind. Friend­ly. Open your mind. Stop say­ing stu­pid stuff. They are human.They have heart’s.pretty peo­ple and very unusu­al name’s.Alien’s are like us and have family’s.Soon they will come and show us all how too live the right way. In Pease. To live and learn. They vis­it. Alien’s are good peo­ple.

  • max says:

    what do you mean they look like us? is that real­ly what you look like? im scared for you tbh. And aliens are good peo­ple? Have you ever met one? lol

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