When Charles DarÂwin laid out his theÂoÂry of natÂurÂal selecÂtion in 1859, litÂtle could he have imagÂined that, a good 150 years latÂer, this corÂnerÂstone of evoÂluÂtionÂary theÂoÂry might help us form a menÂtal picÂture of what alien life looks like. But that’s preÂciseÂly how a group of researchers from Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty have done: In a research paper called “DarÂwin’s Aliens,” they’ve applied DarÂwin’s theÂoÂry to alien life, positÂing that aliens–like humans–adapt to their enviÂronÂment, underÂgo natÂurÂal selecÂtion, and move from simÂple to comÂplex life forms. And, by the end, they could plauÂsiÂbly look someÂthing like a “colony of Ewoks from Star Wars or the Octomite” picÂtured above.
You can read “DarÂwin’s Aliens” in the InterÂnaÂtionÂal JourÂnal of AstroÂbiÂolÂoÂgy. It’s pubÂlished on the CamÂbridge Core webÂsite.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Free NASA eBook TheÂoÂrizes How We Will ComÂmuÂniÂcate with Aliens
Carl Jung’s FasÂciÂnatÂing 1957 LetÂter on UFOs
They are so advance in everyÂthing in life. They can do anyÂthing. Yes! They believe in God! Aliens are not stuÂpid. They don’t think u will underÂstand them . They look like us. They are kind. FriendÂly. Open your mind. Stop sayÂing stuÂpid stuff. They are human.They have heart’s.pretty peoÂple and very unusuÂal name’s.Alien’s are like us and have family’s.Soon they will come and show us all how too live the right way. In Pease. To live and learn. They visÂit. Alien’s are good peoÂple.
what do you mean they look like us? is that realÂly what you look like? im scared for you tbh. And aliens are good peoÂple? Have you ever met one? lol