What Do You Want to Do with Your Life?: Reflect with This Short Hand-Drawn Animation by Steve Cutts

What do you want to do with your life? It’s a good ques­tion to ask any time. But par­tic­u­lar­ly as you watch the very short film, “In The Fall,” by the inim­itable Steve Cutts.

Enjoy. Reflect. Maybe make a change for the bet­ter.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Employ­ment: A Prize-Win­ning Ani­ma­tion About Why We’re So Dis­en­chant­ed with Work Today

500,000 Years of Humans Degrad­ing Nature Cap­tured in a Bit­ing Three Minute Ani­ma­tion by Steve Cutts

Will You Real­ly Achieve Hap­pi­ness If You Final­ly Win the Rat Race? Don’t Answer the Ques­tion Until You’ve Watched Steve Cutts’ New Ani­ma­tion

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